Sunday, May 27, 2012

Do I eat them

Figure 1. This photo shows the bakery products cooked with flour, or rye, etc . without any fat. Thus they are classified as Fat-free food by myself. I eat this bakery group sometimes, once a year if my weight is lower than my ideal weight.(That I like their taste does not make me to eat them, a 1250 Calories/day healthy diet does not have a room for them. Eating such bakery products for the expense of meat/fish, fruits is illogical.)
They are not in my weight loosing list.

Figure 2. This is Corn Bread.
My favorite bread. This bread is the bread my ancestors used to eat. It has
Grinded Corn(Corn Flour),
egg-whites (sometimes Small fishes, vegetables),
water, salt.
I like its taste. It is a healthy bread, it is categorized as fat-free food by myself.  But, I am not able to buy freshly-driedgrounded Corn in this city.
Since my diet is with fresh foods, not with foods-waited-for-weeks or so, I do not eat current available products on the market. They are devoid of fresh co-factor, vitamins of Corn.
This is not in my weight loosing list.

Figure 3. This photo shows the bakery products cooked with flour, table-sugar, saturated fat, unsaturated oil. This bakery group is 'fatty food' group. In them there is may be some protein, or healthy nuts, but they give too much calories coming from fat and table-sugar. Even if I am under my ideal weight I do not eat them.
They are not in my weight loosing or weight maintaining list.
Since I find table-sugar and saturated fat, processed oil unhealthy, since they have table-sugar, fat in them I find them unhealthy.

Figure 4. A bakery product cooked with processed oil such as vegetable, canola etc. oil. It may have some vegetable in it. But, this is not a fat-free vegetable food. I do not eat them. The oil in them gives too much calories. (That I like their taste does not make me to eat them, a 1250 Calories/day healthy diet does not have a room for them. Eating such bakery products for the expense of large amount of vegetable, protein(meat/fish), fruits is illogical.). They are yummy, tasty, even seeing their photos reminded me their good taste from 20 years ago or so. But they are unfortunately are not fat-free food.
They are not in my weight loosing or weight maintaining list.

Figure 5. Above photo is from a bakery shop. They are cooked with either saturated or unsaturated fat/oil, with table-sugar, they have high calories.
They are not in my weight loosing or weight maintaining list.

Figure 6. These cupcakes has too much fat, too much table-sugar, too much calories. I do not like their taste. They are unhealthy.
They are not in my weight loosing or weight maintaining list.

There are some Bakery sold food at above pictures.
As a fat-free, high vegetable, high fruit, high protein consumer, I explained my reactions towards these food.
Though I listed them out of my weight-loosing-or-maintaining program,
when I cook something with healthy ingredients, I always try to find the taste some Bakery foods give. I like Bakery food taste, but not the high calories them.
At above photos some foods are worse than other, but that a food is a little bit better than others is not enough to include it in my diet list.
I know at least thousands of people include above bakery food and they are at their ideal weight.
But, my body specially when old feels better with my fat-free, high protein, very high amount vegetable, fresh fruits diet.
I believe any obesity prone, or obese person always ask herself/himself if she/he is eating
too much fat, oil, table-sugar via some bakery products.
The diet-responsible person hired by the obese person should know the palate taste of the dieting person.
The responsible person is not someone to say 'cut down everything half ' without examining what the obese person eaten to gain weight.
The responsible person is supposed to suggest all low calorie healthy food to eat as an alternative to obese person. Some obese people leave out some vegetables, plants because they do not understand that they are low caloried and healthy. The responsible person help is there to say that there is nothing wrong if some new vegetables/plant are eaten fresh or as spice. The responsible person helps obese person not to leave out some low-calorie foods. Some people even leave out water to lose weight illogically. The responsible person could be e-mail reached to check obese person planned daily diets.

For example the obese person asks İF SHE/HE COULD eat broccoli instead of aubergine adding some lemon juice.
Answer by responsible person: Yes, as I said already they are plants, lemon and broccoli also vegetable. You can replace a vegetable with another.

Even a 8 years old child will recognizes plant, eatable plants, vegetables.
An obese person question may ask a question.
Is there any difference if one eats some green vegetables without cooking them.
The responsible person answers: As I already told, you are allowed to eat any vegetable without adding any fat/oil. Whether cooked or raw, their calories is same. The list may have cooked Kale, broccoli, because it is common to eat them cooked. That their water is dried by high temperature will not change their calories. Eating apple cooked or raw will not change its calorie, but high temperatures decreases many vitamin levels in many food.
Such questions are never stupid, they should be answered by responsible person. An obese person is not someone who is a peer in food field, but someone who tries to eat low calorie food she/he likes.
At the beginning of a diet such questions will educate the person who diets.
The lesson of an obese person starts with learning what is plant, what is vegetable, what is fruit.
And that cooking(evaporating water) will not change calories, but will change the vitamins in a food.
Although internet provides such information, search engine results are not peer reviewed, in the middle of the search engine list there appear an oil-fried vegetable or something else to mislead an obese person mind. Responsible person reviews some internet sites, wikis to use for teaching the plants, vegetables etc.

Frequently Asked Questions by obese dieting person
1. I am never hungry in the morning, can I skip morning and afternoon meals and eat all in the evening.
No, the strategy is to eat when not hungry(when some pathways-lipases are not activated), this diet considers reaching to the feeling of too much hunger as a failure in diet. Waiting to get hungry to eat meals is not correct.
2. I hate any food cooked without some sort of oil, can I add a little bit oil to vegetables.
No, this diet is aiming to teach eating fat-free cooked foods. A little bit is most of the times uncontrollable, unreportable to the Diet Responsible Person. Thus, even spray oil is not allowed. This diet is not for people who measures nanograms, who perfect in math, but for any person. Reporting such amounts to Diet Responsible Person is problem if obese person is bad to calculate nanograms.
You are not allowed to use any amount of oil, or fat. You are supposed to learn to be able to omit fat/oil by this diet program.
3. I hate vegetables and meat group protein, can I omit them and replace them all with fat-free milk, and cheese.
No, this diet arranges best options to eat. Without eating fat-free vegetables and lean meat (red calf meat, fish), this diet will not work.
4. I like spinach very much, Can I buy 1kg raw spinach, cook with 1 onion, 1 tomato and eat a day.
Sure you can, 1 kg wet spinach has very low calorie and healthy.
But, you should not skip your meat meal. And each day you should eat fruits.
You are allowed to eat cooked vegetable between 3 meals if you feel hungry.

5. Can I replace one small cup fat-free milk with same amount fat-free yogurt.
Yes, you can.
6. Is this diet called vegetarian diet?
Although vegetarians eat large amount of vegetable as this diet requires, the vegetarians many times adds oil/fat to vegetables. Some vegetarians do not eat large amount protein as this diet requires.
Just calling Vegetarian Diet this, according to current legal American English is not correct.
7. Is this diet called Atison diet?
No, Atison diet fails to arrange fat amount in foods as this diet does.
This diet also emphasizes the importance of vegetables and fruits.
Atison diet ignores the current Legal American English truth that vegetables are classified as Carbohydrates. This diet also respect current labeling system of USA.
Atison diet in a way tells to obese person that 'Do not eat vegetable, eat much fat'; this is unhealthy.
Atison diet does not decrease fat/oil (saturated or unsaturated) percentage in Total Calories, as this diet does.

Do you think that flat-belly diet for obese people is something believable?
Will some foods remove the excess tummy fat ?
In many poor countries protein deficient young people catabolize their abdominal muscles including belly muscles, their body will have oedema as a result of protein deficiency.
Eating, consuming healthy amount of protein, vegetable, fruits, minerals will change their ill body.
Flat-belly depends on that area muscle targeted exercises.
Strong spine with healthy nutrition will help to go on belly shaping muscle exercises.
Some spine diseases, Calcium deficiency, other mineral or protein deficiencies etc., will prevent person from doing belly shaping exercises.
People who has excess belly-fat because of some sacral bone area related traumas, muscle, nerve, intervertebral ligament  related stretching problem(genetic or as a result of trauma) preventing them to do some daily muscle movements should not be mislead that only by some diet, just by eating some food will decrease special area fat tissue, abdominal fat. Their problem will not be solved by any special food unless the underlying problem is not treated.
For example, GUWAKSAK after multiple pregnancies, not only gained too much weight, but also had some spine problems preventing trunk from exercises.
This diet provides the nutrients for body muscles, including abdominal muscles.
Belly muscles should be trained by targeted exercises.
If no genetic or exercise restricting problem exist, an example exercise is here or here. Simply walking(1 hour/5 km a day) also helps to have better abdominal muscles.

What is approximate allowed weight gain limit for an average person?
4 kg per month. Gaining 4 kg per month should alarm to start a weight-losing-diet.
That someone gained only 4 kg a month never means that this person is a failure to maintain her/his diet, but except very large people, gaining 5 kg/a month is a failure in weight maintenance.

Between 3 main meals I like eating something accompanied with a drink. What would be the best from my allowed foods?
Between 3 meals, if person feels even a little bit hungry, should definitely eat, should not wait for the main meal. Aubergine, broccoli or other vegetables cooked in microwave oven can be eaten with any almost zero calorie drink. Such vegetable eatings will protect stomach, will prevent activation of some intracellular lipases unnecessarily. Though both fruits and vegetables are healthy foods, though my menu each morning definitely suggest eating raw fruits;
between big meals, not fruits, but vegetable eating is suggested to control appetite. Fruits are eaten just before the big meals, and after eating protein group. Fruits help to digest meals better.
Vegetables are eaten with any group of food, vegetables should accompany any meal. Eating vegetable also will protect stomach.
Hot/cold will not change the calorie, but eating warm food should be always preferred over cold to protect stomach.

What would be the single descriptive word for the 'almost Fat-Free, High Protein,
High-Vegetable calorie-calculated diet' as you given an example daily menu here.
'Repeatable' healthily for a life time whenever someone weight is 4 kg is increased a month than her/his ideal weight.

How should I decide to know correct weight by myself ?
First of all you should evaluate your body naked, not in dress, and you need to weight yourself on a balance. In my other blogs the URLs to find out correct weight for your age, or your height is already given. If you do not like to calculate your ideal weight by established BMI, the Diet Responsible Person will also do that. Body Mass Index many times also is not enough to evaluate the fitness of someone, Neuron coupling, functioning of muscles during exercise is very important. However, obese people are not obese because they do not know their ideal weight. But because, they do not know their alarming weight gain limits.
For the alarming weight gain limits (Established first time in world only by myself), read my other posts.

I am an obese exercise training person, is it right to exercise all day applying this
almost fat-free, high vegetable, fruit, high protein diet.
Yes, there is nothing wrong with exercising all day, because this diet successfully supply all minerals (such as Potassium), protein, vitamin requirements of a body even for a heavily training person.
However, people who have a whole day free to exercise are not many, since many obese people lacks time to exercise more than 1 hour a day, such people who are not earning their life by exercise also will manage to lose weight.
There is not any drug, any food that could replace the benefits of exercising. But, with a bad diet, exercise benefits will be less. This diet never suggest to decrease exercise time. Without a good diet habit sooner or later all obesity prone people gets obese.
This diet even tries to maintain the weight of an obese person on a wheelchair. Many obese people have health problems preventing them from high calorie burning exercising.

In terms of healthy blood vessels, this diet is healthier. Heavy Exercised body's tachycardic heart decreases oxygenated fat metabolism; the fat in heart vessels waiting to be used clogs vessels causing fatty vessels. Since exercise itself increases lipid level (Fatty Acid Level) in blood mobilizing fat from fat tissue, that Fat levels is not further increased by the diet is healthier.

Do you warn the dieting person about some high calorie fruits, vegetables?
Between all fruits, although banana is very healthy, its calories are not very low.
Fat-free Potato is a natural healthy food, however too much potato is not suggested in this diet.
For example, when I drink 'one small banana, milk, or yogurt honey' on my weight loosing diet in the morning with cooked broccoli, or aubergine etc, that day I eat tomato as a low calorie fruit.(tomato is called vegetable, however, its many healthy features are fruit category) to balance the high calorie of banana.

My relatives are with Type 2 Diabetes. I am in Type 2 Diabetes risky group. Between 3 meals, is it better to eat fruit alone, or eat fruit with some vegetables ?
It is better to eat fruit with some vegetable to regulate body metabolism better.
Fruits are source for co-factors, vitamins. The value of fresh fruits on health is already proved and accepted. However, compared to vegetables, the digestion of fruits is faster than vegetables, fruits stimulates some pancreatic insulin secretion paths faster compared to vegetables.
Normally, or specially in Type 2 Diabetes, we want that pancreas(some special cells called b-cells) secreted insulin by its preferred intracellular paths, then rested to grow; then again with another meal stimulated.
In the absence of protein (amino acids), table-sugar, and fat eating
stimulates some b-cell paths badly.
This almost fat-free, high protein, high vegetable-fruit diet manages to arrange best health option for pancreatic cells.
Think that a flight is flying from Boston to another city, it takes some time to reach high, then to land etc. Flight should not drop land.
As the flight example, the glycemic index concept of foods is another colloquial description for
pancreatic-b cell work.

I am a working person, can I skip 'breakfast' and 'afternoon' meals and eat all meals in the evening?
No. Eating 1-2 hours immediately after getting up is very important, should not be skipped.
Such timing prevents some intracellular lipases from activation, also is better for healthy stomach. Even if you do not feel hungry in the morning, you should eat, no matter how obese you are.
You are required eat at least three meals, between meals, you are allowed to eat cooked vegetable any time you feel hungry, you should never wait to get too hungry.
You may eat afternoon meal 15 minutes after from breakfast, such that breakfast and afternoon meals are combined, I listed breakfast and afternoon separately, because starting day with fruit is good for digestive system. Then every 4 hours you may eat vegetables then evening meal.

Is it wrong to feel hungry ?
No, hunger feeling is good protecting person from starvation.
Human body has many protective system, hunger feeling is one of them.
Feeling excess cold, hot, tissue damage is not wrong; they alarm person to stop the damaging reason.
Perception of pain, cold etc. is the duty of brain nerve cells. That people do not feel anything bad may show they are healthy; however, when neurons are damaged, paralysed, no pain feelings occur. Similarly, that some people does not feel hunger never prove that they are healthy, maybe their nerve cells are not good enough to detect metabolic abnormalities, nutrient deficiencies.
However, if a protective hunger feeling system of nerve cells lead to morbid obesity, diet is required.

Is obesity gene is reflected always as phenotype?
No, that someone has a gene that causes too much appetite, or glucose intolerance upon refined-sugar (i.e. table sugar) consumption, will not mean that we will see such a person with obese phenotype.
If this person is good to follow my diet program from very early years, or even many other unhealthy low-calorie diets, or by coincidence eats low calories, or burns calories because of her/his work, will be at her/his ideal weight always healthily, or unhealthily, without even a brief episode of morbid obesity (4 kg fluctuations above or below ideal weight are considered
still maintaining ideal-weight). 
Some opposing gene functions may blunt obesity phenotype in many cases. Activation of some cancer genes, or some special subtypes of peroxisome genes will change the phenotype of a person who at the same time has obesity or high appetite related genes towards lean appearance for the expense of reproductive system or liver health. Human health is not limited to only ideal weight maintenance, but inheriting good healthy genes to long living, to have a intelligent brain, to have a well functioning reproductive system etc.
Ideal human may need wealth, this is not wrong. That a dog is expected to survive even on streets, is not a guide to decide about good genes.
Regarding the feeling of hunger, human hunger feeling is regulated better than animals on brain.
Animals will not feel hungry by seeing a nice restaurant, but human will. Animal will not have any thought that they will die if they eat too much. A healthy human body will resist any hunger feeling, will stop eating activity. Excess hunger feeling in a healthy body is not a reason to explain excess eating. Anger, hate or many other feeling will not be excuse for any action. A human eats because her/his decision is eating after the feeling.
In animals hunger feeling is regulated differently. In animal excess hunger feeling explains overeating. Animals do not have any brain activity to understand death from excess eating.
Meanwhile, there is not any drug to prevent someone from feeling hungry when seeing a very nice building to eat.
I am against to some dangerous Conditioned Learning methods that reverses the correct thoughts,  feelings against some foods. It is similar to to teach to change anger, hate feelings against things.

Do you believe drinking Diet Coke is good/bad in this almost-fat free diet? 
Diet Coke has aspartame( Aspartame is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalaninedipeptide. ) in it. If prepared in very good quality, Aspartame is classified as Protein. Some drinks are good for digestion. I worked at a place that my drink options were between Diet Coke and regular Coke with table-sugar. My choice was Diet Coke. For an obese or obesity prone adult, Diet Coke should be preferred over Coke-with -table-sugar.
In this country there is not good quality Aspartame, thus it is been years, I do not drink Diet Coke.
Fortunately, there are good brand different teas, mineral waters here. That some calorie-free food chemicals may harm body health is a subject of other discussions.

I am using oil spray to cook my vegetables (about one tea-spoon each day), is this much? 
Not everyone is good to report nanograms of oil to diet-responsible-person.
We do not expect all obese people will be good in Math.
I will show you thousands of foods with 'low-fat label', but have even 40% fat/oil in it.
According to law %40 is lower than % 95.
I am a very mathematical person, any diet speaking only as low, little bit words means that the diet is stolen from the creator, I do not respect dietitians who are a failure mathematics.
Such dietitians are lost in food measures themselves.
Such dietitians can not educate an obese person to recognize low fat food, low calorie food.
Dietitians are supposed to excel in Math.
After eating calculated calories, an obese person may talk that she/he has eaten low-fat, such a language is not wrong for the obese person, but not complete for a dietitian.
I saw someone called a very large spoon as a tea-spoon, he cooked fruit tea for 15 people with this spoon.
Many dietitians are dietitians because they failed in many other field. There is a need for dietitians who are not failures in Math.
Anyway, 1 tea-spoon oil between many explanations, also
considered as a small amount that is about 4 gram, the calorie in such amount is not too much, not more than an apple; if such amount I described  meant, then some days you can use oil still keeping total fat/oil calories low, protein vegetable high as I recommended. (100 gr oil=~890 Calorie).
My diet aims to educate an obese person, or her/his Cook to recognize methods to leave out fat/oil from her/his diet if needed. This is the most important part of the diet, meaningless descriptions such as low, a little bit never educates obese person to arrange fat/oil in her/his diet.
This is why Mathematics exist. Because not only in diet, in many fields low, high, small, smaller are meaningless.

Is this diet good for urinary system?
Yes, it is.
The body vascular system, including capillaries of special kidney cells
benefits from lowering-fat/oils.

Is this almost Fat-Free, High-Protein, High-Vegetable/Fruit diet good for human brain activity health. For example, is it good for someone who is a leader in some important fields, such as, mathematics/geometry, engineering, anchor etc. ?
Yes, it is.

Is this almost fat-free diet new to humanity?
Probably in very ancient civilization times, around 10,000 BC or so,
there was not any table-sugar, refined sugar, drinks with refined-sugar, there was not any oil. People would eat grilled animal meats, all fat in meat would be melted away; fresh fish, high amounts of fruits and fat-free vegetable some honey is healthy.  Almost fat-free, high-protein, high carbohydrate diet.
In ancient times they did not know Calorie concept, but
reaching such food was not easy, I can imagine that they never exceed their calorie requirements, because oil/fat-free vegetable calorie is very low even if eaten in large amounts.

Is this almost Fat-Free, High-Protein, High-Vegetable/Fruit diet good for heart health?
Yes, it is. Almost Fat-Free (even down to 2% of total daily calories during weight losing  ), High-Protein, High-Vegetable/Fruit calorie-calculated-diet is good for heart muscle, heart muscle vessels, vascular system health. 

Which approach is better to fight against obesity if we have the chance to apply any option,
Burning excess calories with exercise, or decreasing calories in diet?
If any option is possible to apply (In today's average economic levels exercise time is almost impossible to have for someone who is not involved with sports, body exercise training as a work)
I prefer burning calories by exercise over decreasing calories; because, exercise fights not only against obesity, but also against aging.
Maybe someday humanity will have such paradise on Earth, but not at least 3 centuries. School education schedules, 5 days full-time work never allows exercise 4 hours a day.
Walking two-hands-full after shopping is not a healthy exercise, we need to hold up arms to better respirate lungs, to allow better heart vessels circulation.
Another obstacle regarding exercising in practice is,
low-calorie diet can be applied at all ages immediately, whereas burning calories by exercise will depend on person previous exercise training. Lets say someone managed to burn calories when aged only 40 by long distance (20 kms) swimming; if the person is at 65, the exercise program will not be repeatable, whereas the diet is repeatable even at 75.
Thus, many people who are good to maintain weight by sport when young, might gain weight by aging. Inevitably human sport activity performance declines by aging.
There is not any better drug to fight against aging than exercise.
Most of the times aging, health, unfitness, obesity problems of a body is confused.

One can not expect to have this trunk  appearance as naked, at 75 years old; even if at ideal weight.
This women trunk in photo is only about 20 years old; same weight at 75 will not look same, some underskin goodlooking fat/muscle tissue mixture will be lost by aging, skin losts its skin elasticity. Some excess weight will be unhealthy when old.
For example, baby fat tissue has very high qualities, because the regeneration of fat tissue in babies is very high by hormones (such as Growth Hormone). Aging slows down the regeneration of fat tissue.
Exercised, oxygenated/respired regenerated fat tissue is younger with better quality.
Exercise training will increase the load of heart, if heart capacity is not strong genetically, exercise is not the best method to have a better looking body. Man Heart organ does not mind whether it is some
very good-looking huge muscles, kidney caused oedema, or excess fat that is increasing its load/heart beat. 'Load is load' for a heart, when beating too much, heart fails to feed its own muscles via oxygen required Fatty-Acid burning metabolic pathway for its energy needs. Some malfunctioning hearts even fail to increase too beat more, causing increased blood pressure (specially the diastolic blood pressure increases). Staying contracted too much to compensate excess load, heart metabolism is slowed down to maintain heart muscle healthy. Not the heart muscle cell contraction periods, but relaxation time is good for healthy intracellular muscle cell metabolism. Heart is not something like an arm, or leg that for hours stops its heavy contraction to rest. Heart works even while sleeping.
In heavily trained male bodies, to feed enormous good looking arm, leg muscles might be a burden on heart organ.
Exercises which increases heart beat, or blood pressure suddenly too much is unhealthy.
Not all heart types is good to compensate trained muscle needs. That is why body health is evaluated for any diet or for heavy exercise training.
That someone at her/his ideal weight walks for 4 hours (~20 km) a day is not called heavy exercising.
Females are luckier than males, because their muscles never will develop that much to increase heart load. Exercise training is not risky on female heart compared to male. Female benefits from exercise without any risk.

What is original in this almost Fat-Free, High Protein, High Vegetable/fruit calorie-calculating diet?
The originality is the very low amount of fat/oil (Saturated or unsaturated fat all are restricted).
When on a low calorie diet, the amount of fat intake is even reduced down to 2 percent of total daily calories.

I have type 2 diabetes, is this diet good for me. My blood glucose levels are higher than normal range, my HbA1c level is increased (greater than 6.5%). 
Yes, this almost Fat-Free, High Protein, High Vegetable/fruit diet is specially good for
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus prone individuals, or for patients who has overt Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Never omit complex carbohydrates from your diet.
Eat at least 300 grams of unrefined carbohydrates every day. (Complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables and fresh fruits, are essential for any diet.) Never decrease the amount of complex carbohydrates during a low calorie diet too much. Note that refined white sugar (table-sugar) is not a complex carbohydrate but an example of refined carbohydrates; avoid unnecessary calories from refined carbohydrates.
Never omit protein from your diet.
Eat between 25 and 40 percent of your calories from protein. (Daily protein requirement changes with body weight.) If on a low-calorie, weight-loss diet, leave out fat but never protein. Never decrease the daily amount of protein during a low-calorie-diet. Lean (totally trimmed of visible white fat) meat is the best example of protein source.
Eat very low-fat.
The recommended intake for fat is 5 to 15 percent of a day’s calories. In a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, that means about 5 to 15 grams.
Fat intake should never be higher than 10 percent during a low-calorie diet.
When on a low calorie diet, the amount of fat intake can be reduced even more, down to 2 percent.
Decreasing the fat calories will allow eating enough protein and more complex carbohydrates such as vegetables.
Do not try to lose weight in a short time. Do not decrease total calories per day too much.
Do not lose more than 1 pound a week. (The exact amount varies with body weight.)
