Saturday, October 15, 2011

Who is overweight?

Being overweight is not to look OK or bad, underweight, overweight in some wrong clothes, but the shape of your body when looks in swimwear or naked. If your face is lean and your shoulders are narrow, you may look like OK in clothes in mirror, but appeareance in some clothes is not the correct, logical way to decide on healthy weight. For example, in winter if your face is not lean and if you wear many clothes, since you are cold you may look you gained weight to you in mirror or to others. The correct measure to weight is not the appearence in some clothes but your body weight.

Many obese people are not noticed because their face is lean, and most of the times we look at people on their face. Thus, a scale is the measure to follow to see the weight. During yearly check-ups person weight is also controlled to see if the weight is within healthy limits. Healthy weight limits are wide, for example losing or gaining 10 pounds many times still be healthy. Thus anyone should know low and upper healthy weight limits for her/his height. For example, I am around only ~50kg, but according to my height healthy weight limits, even ~65kg is considered healthy for my height.
When I consider all factors, I prefer to maintain my weight ~50, by aging a low weight is better for my cardiovascular health.
Healthy weight is not looking good in a dress as depicted in figure 4ii, sometimes an unhealthy body will carry a dress good as depicted in figure 4ii. Naked body, the weight measured by a Scale is important.

The height is also important to evaluate the body weight.

Waist, breast, hip, upper leg circumference measurement will also help.

Many people large waist in big clothes will not be noticed, because when we see the shoulders we assume that under the shoulders comes a waist look like Marilyn Monroe's, which is false most of the times when they look naked. No doubt, for morbidly obese people, for example someone about 300kg, no clothes will be found to hide the kgs.
Being at a healthy weight not necessarily means your body looks as if a 16 years model. Age, sex, occupation becomes also important to evaluate a body shape.
There is not any meaning to compare the body of a sporting dancer with someone who is genius in math, science or in a work that requires table work, sitting long hours.

                      Figure 1.                                                                    Figure 2.

ıF mARILYN would have too large dresses as depicted on Figure 2. she would look obese, because of her profession, she wore always small dresses as figure 1.
Anyway, she was naked most of the times and we know that she was not obese or underweight.

 Figure 3. An obese overweight man. The appearence is not the fabrics of any clothes, but the naked tissue. Too much weight prevents this person to wash tissues between fat layers, he hardly walks for his daily life, his heart overbeats from constantly carrying too much weight. His arms can not move freely to accomplish some hand work.

 Figure 4i. A person under her ideal weight. This woman for age of only ~ 20 is underweight.
For a 85 years person who worked sitting most of the times, such weight can be normal, however, a young age should not look like this.
This underweight person does not have sufficient fat tissue, unfortunately this person does not healthy muscle tissues. Insufficient calorie intake, insufficient protein intake in diet causes such underweight problems. This person only has skin covered bones, does not have any fat tissue around arms, legs to convert muscle. Thus, this person should increase Calorie intake with high protein.
Fat-free diet is not recommended for this person to increase body weight.

Figure 4ii. Same underweight person with dress.
In today's available market diet, obesity is more difficult to fight. Any cheap diet from any market, with any fat, sugar will easily increase the weight. But, a healthy fat free diet will hardly available to an obese person. In old days, food was hardly available, and many people were underweight.

Below is another weight example.
Figure 5. In this figure shown is a healthy, beatiful model (Her face is hidden, but she has very beatiful eyes, face). This model works for a dress company, her lean body carries almost any dress very good. But, if one look at her body naked (Her naked photos are not available for this post), it seems that she could better increase calorie intake simultaneously doing more exercise, training her arms and legs to a larger size, if she plans to be a naked model. Many times the urge to change body shape emerges not from health reasons but from professional requirements. This girl would be still healthy even if she would gain 15 pounds; but, after gaining 15 pounds without any exercise, no dress company would hire her as a model.

My another weight example is Demi Moore, a very thin star. How is her weight for a mother of three, for a person over 47, for a person with a busy schedule to earn her life, for a star who is expected to carry dresses good.
My anwer is that: yes, Demi Moore can not beat herself 16 or 42 years appearence, but, for her age having such a curriculum vitae, she is at a healthy weight and appears good to fit any dress easily. She would better walking, exercising more each day in fresh air accompanied with high protein intake, but, who has enough time for training?
Even, I, myself, hardly find free time for walking in fresh air. In this century we are out time, we do not have money to create more spare times. When we work to earn money then we are out of time, a dilemna.
Another important point is that weight will not tell the composition of the body. A person without changing his body weight may change the composition of body.
At below figure a male body before[the figure on the left (a)] and
after exercise (b) is compared.
Same person, same size, same age, same weight, but increased muscle, decreased fat in body.
Which is healthier is difficult to answer.
Because the health of brain is also important, which composition* would give better results when pure attention required, adrenaline secreted, long lasting Math, reading comprehension, GRE exams of brain function performed on this person. Same, increased, decreased?
Well, it seems fatty bodies are feeding brain slightly better than muscle types.

Same person is at his ideal healthy weight both in a) and b)
from the point of view 'healthy ideal body weight'.

Which looks handsome a) or b)?
is a different point.

Governments education programs for schools, universities rather than b),
is programmed
to create a) figures. A soldier is supposed to train his body for his profession, but a worker who works hours on his desk for Science will not have enough time to exercise to have figure b).
By nature male muscle mass is always is more than woman. Estrogen hormone of female bodies will create a body as shown in a). If estrogen, a female hormone, is given to males their body turns
from b) to a).
Some other hormones, such as some steroid groups also changes a body from a) towards b) not requiring too much exercise. However, such steroids (some Peroxisome Proliferator Steroids may even improve some sort of brain function whether wanted or unwanted), harms cardiovascular system loads, and reproductive system.
For a human engineer, to have a muscle type body is still best achieved by help of exercise or by exercise devoted times.
Meaning that if you want to be very productive Scientist for world, for humanity, you will not enough time to exercise, and you will not look like as figure b).
Well, some thieves just exercise and just steal the names of very intelligent scientist to deceit the world. THere is person who never had any education, but stolen my important name to foolish foolish people all around the world.
An intelligent person can not steal the photo of a handsome/beatifull person to fool people, but since name rights are not well protected, a stupid person may easily associate his/her photo with valuable brain's education, background.
I am not blaming the name thieves only, but anyone who are foolished with name thieves are also illegal, sooner or later name thief helpers also will be found. Such a world with full of name thieves would not improve to go anywhere.

Does a woman spending her time on important projects will have time to try on best dresses for her look? Will she earn much money to pay someone to match best dresses for her, best exercise programs, best diets for her? Answer is No. Time is very valuable, when someone sacrifies her exercise time to her work, to her reading time, to her education will she be awarded? Answer is No.
Valuable function of your brain will be ignored by many people, then you will be a looser against name thieves who spent their times on their muscles only.
I am still in a combat with a name thief person with nothing but some developed muscles who has stolen my name to deceit others. Fuck the people who helps such stupid, brain insufficient, uneducated name thieves, they are also illegal.

Is it possible to have Marilyn Monroe body at 60 years old and be the most productive scientist in the world?
No, because Marilyn Monroe never devoted her times to sit on a desk/computer to read, write long hours, she had free times to walk freely in fresh air starting from her early childhood. She had time to go healthy places to eat or cooked for herself.
Whereas, a world top 10 Scientists reads, learns, educated from starting very early childhood.
They hardly have free time to devote exercise in fresh air. They hardly have time to prepare perfect food themselves. Sitting over computer will harm body shape, will harm blood circulation in legs, bottom parts of body.
Sure, a name thief will deceit many foolish people by hiding her/his educational background or stealing other people names, such people sooner or later will be punished law.

If Marilyn would have sit long hours with computer, her blood circulation would be different, her spine would shape different. Sure the circumference of her hips are genetically determined and would not be different, her face would not be too different, but her body shape would not be the same.
Meaning that at present century to be the top 10 Scientist of the world, more or less, means that person should not make her/his body shape look perfect her/his priority. A healthy brain needs a healthy body, but time is limited in a person life, and a mARİLYN mONROE body shaped body needs excess exercise time to maintain.

* We are fortunate that current Medicine technology mathematically is able to detect the fat versus muscle areas of a body before and after exercise or hormone treatment.
