Sunday, October 9, 2011

Who is going to cook your food if you want to eat fat-free food

Cooking fat-free food is not something that a good cook can not do. Any good cook will manage to cook most of the vegetable recipes without using fat/oil. Maybe a few times they will undercook or will fail to adjust water amount while cooking, but they will do it if they are paid good.
Telling a cook add a little bit oil/fat in general caused me problems. Because many cook do not like mathematical calculations to find the least amount of oil/fat into food. Saying I eat 'Low fat' when talking to a Cook means nothing, because even 30% is sometimes incorrectly called low fat [They say that it is lower than 45%. :) ].Thus, I always tell cook to omit any fat/oil from foods, when they shop for my meals they do not buy any fat/oil (I do not buy/use any saturated or unsaturated oil/fat for my meals for almost 30 years) as my antecedents did in medieval times.
If I want to have some fat in my diet I eat fish or nuts.
My very low fat free diet(less than 3%) is inspired from my antecedents who had a diet with high protein, high vegetable, very low fat no oil.
They eated such food not because they thought that they were fat, but they thought that this is healthy. There was not oil, flour and table sugar in their diet. At medieval times, when on such a diet they did not have obesity or type 2 Diabetes problems, but when they were introduced to oil/fat(saturated or processed unsaturated oil such as olive-oil, canola oil, sunflower oil etc. ), to table sugar and flour from grains they started to have type 2 diabetes or obesity problems.
Although I am on a very low fat diet(less than 3%) after some scientific fatty-acid studies, when I create menus I go back early times of my antecedents and benefit from their perfect fat-free recipes.
Dietitians that advise restaurants, markets will not tell to ban oil/fat from their shop, because there are some circumstances even such food is needed. And some people are underweight and wants to gain weight.
Very low fat/oil diet is supported by studies of 1990 thus some dietitians are not aware of harms of unsaturated fat/oil.
It is not easy for a dietitian to ban unsaturated fat, table sugar, grain flour from obese people diet.
Or some dietitians do not like mathematical conversations, calorie calculations for long time programs.
Dietitians have many responsibilities, not only reducing people weight. Dietitian word is not enough to define someone who could help to lose weight. Many newspapers diet pages by some out-of-date dietitians are not peer reviewed scientific knowledge, and rather confuse the minds and diet language.
sOME dietitians are themselves lost by the chemistry language of the foods or mathematics, calorie adjustment programs. I agree that calorie counting is a burden for many people who wants to lose and maintain weight, however, there is not other healtier way to lose and maintain weight. At least the dietitian who claims to be a helper to an obese person should know the chemistry, calorie counting mathematics and not colloqual but legal names of the foods. If not, such a dietitian or newspaper only abuses an obese or type 2 diabetes person.
Find someone who is experienced with low fat, high protein, high vegetable, fruit diet who knows what carbohydrates and calorie adjustment means and who is good at for preparing AT LeAST 10 years weight maintenance programs after achieving ideal body weight. Find a dietitian who knows to read/understand the label of foods, food nutrition, calorie facts. I heard millions of true weight loosing stories, but only few manages to maintain the ideal weight.
Do not read newspapers that confuses minds with dietitians who are lost in Food chemistry, mathematics, legal food language themselves.

That some dietitians are weak in calculating calories, weak to understand food labels does not mean food label, content reading, calorie counting is useless.
Diet, food is a vast area, It is not wrong if a dietitian is not excellent in weight loosing problems or chooses a different area rather than weight problems; however, it is abusive if a dietitian becomes against to calorie counting or label reading since herself/himself is weak in mathematics, chemistry or legal food language.
There should be someone doing that, even if the world fail to educate dietitians to calculate understand food chemistry, that means educational system is wrong, we need to choose cabaple students to attend such schools. 
In my previous blogs I already complained how many educational system fails to select correct students for correct schools, I complained that many people knowledge is not backlinked and they speak even contradict to their lines.  Because they are not different from a parrot to conceive an information.

What is the likely future weight of someone who keeps her weight at her/his ideal range for 10 YEARS by calorie counting method? Will colorie counting will work for following years?

The answer is Yes.
If someone maintains her/his weight over 10 years by counting calories this means he/she learned to read labels, to understand what is fat what is vegetable what is protein what is sugar what is table sugar what is carbohydrate. What should he/she buy. How to cook or have cooked low calorie dishes, and the cost of low calorie food.
For example, after my succsess in maintaining my ideal weight over 3 years, my same cooking style,
fat-free, high protein high vegetable, fruit calorie-counted diet never ever failed in maintaining my weight (more than 30 years). I am so glad that in this century we know  what is in foods as fat, protein and carbohydrates or table sugar. That some grocery stores do not write fruit calories is not problem because internet gives ingredients and calories of any food. Some stores such as Mcdonalds also lists all foods on internet. There are times that I eat something not really my style, still I can stay within my calorie limits, then I adjust my foods to get my daily total calories. If something I eat is not listed on internet then I measure its weight, and assume that its ingredients had high fat, this may happens if I travel and I eat unusual food. I always know the weight of any food I HAD EATEN. If WE DO NOT KNOW THE WEİGHT OF FOOD WE CAN NOT CALCULATE CALORİES we have taken.

For example in breakfeast instead of eating a 90 gram fatty muffin, I eat  2 cups (254g) kiwi fruit. It does not matter that 2 cups kiwi is heavier than a small fatty muffin.
Yes 2 cups kiwi is heavier and has a bigger volume than a small muffin, but kiwi is mostly composed of water and water has zero calories. When I eat kiwi it becomes water and filtered from kidney, whereas same weight muffin has not much water, it has table sugar and fat which is stored in body as fat.
Calorie counting mostly benefits from eating food which are composed of mostly water such as vegetables, or some fruits.  Between protein, carbohydrates and fat, Fat has the highest calories.
If we omit fat from food means that we are eating either carbohydrate or protein. Both carbohydrate and protein has less calories from fat. Thus the strategy is to choose something that does not have high caloried fat.
After years of years over repeating calculations, I almost without any intention memorized the calories of any fruit, any vegetable, any meat, fish, egg protein source, any milk, any yogurt, any nuts. I read ingredients of more than thousands food that I bought from market, it is afun for me to know what i am eating. I read labels anyway to read if they have additives etc. I do not like food with additives, ı eat fresh food.
Recently I developed a mathematical program using Excell equations to calculate calories automatically. tHERE ARE ready comparable programs available on internet for anyone, one only writes the weight and the name of what he/she had eated,
For example
300 gr Kiwi,
200 gram protein,
300 gram meat,
200 gram yogurt,
1200 gram vegetable(aubergine) = ... Total Calories

if the total calories exceeds the limits, then drops a food from the daily list or changes the amount.

I was about to develop a speaking wizard excell program that with a wizard asks you what foods do you like most, what foods daily amount you never want to decrease, what foods you would drop if you exceed the calories etc.
If you would want to drop meat or vegetable from the list, whether you like or dislike meat or vegetable, the computer wizard would keep it on list giving you 'bad request' warning.
But, I am very busy with my priorities, and this program, flowchart is not I am aiming to earn money from.
