Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Tale of Noah and Flood

Tale of Noah and Flood

FLOOD The big calamity

The story of Noah and the flood is a well-known tale from the Abrahamic religions. According to the Quran and the Bible, Noah was a prophet sent by Allah/God to warn his people about the impending flood. Noah was instructed to build an ark/ship and to gather two of every kind of animal, along with his family, in order to survive the flood.


The exact location of where the flood occurred is a subject of debate among historical scholars and religious traditions. Some believe it was a local flood that affected only a specific region, while others believe it was a global flood that covered the entire earth.

As for the vessel itself, it was said to be a large, rectangular-shaped boat made of wood.

Noah and his people were said to have lived in a region known as Mesopotamia, which is located in present-day Iraq. The exact location of where the ark was built is also a subject of debate, with some traditions believing it was in the city of Nuh in Turkey.

Overall, the story of Noah and the flood has been an important part of religious and cultural traditions for centuries, with variations in the details depending on the particular tradition.


The exact year of the Noah's flood is not known, as it is a mythological event with no historical evidence to confirm it. However, some scholars estimate that the flood may have occurred around 3000-3500 BCE based on genealogical records and other factors mentioned in the Bible and other religious texts.

As for the historicity of Noah, there is no conclusive evidence to confirm his existence as a real person. The story of Noah and the flood is primarily a mythological narrative that is found in various religious traditions. Some scholars believe that the story may have been inspired by local flood events or other historical events that were passed down through generations and eventually became part of religious mythology.

It is also important to note that many religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, consider Noah to be a prophet and a righteous person who was chosen by God/Allah to carry out a divine mission. Regardless of whether or not he was a historical figure, the story of Noah and the flood continues to have significant cultural and religious significance for many people.

It is possible that in old days even 1 meter height would kill all kids, nowadays high buildings make floods less risky.

My field is neither history nor religion however i came across with this story when i tried to compare 2023 floods with previous flood disasters.

There have been several real major floods throughout history that have caused widespread devastation and loss of life. One of the most well-known is the Great Flood of 1927 in the United States, which affected 27 states and caused over $400 million in damages (equivalent to approximately $5.8 billion in today's dollars). The flood was caused by heavy rainfall and snowmelt, which overwhelmed levees and caused massive flooding along the Mississippi River and its tributaries.

Another major flood in recent history was the 2010 Pakistan floods, which were caused by heavy monsoon rains and affected over 20 million people. The floods destroyed homes, crops, and infrastructure, and caused an estimated $43 billion in damages.

In addition to these recent floods, there have been many other devastating floods throughout history, including the 1931 China floods, which are estimated to have caused between 1 and 4 million deaths, and the 1887 Yellow River flood in China, which is believed to have killed over 900,000 people.

While none of these floods can be directly compared to the biblical story of Noah and the flood, they do serve as a reminder of the destructive power of water and the need for effective disaster management and preparedness.








