Wednesday, August 30, 2023

is a teaching course

Yes, i learned a lot in during my assignments and homework, the teachers teaches a lot on assignments, but i was not able to reach the question-bank of the course, many students if not any got beforehand the proctor test exam questions. I would not say it is unfair to get proctor exam questions ahead of time the test exam but it is a group thing to get question bank questions and i do not believe it really worth to waste time on such a test thing. 
I still take courses because i like the assignment tutors of study. com though it is a place where the test proctor exam question bank reachness important. I do not like question bank reachness effected any exam. is my favorite place. Because the question bank examples are given any student not those who figure out the delicate ways. 
I learned computer science SQL field in assignments, an import subject in engineering regardless of their question bank unknown test exam. So tutors are good but question bank not good to reach for all students equally. 
Paying to study. Com is worthy because the assignment part or assignment curriculum subjects are good information bur proctor exam questions not really important things. So paying study. Com assignments knowledge is worthy but studcom proctor exams are waste of time. 
I am planning to reaching out a gang to obtain test question bank test questions so that the their proctor test exam is not waste of time. I find it stupid to race with the ones who got studycom proctor test questions. I do not respect study. Com proctor test eam at all. 
But i never regret i paid for computer science SQL assignment tutored course of study. Com. 
Unfortunately, the steal of test questions bank is a worldwide problem. I avoid the people who tries to empose that such exams are good. Supporting stealing questions bank questions should be a crime. 
