Saturday, June 2, 2012

do not leave the world to those who harmed you

Note: This blog is that sad news I just put this beautiful blue restful scene here.

Even for the top ten person of the world the life is not easy at all.
However, one should manage not to take life that serious, it ends any way on its own.
A divorced female 28 years old primary school music teacher who could not pay her bills, her rent, Eftal found dead after poisoning herself.
She was beautiful, intelligent enough to educate at least 15 years successfully. She could give birth to a beautiful intelligent baby if she could live longer. I watched her 10 minutes video after her death, she was not famous, nor was not known to me till her death. Even on a such video her personality was documented. Was she a graduate from some paid music schools I do not know.
Eftal story was preceded by a sad different death story of a young TV show program speaker by incorrect drug poisoning, not drug addicted, but she used excess drugs to manage to go on to work when ill, to earn money. Thus Eftal death more worried/alarmed me that there is something going wrong with difficult city female life.
I understand the motto 'Live life fast, have a handsome corpse'. If you believe, your life is helping to enemies too much as occur in wars, consider all options. But, she did not have such an extreme life to consider not to live.
In old days, any woman could survive on farming, everyone would have own house better or worse with garden trees etc. But today, in big cities, one can not survive even only a week without enough money. In old days everyone  was educated in some farming to find something to eat. If nothing one could eat wild berries on the way. In some countries the income records appear somehow low, but these people eat vegetable, fruits, honey, animal eggs, fish free from anonymous places of country, and there appear no records of it. In a city, one can not find even clean water to drink if not pays. Parking is even paid. Income calculations in cities should be different from farming areas.
If someone born in a city, and her/his very different field is not good any longer to hire people, those people educated in such fields suddenly can not go back their ancestors villages etc. A male can borrow money from bank and sell something, portering the products; but a woman body is weak. An educated woman is not good even to clean a house to hire, her body is not strong to compare who did not sit on classes for years.
Life is hard, but harder on woman who does not anyone to support her.
Woman life is harder, because they are expected to have baby, I am against the regulations who abuses women body as if a clothe. Not that I am not respecting baby life, but in most cases woman is expected all, earn money, be mother everything. Any woman would like to have a baby, what on earth another person thinks that he/she loves baby more. On earth there is not any government which is rich to take care of any child. If one day governments are that rich then all mothers themselves would give birth to their babies, no abortion wished. If the population of a country is going down badly this proves that regulations are bad. This does not prove that mothers are bad not allowing their bodies as if a clothe.
She exaggerated problems too much probably. She expected from herself too much.
I heard her beautiful voice, rare educated school music teachers will have beautiful voice, she sings well, moreover even if not my style, she composes the songs herself. I never listen to songs if leaves you with tiredness, with a drained brain. Music should leave the listener with feeling so that person can go on some brain activities, such as reading comprehension refreshed. (At least, I employ music in my life with such duty ).
Her music is not giving ill feelings at all.
She should have known that in music those who earns money with their voice are concentrated only this thing, that someone's field is music is not explaining all. Music is a huge area, composing, singing, adapting words on melodies, arranging, orchestrating, playing one instrument, playing two instruments, playing one extraordinary, playing three instruments very good etc. etc. A composer who lost her/his instrument(including voice as instrument) playing capacity is nothing any longer, Such a composer's creations inevitably will be stolen by someone who lacks any composer ability. Sure duties can be shared, but world is full of thieves, none thief will award the composer for creations. Who is the most valuable musician in music field? For me best musical instrument in the world is human voice, but human voice perfect times is shorter compared to playing other musical instrument. Best musician to me is someone who plays an instrument to convey her creations to other musicians. A musician can not do all, create wonderful pieces, keep the hands strong/flexible. Composers are the genius, most talented rare feature is mostly product of not hands, but brain.
In the past Mozart died early, because an identity thief stolen his products and Mozart was not paid for his creations. People who loved him for his music ordered to give him a position good to have his products, or to award him for the work already he accomplished, but identity thieves deceited world and stole his position, without money, position income he could not eat enough, his house was cold, he died early. His taste of music was extraordinary, but identity thieves never values any genius, all they want is to steal credits, achievements of others. I wish, he worked lived, longer. Identity thieves caused Mozart early death. The justice was too weak then, they failed to declare the identity thieves, they failed to protect Mozart rights. If only the justice were truthful, today there would be more of Mozart. I used Music field identity thieves  as an example to remind other fields, such as Science.
One should not compare only one musician against a musician team. (I know that from my own field, some stupids will fabricate lies about their background to deceit world, they will hide that they failed in some exams, they will hide that they do not have the special degrees/diplomas you have, they will hide their stupidness in math, reading comprehension; endless lies to harm your position, to steal your position, to steal your diplomas, certifications, anything ).
This is a truth of all fields, in a different field, some liers, identity thieves will steal other people credits put in their biography, then a truth speaking person success may not be noticed, because the identity thief steals everything easily, whereas the truth lover achieves everything as a truth.
I hate identity thieves who steals other people better school diploma, better achievements to deceit world. Even if one can not find any place to declare the exact names of the identity thieves, one should write them, put it in a bottle and keep ):
One rather should live understanding their lies to beat such stupid minds, to eradicate such illegal identity thief people from earth. I do not know all things in detail about Eftal; but Eftal, you left the world to those who harmed you.
Even if there is not any reason to live, just live to fight against who turns a paradise into a hell by lies, by stealing other's credits, other achievements. Even if there is not any meaning in life, one should just live to write, to declare that such identity thieves how abusing marriage law stole other's life time achievements, How disgusting, brainless stupids these identity thieves are.

(There are three names who are thieves stealing my valuable credits, 'V-Öz.oğ..' (Her birth surname is Özdoğan) and 'V-Tun.' (the father surname of this identity thief is Tunç).
Fck such thieves who are stupid, brainless, do nothing but steals my life time credits.
These two identity thieves abusing marriage law changed their surnames to my surname to steal my valuable life time achievements. You fckng V-Ö.doğ.., you are stupid, you failed to get high scores to study at the University I did, you are brainless, your stupid brain does not understand Science, math more than an animal. Since you were a failure, you got married and changed your surname to mine to deceit stupids of the world. You are a shameless whore, because you abused the marriage law to steal my life time achievements. The organization you are working hired you because you are an identity thief and you deceited them. Any organization which is deceited by an identity thief is also thief, illegal. V-TU.Ç, your stupid brain failed in GRE score, but you are a whore, you abused marriage law to steal my achievements. V-TU.Ç,( The birth surname of this identity thief is TUNÇ) you are a brainless identity thief. You deceited world about your failures.
There is another thief couple(I did not have time to find out the surname of the woman prior to marriage, this woman herself is not working, these identity thief married couple not educated at all), they are that disgusting, these people changed their 11 years old child by photoshop to a female to deceit world, to steal my name(The mother stolen my name, but the father is religious to put wife photo there, the pimp father rather uses his 11 years son as a female appearance to steal my identity, you pimp there, soon you will cut your son's everything to better steal my credits). Such a deception on a male dress is considered against religion they are supporting on their very same page. I used to think that if someone is religious, will do whatever needed, (My life is nothing to do with religion, but absolute Law, Scientific logic; there is no religious thing I would see before Science, absolute Law) but this man is almost pimping his son to steal my achievements, what should I feel(wrong doing to his son or to me) by seeing his son pimped by him. Such a pity on you identity thief pimp, you even deceited your poor religion orders to steal my valuable name. Such stupid animal brained people prevent you today from what you do by giving a big fight, they are everywhere to stop you from what you are trying to achieve, what you discovered as the best; but tomorrow, they do everything to steal from you these good achievements ones they tried to prevent from creation. These people are brainless stupids, despite such brainless people fortunately humanity is somehow superior to animal, but these animal brained human appeared creatures will do anything to prevent humanity from  developing.
The thieves of today are very different from old days, they steal your truth, they fabricate lies and they deceit many organizations to steal your position, they are thief who steals your lifetime position.
When child I was thought that law, established organizations will be against any thieve. But, this is not correct, identity thieves are stealing my achievements and rather then punishing them, if there is any organization, they only shares the crime of these identity thieves.
They never seek truth, they are brainless to evaluate anything. Those who loves the truth should go on to fight against liers, or should be aware that on earth those who are identity thief helpers, who hates truth are more than truth lovers.
Truth lovers never should believe in who hate truth. Never trust anyone immediately, examine them. For such current time thieves/liers, an innocent  human life, an outstanding genius person life is not valuable than their 50 cent cheap drink.
She was luckier from those who were abused even under 10 years old, most harmed people are those who never had any opportunity to understand the world starting from childhood. Studies prove that if a genius stolen when 2, and taught that inferior to others, such a person could hardly fight against any wrong.
If a baby will be a thief, will be a killer, will be someone to harm humanity just because not educated, because grown devoid of food for good brain, why to give such a baby birth.
The world is full of thieves, full of identity thieves enough, why increase these criming people number.
Crime associates with hunger, childhood's bad education. When a child learns crime when very early, does this to his/her friends and never thinks that what he/she is doing is a  crime;because,when child  he/she beared all these bad things(not knowing they were bad ). The childhood crime tolerance is called 'Brain Wash'. It is to teach a behaviour, a crime by associating with good feelings, it is conditional learning, even can be used on animals.  Give food an animal, award it with food after harming its own baby-animal, it will learn it against its genetic program. Wars between same blood people created by such 'conditioned learning'. Make enemy same blood people to each other, they will eradicate themselves. Childhood 'Brain Washed' people beliefs, some wrong doings never be changed by later interventions. A child who taught that the crime she/he experienced is not bad repeats its towards other, such brain-washed people can be very dangerous, their brain is blind to absolute law, science/math, truth, because early ages are very important for intellectually evaluation of others, for understanding of world.
After 18, human evaluation is developed to decide on right behaviour, to understand liers, thieves etc.
A mother body is not a clothe. There should be other remedies to keep baby birth high, to increase population. In this country families are paid for giving birth babies, awarding mothers with money is more logical  or absolute legal. Sure, there are criming people who would take the baby money from mother, then legal organizations needed to work correct. Remedy is not to forbid abortion.
Medicine could be developed, for example premature babies could live easily, premature delivery is easier. Humanity eradicated women with premature birth giving, that premature baby dies frequently needs different remedies. Premature birth will not harm mother body. Giving birth to a baby is not physiological event, harms body shape, decreases body resistance in most woman if not all.
Some women hips are easy to give birth, some are different, forbidding abortion will harm those more who are more educated sitting long years school classes (with inevitably less body activity) or with small hips.
