Wednesday, June 13, 2012

liposuction should not be a trusted solution to obesity problem over diet and exercise activity

liposuction should not be a trusted solution to obesity problem over diet/exercise activity

photo i.
PHOTO: Hip area fat tissue liposuction surgery causes deformity on the hips muscle of a patient.
This patient instead of exercise and diet preferred liposuction surgery.
At least for a century liposuction surgery on large body areas to solve obesity problem will solve nothing but cause muscle destruction. The patient looks maybe better in clothes after liposuction but naked body reveals all surgery damage/scar. The hip muscle cells, muscle seeds are dispersed in fat tissue. Since liposuction dissected out also hip muscle cells (small muscle cells, muscle cell seeds between adipocytes waiting to grow into large functioning red muscle cells; these cells can not be seen by eye as regular muscle cells could ), there is not healthy muscle regeneration on the hip of this patient any longer.
This person was not morbid obese, however she was a hard working singer, sitting long hours for concert tours, after 3 pregnancies she could not keep her shape and wanted to have surgery.
What she needed was not liposuction but to drop pounds, with special exercise.
Liposuction surgery in terms of doing it, easier to doing person, but in terms of suffering, it means removal of an organ from body.

 This blog is free, I am very busy, I am not paid for it, also it is too late for this singer, the muscle cell regeneration is damaged unfortunately on her hips. But, anyone should learn that liposuction is not a cure obesity over diet/exercise.

Her liposuction surgery damage on hip muscles only noticed when she is naked, below photo is her look in dress at age around 40. I do not have her naked beautiful body photos when she was under 20, she did not have obesity problem when she was young, she was a tall girl with large hips.
She admits that despite the fact liposuction made her look better in dress when she is old, she regrets she had liposuction surgery.

photo ii.
Pity that she or rather her medical health provider failed to consult to me prior to her surgery about bad possibilities of liposuction.
What she needed was to start with walking to strengthen her heart, strengthen her vascular system on any muscle in body to use upon energy demand. Once her heart, lungs, vascular system is good enough, she could start to upper body exercises to increase the size of her upper body, her shoulders, arm muscles needed to be strengthen. She was OK when young, then her aging problem worsened her fat tissue problem, sitting largened her hips more by aging.
Wittily designed exercises are best tools to shape body. Her heart, vascular system was already trained, she was already walking trained to start special upper body exercises, but she did not want to spend time on exercise 2 hours a day for some years to reach better body shape, she wanted to sit to travel around, she wanted pregnancies, she wanted something immediate.
She needed to compete with very young singers on stage, who has young age body advantage over her. Well, the environment will race a 4 years old beauty Queen with 45 years old woman. (But not a 4 years old boy with a 45 years man).
I understand medical surgeries to prevent deaths, to correct accident damages on body, but her fatty buttocks problem could be solved by diet/exercise. Pregnancies are not easy, to be a hard working woman in this century  is not easy. Even the most intelligent, most educated, rare superior brained woman, who spend years on sitting for perfect education of the world is put in a race against brainless lean insects.
Female and male bodies are created different, woman bodies has more fat tissue specially around hips because of the female hormones. Fat tissue sometimes causes many problems, but without fat tissue compartment, body would fail to keep many organ structure healthy. When energy needed, instead of breaking down the protein structure of some important organs, such as heart proteins; body mobilizes stored fat from fat-tissues. When, there is too much fat in blood after a high calorie meal, body instead of contaminating important organs such as heart, heart vessels with fat, it stores it in fat compartments. Think that you have a freezer and does not have a storage cup to put fat in it, everything is contaminated with fat. Body organs filled with unnecessary fat may even cause death. Body fat cells are special in that they are able to deal with fat more healthily compared to heart cells, heart vessel cells, or many other different body cells.

photo iii. (A computer drawn lipoatrophy example).
The buttocks are too fatty compared to other lipoatrophic parts of the body.  

LIPOATROPHY is a fat tissue disorder characterized by accumulation of fat at either lower or upper body disproportionally. In photo iii. the person has lipoatrophy in upper trunk due to exercise deficiency, genetically or drug adverse effect.
Such fat storage disorder(photo iii.) is less dangerous than the lower body lipoatrophy.

photo iiii. Lower body lipoatrophy (A computer drawn lower body lipoatrophy example).

Because in lower body lipoatrophy, fat accumulates all around the vital organs such as heart, liver etc, all fat instead of accumulating on body evenly, precipitates on upper trunk organs, vessels. Legs are devoid of some accessory leg muscles, legs are too thin with a fat upper body(photo iiii). Their upper body has some accessory muscles but no nerves to stimulate them. Such muscles eventually turns into fat all around the vital organs to death.
Though both upper, lower body lipoatrophy cases may look bad, upper body obesity causes early deaths much more. Man mostly will have lower body lipoatrophy by aging.

Between different types of obesity if I am given all the money budget to treat obesity problem between

Although MorbidlyObese is the morbid obese, extremely high BMI, too much weight. I would still find her problem more treatable with current available medical treatments.

Exercise, good diet starting from early age prevents lipoatrophy somehow, but in very late ages to treat lipoatrophy is almost imposible with current drugs, technology.
The woman in photo iiii is not uglier than photo iii; however, photo iiii has more risks for some vital organ problems such as heart vessel clogging by fat.
Diet itself unfortunately will not cure lipoatrophy problem. However, calorie calculated, almost fat-free, high protein, high vegetable/carbohydrate diet will at least help to maintain health.
Walking, exercise improves cardiovascular system, helps even distribution, metabolism of hormones in body, helps to have better body shape.
There is no better drug than exercise for fat metabolism disorders to cure fat metabolism disorders.
However, to program exercise for an obese person with lower body atrophy(photo iiii) is harder. Because human body is capable to exercise legs, hips easily, but not spine or upper trunk muscles.
Current century education system wastes human time in schools with bad educations, harms student bodies by making them sit for hours and hours starting from early childhood.
Human needs exercise starting from childhood in clean, warm places; but schools are not such places. Most schools are to pay teachers salaries, most schools are not as good as some online system downloaded papers, text books. My complaints on educational system problems is already detailed on this blog on other posts. After sitting at least 5 days a week at least 20 years during muscle development years without exercise, I am rather surprised that there still exist some correct shaped bodies. All beautiful models mostly are those who did not enlarge their fat tissue by bad circulation upon long sitting education hours. Sitting decreases the blood circulation flow rate at special areas, and causes abnormal hormone binding; think that you do not stir the particles in a soup. Since in this century anyone will spend some time by sitting education, there are not many old beautiful models any longer. Also some works that require long sitting hours starting from early ages prevents muscle from healthy development, causes lipodistrophy.
The cost of education sitting hours is too much to body, thus educational systems instead of paying teacher salaries, should consider better environment for health of students. School buildings are not comfortable for education, only for first 4 or 5 child years of education needs teachers, the remain can be done online papers, by paper books.
I needed to explain how education years costs the health of body. Many people think that it is only the genes that causes different body shapes. Without knowing the brain work of any person, her/his sitting hours in the past for education for work, it is not right to compare same age person with another. Age, sex, eduction years, sitting hours, contribution to world history etc all are parameters to evaluate a person. Identity thieves even make it harder to understand the cost of long education years on human bodies. High education always harms body shape or inner organ health, but those who are identity thieves just steal the biography of others and deceit world as if they are both very highly educated and has good health. For woman to keep body shape in very late ages more harder than males, but even if male body shape is good, indeed-highly-educated-male death from heart disease, or from other diseases is very high. Sadly my valuable colleagues died early because they worked hard by sitting to read, to write. They shortened their life to contribute human knowledge creation.
Spending my time on writing this post will at least shorten my life for minutes, will bend my muscles badly because typing is not a healthy sitting for upper body muscles, but someone should awaken those never able to proofread any system for current century.

P.S.: Although this blog might seem dealing with looks of people, who are obese, how fat their outlook; human body is a whole. The entire health of body is most important to evaluate health. A body with a deformed brain is nothing to me.  It is hard to see the health of brains. Because identity thieves can not steal the fat/muscle tissues of others, but can steal other people achievements.
(Well, recently after the Madona late age healthy appearance, some woman lied their ages to deceit that they are old but their body looks younger. In this century identity thieves will say lies on anything)
Compare two flights, one has a perfect outlook, but its computerized calculations to fly is nothing, its engine is out of control.
The other does not have the perfect outlook, but its engine is well built, its inner small engine parts sized very good, all under control, it has the most developed computer calculator to arrange best runs.
