Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a weight lifter does not want to have naked arms, legsand hair during her weight lift, is it right?

I believe that there are some regulations what to wear during  sports is good both for people who attends to the event and for the person who exposes her body.

In old days it was very good that people during sport activity worked rather naked. Because in those days almost any cloth would block the flexibility of body.
Today, if someone wants to cover her body I believe he/she under regulation should wear what he/she wants. I believe that having the intelligence to keep some parts of body to protect muscles is also a success of sporting person. For example, I am an open sea swimmer but I arrange the days to swim as warm water days, with water temperature around 28 Centigrade degrees.
Then we should ask the question:
1. Are we looking for a soldier to swim anytime even to sacrifice her/his future health?
2. Are we looking for the succsess of a human body under perfect physiological conditions?

Olimpics asks the question 2.
Olimpic competitions are for to show the succsess of human genes, the maximal capacity of genetic background related sport talents.
At olimpics if an athlete asks for a better shoe to run better, this is correct she/he should get it.
If the athlete asks to run her/body covered with clothes he/she should do it.
Or if she/he wants to run with naked legs/arms he/she should do it.
In other words we should allow shoes to compete at certain races.
I am a female, When I want to swim faster  I wear  a swimwear as of a male wear, I swim topless, it gives my arms more freedem and allows my rib muscles move around my lung  freely, topless swimming of females is more healtier(Large unhealthy breasts are not the subject of this post, large breasts may benefit from  swimwear, they will not benefit from topless swimming).
But, ı NEVER DO THİS when there is anyone around me, because I do not like my body is seen naked when I swim. I swim away more than 7 kms from the shore then I change my swimware to topless, to a male swimware. Because when interacts with water any swimware is bad, unhealthy. I am proud of myself that I swim that far and nobody was able to see me with my confortable topless swimwear.
This beach I swim is not for naked people but a normal regular beach, I like anyone wears shorts or something as swimwear.
wHEN ı RUN I do not like running with naked arms contrast to any normal sporting person does, because I feel cold or I like clothes which takes my armpitsweat if the weather is too hot(eXCESS Sweating DURİNG exercise is not something I like because it decreases healthy minerals of body, swimming never associates with sweating). In contrast to my swimwear  preference, I like running
in t-shirts covering my upper body, armpits. In a hot sunny day If I do not run, ı do not sweat even slightly and I like my arms naked exposed to sunlight to benefit healthy effects of sunlight at proper hours. By genetic background I feel cold compared average and prefer wearing dresses keeping my body warm. I am highly educated person working with brain rather than body.
I believe my body expences its energy to healthy brain functions rather than working as a simple room heater.
I have a sunlight sensitive tissue, during noon to protect myself from excess sunlight I wear hats and stay at shadow.
Although I finished one year course of World prominent religion holy books, I am by all means without conflicting at any step is a scientific person, and by no means I do not follow any rule to guideme to change my clothes or any of my other attitudes.
Many times I may share the shyness of a religious person who practices religion rules in daily life, I do not approve any religion as a guide if they conflicts with technology, science.
Religious books should take place in libraries, because at least in mediaval times when technology, science was not improved as of today, they helped to say something, to raise an interest.
We human have limited times with death being ultimate end. Religion tries to develop a language to speak about the end of human being. This is not wrong. Thousands of questions might occur in some humans, if they believe religiously some stories of after death this is theiir preference. Science project money should not be wasted on some tales but this living human world needs.
Science method uses experiences of this world. Human is a creature of this world.
Religion easily can be misused to abuse people, but technology and science is proof based.
Today there are computers to keep religion history, literature, religion whether fiction is a part of human nature and there is nothing that it is available to people on computer libraries. But, ı would hate if google would waste my time when ı SEARCH for a word. The search engine for religion literature should be different. I do not deny that prior to technology or science it was religion that helped human language communication develop. There are thousands of computer games to play, why not giving some library room religion interests, questions.
However, religion is nothing to do to instruct human beings to eat, to wear, to travel by any means.
I only do what science proves.
That a religion suggest to cover hair is meaningles to me, I cover my hair if some sort of my work requires. I believe covering head hair continiously is not healthy for many reason. There are times I wear hats to keep my head warm or to keep away dust, excess sunlight, but I am glad that I do not have any relious restrictions that forces me to wear something to cover my hair.
I also hate the times spending time to comb my hair when I read, write on computer for very long hours, ı think  about to cut my hair to bare scalp, but as of this year I have normal length hair.
If one covers hair all times scalp small muscles will not move healthly.
