Thursday, June 7, 2012


Female 1.

Female 2.

Regardless of body weight, regardless of body measures, aging changes fat tissue quality.
Female 1. and Female 2. are two beautiful females, their height/weight, Body Mass Index is same; however, since they are at different ages (At least 15 years difference ), it is not correct to compare them.
Every age should be compared with same age.
Female-2 is older than Female-1, some people forgetting age factor, incorrectly would think that Female-2 is heavier(height adjusted) than Female-1.
To look younger, the solution for Female-2 is not to decrease her weight, but increase sport activity.
About 4 hours exercise more a day will transform her fat tissue into muscle.
Since most people of present century never has that time for body exercise, we humanity should learn that aging transforms muscles into fat tissue.
Even the most healthiest diet will not be enough to fight against aging. Genetic factors are also important in aging, people with genetically higher cell regeneration (cell replication) deals better healthily with aging. The genes easing cell nerve cell replication are under investigation. Sport, exercise activity is best against aging.
Female-1 now more beautiful than Female-2.
Will Female-1 look as beautiful as Female-2 after 15 years, this is the time to compare.
We should not confuse aging problem with obesity.
Muscle tissue looks younger than fat tissue. Some steroid group drugs may increase muscles in body, however, they always had bad side effects on other body systems such as on reproductive system. Thus, best approach is to increase the muscle content in body by exercise.
At present the education system is not perfect at all. When correct credits to correct brains will matched on schools with better exams, better online systems; starting from early ages everyone will have time both for better education and for exercise. Present education systems mostly based on parrot-like system, students memorizes but never contribute to humanity, they also blocks other people from getting their higher salaries. At least 60% education expenses are only waste, without any contribution to human science development. Some people memorizes, memorizes but their knowledge brings nothing to any field. There is no meaning in such knowledge.
May sound unrelated, but if humanity manages to have better educational systems, everyone would have more exercise time for better health. Then study and work days would not be more than 4 days a week, or only 5 half-day. According to this proposed educational system everyone is not equal, is not equally brained.
Today education system is an illusion. It tries to show that memorizing things is something.
Sure teachers should be paid, but we want students who could improve world, we do not students who attend schools to maintain teachers salary paid.
Teachers should be superior to 'read-aloud robots' who read books, but today they are not.
In future online educational systems will be more available, people will not waste time on school buses.
I agree that in old times there was not any text-books, papers to give students. But today we even have online systems to print any knowledge or read on computer. Primary schools very first 4 years may need buildings rather than online, but following years, should be online. We are paying too much money to school buildings, they are still uncomfortable. The teachers in school buildings are not the ones who are good in this knowledge. They just read the perfectly written texts from authors.
If the book is perfect, since the student already learned perfect reading in primary school, there is not any need for read-aloud teachers. In present century, we do not need teachers who are nothing but just read-aloud robots, or who screws already published knowledge by their low levels. Why am I working that hard to pay such read-aloud people, I am intelligent, superior but they just by doing read-aloud robot job earn that much money. Then read-aloud robots should be called teacher.
Online education is not much different. Same government department does the job again. But, the money instead is given to those programming online system. It is easy. Current systems are bad, because they do  not give the students the whole program for an engineer, for an M.D., or a chemist etc.
At first the students should be allowed to study the entire program indexing the future subjects. There should be a 6 months period in which students just surf over the future 4-6 years program. They will have an idea what they are supposed to learn in this school, university. This period is just introducing the school to be familiar with the school. Think that the students are studying 'Table of Contents' on each book. It is not for exam, but to introduce the subjects.
Students may jump between 'table of contents' as preferred. In future they are supposed to know Table of Contents, now they just get an idea. Prior to each lesson, student gets an idea how she/he will use, develop this subject further. I call this process formatting. Formatting is hard maybe, but it is essential to build an interacting parts in brain. Think that you have a computer, and you are organizing it for search engine if needed. Otherwise, all knowledge is on computer, but not search engine optimized.
Online system will not download 6 years immediately, but table of contents. Then the student can browse them if wants. Medical schools, engineering, law schools are not a love story book that you would keep the last page to the end for keeping interest in story book.
Each course lesson will be available online with keywords, summary, details, from the first to the last years.
Then paper author chat lines, or e-mail lines will be available to answer questions of students.
Student will have robot to read-aloud robots to read perfectly-authored-created-educational-material.
The speed for each subject should be student adjusted, not all students conceptualize things same.
I calculated, such a robotic system would spare at least 8 years in my life, though it is schools who made me realize that I am that much superior in world on others. It is schools that I recognized that many people human creatures face to face. Many fields will not benefit from human creature experience (i.e. car engineer) but my field is. But, what, friends only name, many of them helped identity thieves to harm my legal rights, it is not that at all schools creating friends, rather most people called-friends jealous of me, who only wants to steal my achievements. I still prefer robotic educational systems to spare time though I benefited that my data is from at least 3000 well followed people. (In this complained parrot-like educational system those who followed this primitive old system are not the worst still, i understand that it is not easy to see and change defects in educational system. Once there was not papers to distribute, or illegitimate people were too high they were not able to read writings. Those who are identity thieves are always the worst harming humanity most, better or worse the system is doing something to transform into online system, but the identity thieves' in educational organizations illegality even is not visible to correct, identity thieves are the ones who abusing marriage law marries to steal other people name, identity thieves are those who deceits others saying lies about the schools they graduated, about that they lack diplomas, exams etc.).
Humanity needs the truth, saying lies will not stop storms, earthquakes, disasters. Only the lovers of truth developed and will develop humanity(Of course, if thieves do not steal their positions). I hate those who lives for nothing but to say lies. Those who are cats attacking their own mirror-image in mirror are only crazy brainless stupids. You can not teach a cat to stop attacking its-own-mirror-image.

Sciences, say medical, chemical, physics, mathematics, geometry, computer sciences all etc. are  not mostly from who cared their 2 inches of excess or less muscle, fat on their bodies, but worked with their genetically comprehension superior ready brains with sufficient life-times. They lived enough to bring out their products.
I want working hours, school hours decreased to allow better educations towards human development. Governments in future will develop mostly online schools  better(combined with short school building courses). Will decrease weekly working hours, will stop identity thieves/surname thieves, will increase salaries to have good homes, to buy healthy foods from very early childhood.
Even the wealthiest country of the world does not have such life presented to for most residents.
Explaining such a reality will help to understand it is not that the genes of many people are wrong regarding many health problem, but we do not have a perfect world yet to buy our correct preferences. I am at my ideal weight because I have a large refrigerator, and a place to cook my special almost fat-free, high-protein, high complex carbohydrate diet. I am extraordinarily educated to be able to create exercise programs for myself, special to my body age/characteristics for very little time remained from my long working hours.
I could have walked 10 minute more if I did not write this free blog today, but life is not only maintaining a healthy body, rather to use a healthy body for brain needs to gain some gists from life. I noticed lots of beneficial free blogs real life stories to read, they could have walked/exercise rather than blogging their life. Say they run and now sitting writing, but as of current technologies, computer sittings are not healthy after running. Body circulation is not good, muscles are not good relaxed, during computer work.
How should one arrange time between perfect body health and meaning of life.
There is no limit in using exercise against aging. 4 hours, 5 hours exercise then the fat on the belly back of female-2 would not protrude, or her health is good but could improve further.
Time is very important, I am trying to spare time for exercise.
Whatever their job, anyone needs to do exercise, if not 2 hours, at least 45-60 minutes should not be skipped. Anyone who fails to do exercise (such as 1 HOUR WALKÄ°NG everyday) damages her/his body.
4 hours exercise is better, however long exercise programming is harder than one hour walking. Any human creature learns walking, walking is easy, easy to ligaments, muscles of anyone.
Even only 1 hour walk(5 km) improves health incredibly preventing many diseases.
