Friday, November 15, 2013 image worker violates law. A judge that helps identity-thieves should be punished image worker violates law. image worker is an illegal worker stealing photos and linking them to weird profiles. As long as, continues to abuse images, that some poor people is blamed on things on internet things is only an excuse for abusement of law by some people to attack poor people, to harm them by no way but abusing law. where is the judges to punish the jealous search engine image workers, where are the technology judges who could have the education and sufficient intelligent brains to understand how the search engine workers abuses their own internet technology to harm people. They do not even understand with their technology deprived level to ask entire internet records that would prove/explain a writing as someone self-defense  against an identity thief. The judges are blind when image worker fcks law eventually resulting self-defensive explanations of a victim against an identity thief.
On internet cases, most judges is not more than an artist playing stupidly at a court. Or not more than a street dog mumbling.You can easily understand that if you start to tell them the crime of search engine workers, judges will be more bandit to abuse any organisation against a victim, they will further abuse law. none knows even what kind of technology spam URLs are created by stupid image workers. Even the judges themselves sickly enjoy if image worker would steal valuable achievements and help the identity thief judges.
The judges ignores, never records the Internet search engine spam crime when an incorrect for example XXX name is listed under JJJ name by the stupid image worker.
Many web sites has history records, meaning that any old versions for years can be viewable if one goes to that date, but when big search engines screw results, few months later the crime of lists disappear, another abused thing to violate law appear by abuse frame intervention(götünden uydurup) of image worker. In very very far future,  or other major search engines will be legally available for not only two last updates of URLs, but for any time. Right now only last two updates of any URL is available on servers. On earth there is not any  big search engine server to check what frames was correct on the upload site, but image worker abused them in abusively arranged frames. The servers are not able to keep for example deleted site content, or old site images or text. image worker abuses the uploaded photos in arranged image frames, content, but servers always dumps them after a while to keep only the last 2 updates. making difficult to prove that image worker a month or so ago inserted arbitrarily wrong people into some frames(götünden uydurup).
The only way to declare that image worker helps identity-thieves such as V-TUNÇ is using some free internet pages and saying that it is the crime of image worker. If someone steals your something, you need to explain, report it, if someone tries to connect to your exact name, misuses photos to deceit others, you have the right to publicly declare that. Sure you are not going to tell you did not mind the identity thief, you need to say that you are harmed, your exact legal name is harmed, you are selfdefensing that your exact name is abused. It is very likely that your complaining internet page declaring the identity thief name will stay, but the problem on image search engine arranged frame is updated to another problem but different one. If judge tells you that, image search engine does not have the frame arrangement complained on your free site, then tell the judge that what the fck internet judges do, it is internet judge job to keep an internet server recording image worker wrong doings as if  a mobese camera does. image worker abuses things stepwise, image worker does not tell he/she put them in a frame arbitrarily(götünden bahane bulup), at first the is deceited by the stupid image worker aranged frames, then takes the images back lying that the wrong doing is not but
Not reacting to the violations of image worker rather encourages thief-minded people to commit internet crime. If a stupid judge tells that one should not try to correct image worker abused results, then such a judge should be punished for encouraging the wrong doings.  If what major or minor search engines does is fckngly nothing, does not worth to record; then why judge stupidly say that there is law on internet. image search engine illegally arranges name with incorrect photos into frames, this is crime but stupid judges do nothing to prevent that, when someone explains, instead of thanking to them rather further harms the victim to encourage identity-thieves. image worker lies against their company's own declaration that 'internet search engines can not say lie' that this name is there or this is not there. Stupid technology deprived judges are not more than a street dog that you could tell them anything on how illegal identity-thief lover image worker fcks its on technology. The image worker is not doing something that requires deep technology knowledge, even a child can do it. The identity thief lover image worker wants that people thinks he/she is doing something important. The images are not uploaded to internet by stupid image worker which are inserted in stupid frames of image worker arbitrarily against the eact search phrase, the image worker against the declaration of the search engine, fcks engineered correct work of search engine, what the fck thinks himself/herself none knows. He/she is taking benefits by harming rights and helping identity thief, such as  the kurdish identity thief V-TUNÇ. Let say image worker blackmailed by the identity thief kurdish V-TUNÇ, then who will defense the truth against the identity thief V-TUNÇ. What organization will record, notice that not any certain specific person URL but the, or search engines themselves are lying harming the exact photo arrangements in arbitrary frames, violates internet law. image worker is jealous of achievements, and only he/she can do is attacking valuable URLs even harming the search engine own declaration that search engines should respect what an URL writes. How much money or other kind of illegal-benefit is image worker is taking from the identity thieves. The image worker is deprived of technology knowledge and in its bastard way tries to blackmail that it can abuse technology if wants to harm people because there is no judge to punish the daily crimes of image worker. There are so many problems of earth, of engineeering. But the image worker is stupid to do high level things, he/she is not more than a bastard who has a gun and threatens you that it will take your things and give others. It is image worker that commits crime each day thousands of thousands time, to deceit other stupids of internet. Government or companies do not have all records of all search engine updates that search engines fcks law.Internet law is ignored when the search engine image workers violates law, but works on when some poor people does something. Where are the organizations, judges to combat with the internet search engine own illegal workers fckng internet law, fckng their own technology. image search engine only helps to identity thieves to deceit the stupids. image worker only wants to tell that there is not any law on earth, on internet, is in the hands of identity thief helpers. image worker is jealous of many people, wants to harm them. So wht the fck, image worker by its abusive usage only harms its own company. image worker hates that some good search engines exist on earth. Many search engines are still good regardless of search engine arbitrarily framed(götüylen anlayıp ) exact phrase image results. stupid image worker(götünden uydurduğu şeylerle) attacks to photos, arbitrarily illegally puts them in arbitrary frames even if exact phrase internet search is done. Why does that stupid image worker, because there are thieves who does nothing or brainless things but loves to appear next to valuable people in frames that the search engine fabricates arbitrarily (götünden). . image worker would do the worse than any storm if would have any power, with only limited things she/he fcks its own search engine work. The engineer did not create to be used in the way some image workers abuse. It is the jealousy of some image workers that by attacking the legal rights, stupidly thinks that he/she will be able to deceit other stupids. That you abuse some technologies only proves how illegal you are how stupid, how brainless you are. Go deceit the thief minded, brainless people as you. So far you only proved how technology can be destroyed by its own stupid, illegal, brainless worker.
Where is the internet illegitimate judges to punish the thief, illegal workers of or illegal who screw legal rights, copyrights, together with the identity-thief helper image worker crimes. steals copyrighted content and lists under thief-minded people to fck internet law, to deceit other illegitimate, uneducated stupid illegal people. Such judges that encourages illegality on internet via just blocking one side, but allowing illegal sites such as to harm others should be punished. Or such judges should take whatever on their clothes and play around to amuse that they are internet judges, the money they take in the name of internet is a proof they are bandits, thieves to further harm victims abusing law organizations. Or if they are not the internet judges what the fuck they ask money, pretend that they are fucking something.
Such judges are only bandits who rather holding a victim so that the attacking person rather could easily harm the victim further.
Such a judge should be punished for not knowing internet, but (götünden) randomly mumbling things, such a judge is bandit to punish.
In my private e-mail and in my legal phone, I send message, and e-mail, declaring that Kurdish V-TUNÇ ' is an identity thief, stupid image worker frames takes the phone number and puts next to the identity thief to help the thief, then people calls me misleaded by brainless image worker. If a judge ignores the crime of an identity thief, does not allow one self-defense against an identity thief such as V-TUNÇ, this means that the judge itself shares the benefit of  stolen things abusing law. Such a judge should be punished for not understanding internet search engine technology possible mistakes, and not allowing self-defense against the crime of identity thief V-TUNÇ. When someone disturbs my phone because of the mistakes of image worker, I openly tell and will them that the kurdish V-TUNÇ is an identity thief. Or I reply them on e-mail that the V-TUNÇ is an identity thief.
I tell them that image worker is an helper to the identity thieves.
