Saturday, May 26, 2012

A 20 years old morbid obesity case.

Today my case is Georgia-D. 380 kilos (835 pounds).
Even if Georgia-D were only 80 kg as Guwaksak(Photo A), she would still called obese.
I believe, it is the society reaction most of the times to blame for the cause of obesity.
Their language without any mathematical description is incorrect to define people. Many times people who call someone fat is themselves are too ugly to see/bear and they just want to a find a weak side on another person.
It is not at all that they want to mind someone's life, they exaggerate another person weakness to hide their ugly bodies, fat or lean.
I bet if georgia-d was a TV worker, she is a lovely face and would beat many ugliest leanest  girls.

PHOTO B(georgia-d) 

There should be a law banning anyone from saying any thing about other person.
Does georgia-d ever talked about others for their ugly face, ugly lean body.
There is not such a thing 'lean equals beauty'. Contrary most lean bodies are ugly girls, insect-reminding girls, ugly man.
On her video she is fun to watch.

What will be her future.
At present Georgia-D is not bad at all, because she is fortunately still able to walk.
That she is young is an advantage that her spine will stay strong at least for 10 years.
As long as an obese person is able to walk, weight loss program should be arranged slow.
She can not be a mother with her body weight. Thus, it is definite that she is not fit.
I need to do some math here for Georgia-D.
My first digit is for her First Step Ideal Weight. We should not want from her to reach 80kg in a short time.
At first she should reach a level so that she could manage to walk 45 minutes a day.
She should start a diet so that she drops at least 6 kgs over 2 Months. Not faster than that.
Walking machines are very useful, but I am not sure if walking machines exist or are strong enough for her 380kg. Companies should make very big wide walking machines for very heavy people. They should not cause accidents under too much weight. Also there should be some hangers from the Ceil to hold while she walks on the machine to have whole body working. (If I have time, I will draw this how a person holds the rope hanging from the Ceil while walking on machine, walking machines needs different gravity balancing, a rope from ceil helps better workout on machine ). Holding arms up helps better Lung respiration, and better working heart. Overweight people many times can not walk due to knee problems from too much weight or from bad-fast-weight-losing diets. There might need exercise training according to changing body abilities. Sometimes health problems may worsen by forced exercise.
Too much weight eventually causes different types of oedema, fat people suffers not only from excess fat but oedema.
It is possible that with ultra-intelligent diet she could drop 300 kgs over 10 years, though in literature only few people succeed in that.
3 kgs a month makes 36 kg a year, 180 kg in 5 year.
My realistic plan for her ideal weight for the year 2017 is 380-180=200kgs.
Yes 200 kg is still too much, but she is young, will be able to walk for her health. After 2017, in 4 years, she might drop additional 140 kg and sometime in the year 2020 she may weigh 60kg.
Georgia-D tells that she is eating 6000 calories a day, too much calories, all oily/fatty/floured unhealthy food. Some years ago, Georgia-D has eaten only 1500 calories a day, and lost weight successfully. Maybe, 1500 calorie is too fast weight loosing for her.
She could at first try 1900 calories a day for 6 months, if she loses at least 18 kg in 6 months, then she continues to 1900 calories/a day program for 3 years. Then maybe change to 1500 calories or less. Weigh watching using a balance will be guide to calculate needed calories.
Unfortunately, many diet helpers are worse than the dieting person to manage a 10 year realistic diet program design, most dietitians are dietitian rather because they were failures in math thinking.

That Georgia-d reached 380 kg is not a proof that she is bulimic, some world champion sportmans eat the same calorie as Georgia-d, but weights only 75 kg, because they exercise long hours, heavily.
Such a diet is not cheap. All pizza, bread, cookies are cheap, but many times, fish, meat, fat-free vegetables, fresh tomato is not cheap.
Georgia-d should buy a good balance to follow her weight per week, should buy a microwave to cook fat-free vegetables, lean meat.
If she ever manages to drop to 60kg over 8-9 years, this is most ideal project for her.
Unrealistic too-low calorie diets only will weaken her strong spine, or muscles to stop her walking, eventually cause her death.

Those people who just talks about others, many times just in reality talking about the clothes they see, though 380kg is a number about Georgia-d, not how her clothes appear,  and trusted by me. in reality ugly, insect bodied, stupid people aim never ever is to have a working diet for health. They rather enjoy that all that fatty food is somehow tolerated by their insect-similar cell bodies but not by superior quality cell bearing bodies.
I just noticed a newspaper found a photo of a mother after giving birth a baby, she gained about 20kg after pregnancy, but to me still fit to take care of her baby. pregnancy is not a normal period, during pregnancy hormones changes, most women gain weight, those who are not also are left with different ugly side effects of pregnancy. Pregnancy related problems are not business of newspapers. It is a health problem and there are research studies to solve pregnancy problem. That a car accident made someone crippled, so what? this is not the newspaper business, this is a health problem to solve.
I met woman who were afraid of pregnancy, they are right, pregnancy is a burden to human body, not physiological.

If Georgia-D reaches 30 YEARS OLD WİTH this unhealthy weight, her diet ability will be less, her already overt Type 2 Diabetes will be worse. Eating fat-free vegetables, high protein, low fat diet or dropping weight also cures Type 2 Diabetes.
Georgia-D should not imagine to have lean body at least for 6 years, but should know that without any surgery, just by a high-protein, high-vegetable diet, sometime after 2020 she could have her ideal weight by slow weight loss.
3kg weight loss per month is appropriate for her. As long as she drops 3kg a month, this means that she is doing good.
Maybe she can apply for some grants paying her fat-free vegetables, lean-meat diet.
Follows her weight loss for scientific records.
Superior human genes do well not with fat/oil, but with protein(meat/fish...) and vegetables.
Unfortunately a moderate budget can not afford high protein, high vegetable diet at present market environment.
In Georgia-d country 60% people is overweight. As a remedy government should make arrangements to feed people with high-calf-red-meat, fish (In this country even cheap fish is good but always fried with oil, not good for low-calorie-diet), fat-free vegetables should be easily available. Also labeling meat foods could be better for cheap products.

Fortunately there are Obesity camps. There are exercise camps. But, there needed different types of Camps. The expectation from weight-losing-camps are mostly illogical. All people, friends etc. thinks that if Guwaksak or Georgia-D go to a weight-losing camp FOR 2 MONTHS they are supposed to come back with a visible better shape.
No, this is not what a good camp should do in a short time.
In only 3 months, one should not expect that Georgia-D sheds all stones to look very thinner.
Weight-losing-camp first of all is supposed to teach an Obese person a repeatable diet, and a repeatable exercise program so that after the camp, when home, the person is with an idea of diet arrangement while working to earn money. These camps aims to shed too much weight in a month, does not teach anything about good repeatable eating. After these camps the person is rather left with loosen ligaments, weakened muscles from too-low-calorie diet. After these camps rather the mind of obese person is lost to plan any healthy diet. Because the diet and exercise program Georgia-D did was not unfortunately anything repeatable.
Such camps will be beneficiary to some sportsman, or some moderately overweight people, but they worsen the health of many obese people by weakening their body muscle, ligament structure. Their diet lacks required protein, vitamins, vegetables, fresh fruits, and has high calories from fat/oil.   
The diet camps should never aim to drop weights suddenly in a few months, too low-calorie-diets are not healthy. Good Diet camps are not supposed TO DROP ALL EXCESS FAT, BUT they need to teach how to prepare fat-free food, how to read label, what weight gain is alarming for each individual etc. The diet camps should list their aims, and should be different for many type of wishes.
If I have time I have a project of a village, in this village the stores have all fat-free food, in this village homes there are kitchens with microwave so that obese person learns to cook a fat-free meal.
There are exercise machines to learn their usage, when back home they buy a similar one. The village is a place to learn to cook, to find good meals, and learn exercise to repeat them home. This is the lacking education in obese people. They are not expected to drop weight more than 10 kg over a summer period, but they are supposed to learn how to do this, teaching them an unrepeatable exercise program, an unrepeatable diet programs is rather harming their already bad eating habits.
The program should teach them a diet not as if they will have time whole day or exercise like a world champion, but teach them a diet as if they are a sitting working person. The obese person should be able to maintain weight even if an injury prevents a body from most exercises ('Repeatable' is the word to describe good weight-loosing programs, if I am asked to say only one-word-description).

Georgia-d is indeed obese with her body measures ( not her dress measures).
A one minute look in a dressed person (not naked) never will give any enough information about a body. Some people are beautiful when naked, but they are not hired in dress-presenting-industry, or on some TVs which changes real sizes. Dress-presenting-industry girls should weight as anorexia diseased.
If a person face is lean, a fat body under a lean face also will not be noticed.
Without seeing a person naked body or knowing height, weight, waist, hip measures, etc. saying a person fat is nothing but just try to hide their stupidness ugliness by attacking others.
I am always astonished the stupidness of many people who with no shame, without understanding their own measures mathematically, just attacks others to hide its own ugliness under fabricated lies in their minds.
Guwaksak is not a real person, but created by computer using/averaging many people values to caricature an obese person mathematically.
Georgia-D is a real person, she is only 20, she is the most difficult case, childhood obesity problem;  I do not have any information about her current health.
I am interested in her problem not because she has the biggest health problem, but because of my current field priorities.
There are many young dead teenager under 20 because of drug addiction, inadequate food mineral intake related seizures etc.
What is most important: If a person is more intelligent than other, more educated, more productive, such person weight should be compared to the similar aged, similar background standards. That 'a gorilla is less stronger than an elephant' comparison will not give any useful logic to humanity.
We want not only healthy body, but life time accumulation of productive brain products also. It is sometimes a short life. I never ever support the idea that all human beings have the same brain capacity. Some are intelligent, some are stupid. Stupid-and-fat is less tolerated by me, than intelligent-and-fat.
