Saturday, October 22, 2011

When is the best time to understand the Genes we have?

Phenotype, the observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, will most represent our genes when we are young, under 40, 
above 40 age years old our appearance rather reflects the hard time our body had,
that someone did not exercised enough will be reflected on a body above 40 RATHER THAN YOUNG AGES. tHAT SOMEONE had bad skin when old will rather mean that person did not have proper conditions for her skin, too much sunshine, too dirty, cold environment etc. Also, even small injuries, will badly affect phenotype after 40. For example, if there is missing tooth in mouth, since the face muscles directed towards the empty tooth place will be weaker, or will be less trained because of less biting, the face muscles will not be good, biting is a very good training for face muscles.
If we want to have an idea about our genes from our appearance, from our muscle abilities, from our face appearance, the best ages are under 40.
That someone is healthy at 80 İS VERY MEANİNGFULL about her/his genes, but vice versa, that someone died at 80 will not really mean that he/she had bad genes. Human is not a rat, will die if did not have good environment, proper temperature, healthy diet, sufficient exercise time etc.
