Tuesday, August 23, 2011


After Japan earthquake many parts of Earth shaked.The charecteristic is that these quakes occur over large areas, they are felt by millions but not really with any damage.
One was a few months ago (on May 19, 2011 at 11:00 pm) on west Asia and East Europe continents shaking many countries with no damage, today,
23-8-2011, is  in America continent.
This force affects all different continents of Earth with no damage.

The May 19, 2011 west-Asia/East-Europe quake was in very deep of the earth, that's why it shaked two different continents and a wide area which covered 700 kms on earth. The May 19, 2011 quake  was probably more than 500 kms deep. 700 multiplied by 500 is a big volume, such a wide area means the quake force was really big, but since it was in deep, it moved the levels homogenously, affected area movement did not cause a damage.

I looked at google.com search engine results to compare 23-8-2011 earthquake time stamps from different cities of East Coast of United States; but, since google.com time stamps are rather probably local time of cities, and time is different on different cities(morning in Seattle, noon in Boston etc.), I could not conclude if the quake occurred within the same seconds in all cities or there were some seconds of lags between quake affected places.
I believe there is no lag time between places if GMT, or UTC (absolute time reference ) is used for all places. Probably, someone will calculate that, I am busy with other question projects.


I belive today's technology is not enough to tailor building structure to each district.
In feature we will recognize geography of different places to predict the shake types, if there are Lakes and Mountains, to my preliminary understanding it seems that it is better to put a lighter second floor over first floor of building, it seems the bases of buildings sinks with some sort of quakes. Such deaths occurred because of stones of buildings, people on the streets did not have any problem, other than that buildings fall over them. This area is very cold and the buildings were with heavy stone walls.
Even the rescue work is impossible to reach people under  such damaged stones. People who were in primitive dwells, in car-like homes never dies with 7.5 magnitude earthquake.
But, this area is  very cold to live in thin walls. Probably not, but I am not sure if this area experiences heavy storms thus they built heavy house walls.

The earthquake at epicenter caused ~1000 deaths on 23-10-2011 in Van.
In the epicenter city(Van), the earthquake caused the entire ceiling fall down to the floor.
Below video is in the city which is next to the Van epicenter. the city that experinced below smaller shake had no death, casualties. At first, since the mass of walls is big, they resist to the shaking force, the walls are not shaking, whereas the light, thin door is shaking,
but the earthquake force continues; and, within seconds shakes the walls, damages the walls.

Similar resistance is with Mountains. Old aged Mountain composition areas resist to shakes but if the force is too much to overcome the mass of mountain, quakes occur and occur at least around 9.

Map i. BITLIS-ZAGROS FOLD. Established Earthquake related fault lines around Van Lake at which 23/10/2011 7.2 magnitude Earthquake occurred.

wHEN QUAKES ARE greater than 10 no homes will endure. If the history of a district is known for quakes upto 7 then strong thick walls, tall buildings will not be damaged easily.
We are not far from the possible centuries to built light, warm houses, easy to do rescue work if a quake occur. It is also a good idea to write what is used for buildings, what was the plan, what was the base of the building to select the good building plans against quakes for each different district. I am a person of believing in outstanding tailoring in anything.
sAFE bUİLDİNG Strategies for each geography needs to be tailored.
The preferable building engineer for quake-prone areas should be further educated on geograpy, physics, chemistry, soil water, mineral composition and should study the soil topograpy.
For example, should be familiar with a possible fault topography as below figure(figure 1).
Figure 1.
The plan owner should imagine the best for a possible quake that changes the soil topography as above in seconds.  Above fault topography mostly occur with dry mineral rich soil away from big oceans

Figure 2. A house in Van is divided from the middle by Earthquake 23/10/2011. Although the house is damaged as seen in figure 2. there occurred no death in this one floor house. The fault continues more or less  200 meters deep in soil.

fOR a  7.2 quake which occurred at a low populated district,  death number in 23/10/2011 EARTHQUAKE is too much. If the buildings were
with very recent flexibl concrete technologies, with
strongly supported base(stepwise pyramit-shape like building? if the 7.th floor ceilings falls, it will not hit the 5th floor with its all heavy parts and will move slightly side to side? ) death would be less, i am just brainstorming for possible technologies.  But, for cold climate village areas such technologies is pricely as of today. This district unfortunately is not an area with a detailed history of Earthquake frequency. In future earth geography composition, history will be documented better.
There is a documented fault around Lake Van, north-east of Van Earthquake Epicenter is called Ercis Fault, however, since further north-east of Earthquake epicenter soil composition is very old-strong mountains with rich minerals, rather a softer soil easily shaken/damaged with the Force.
I already followed some weird geographical changes in very far north-east of Lake Van including Lake Caspian.
An earthquake area with very old mountains and with lakes, far from big seas is not good to settle with  today's building technology. Such places experiences heterogenous forces. Whole world moves each day, but we do not feel it, because the force effecting Earth is homogenously effecting Earth composition. We should suspect that the buildings were not built with correct available plan, technologies, for example the wall brickets were not waved with iron well(see correct example bricket waving with iron*), but we should know that shaking does not give the magnitude of the earthquake, some earthquakes far from open big seas, close to old mountains 'crater lakes',  are rather sinking earthquakes which is felt by people as going up and down of houses rather than shaking side to side of houses.
Sinking earthquakes must have light two floor low houses at least for a hundred years till the time cheap  better technologies developed. Earthquake would still sink some houses but deaths would be less.
is a good site to follow a largearea earthquake.
A geologist-seismologist needs to study not only the earthquakes of a single country but entire world earthquakes to predict anythink.
wELL, SO FAR I never predicted any earthquake with exact date, and location, and magnitude and death number. but After NZ-2011, iran-1978 , alaska-2011, and China sichuan(close to Everest) I did a geographical investigation, temperature investigation, mountain age investigation and i predicted that since Van has a both big lake and a high old mountain, there might be an earthquake less than 7 in 2011 in AREAS CLOSE TO vAN LAKE. I failed to predict the exact month and date of the earthquake. I also looking at the shape of the Van Lake predicted the some of below earthquakes, not really as eact city etc, but as a general location around three continent.
Figure. 3. After new zealand earthquake, I predicted an earthquake in 2011 as shown green circle on the right  in this map, it is a small earthquake that only seismologists dedected it. In this city no one complained from any earthquake. Coarsly prediciting an earthquake in practice does not help anything, except it excludes other earthquake prone areas for 2011 EARTHquakes.

Figure 4. After New Zealand Earthquake there was a moment that I suspected from above area. if I could call Black sea+Mediterranian Sea+aegean Sea as if an imaginary Lake, i asked myself if something could happen at east black sea. But, after Van 23/10/2011 earthquake since the east of Black sea has not only a very high mountain(kaçkar mountain) but also high mountain chains of Georgia, and Black sea mineral concentration is different(low sodium, high sulphur), I excluded above area from my 2011 earthquake-prone areas, good thing for me to relief. 2011 is not a year that has strong forces targeting old Mountain Chains, but old highest mountains.
After Van 23/10/2011 earthquake, I investigated the city right now I am living for topographies of very high mountain with recently melted snow which are located close to modest or big Lakes. it seems that I am lucky, no  such topography is found and so according to my correlations no deadly quakes are likely in my current city. Anyway, Van Lake is the biggest Lake next to highest mountain of this peninsula with recently having melted snow. in this peninsula, though death occurred was still smaller than 7.5.
I already underlined in this blog that I always try to find correlation between some volcanos and quakes. the city I am in, does not shake strongly when Canary Island volcano is active as occur recently. Canary Island volcano rather associates with Van Lake close districts, faults. Anyway, fortunately as of this year it does not seem too active.
Here, I want to give an explanation that although I am very talented in memorizing three-dimentional world composition map with its all lakes and mountains, by education I am rather interested in Mathematics/Science/Health etc but not really Geograpy of Earth to locate biggest Lakes next to mountains with certain mineral concentrations. I also never had any intention to develop a computerized map to search such topographies. I also do not have much time to search entire wikipedia for certain topographies, nobady pays me for that. I do that for only myself, to check if this city i am in safe right now. I am a top 10 scientist of the world in my field both by productivity and by educational background. This post is not aimed to list my Curriculum Vitae in detail but my daily thoughts summaries written shared on internet.
In my google.com search list are
~1881-1888 World volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, ocean tsunamies, then find earlier times than 1881-1888 like similar sets.
Today I have to cook something(vegetables, steamed fish) to eat for myself, i really worked hard to rule out my current area from feared location list. In my fear list I have about 3 CONTİNENTS or  ~6 Countries to check. Since most old volcanos starts to leak more gas during activation as occured  23/10/2011 Van Earthquake, I will check my 'feared list' for gas parameter. My preliminary finding tells that most of my feared districts do not have rich gas sources underneath their reasonable deep soil and they actually import flammable gas for their daily usage.
According to my hypothesis it is a change in the wavelenght of sunlight that each year effects different layers of Earth. I believe in 2011 sunlight wavelenght changed to be absorbed by very old extinct volcano composition. Such extinct volcanos composition enters into some chemical reactions to release some sort of gases, such gases increases to swell the old crater either under the sea or as high volcanos, then at a point the volcano either from swelled crater(if too hot to break crater, or if the very same chemical reaction occur by sunlight absorption) or from the sides breaks, within about days, or weeks. since the gas escaped, or sunlight wavelengt changed, volcano collapses and an earthquake occur. When Lava is changes from hot to cold again pressure changes, collapses in volcanos occur. Very hot volcanos and very old mountain volcanos may show some differences in the phases or in chemical reactions.
I am also interested in glaciers of the world.
That 2008 china and 2011 Van has a gap good thing to me that they are not cumulative.
In 1999 MY SUMMERHOUSE CİTY had an Earthquake and ~20000
PEOPLE died. But this summer vacation city, at the north of this large peninsula is not my current fear location.

I benefited from my mathematics, physics, chemistry(sea, lake salt/mineral composition etc), earthquake history, geography, geology, recent seismology maps, floods, climate maps, changes, etc.
http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/Map/gmap.php website only lists earthquakes above 2 magnitude, i am going to write them to ask to list earthquakes at even 0.5 or 1 magnitude on a different map. They do not do that because they think some noise artifact will make hard to interpret an earthquake less than 1. But anyway I want to see very small earthquakes also. They should list it as not filtered for noises.

*It is incredible that in Van there are still houses standing and only few buildings leveled. Some houses never had any supporting iron skeleton, for example a house with fallen wall brickets seen here.
Many leveled buildings did have both good iron and bricket, but bricket and iron were not worked to combine bricket between iron skeleton of stone walls. Brickets had the holes to allow pass irons through, but the building workers did not do that, bricket holes were not hanged by irons vertically and horizantally at all. The stones or brickets were piled to have house walls without any iron passing from the holes.
In this district people who are intelligent to do that, to understand that iron should pass from the holes of brickets either leave this cold district or not works as a cheap worker to built houses. Then people who are stupid but have strong muscles to pile the brickets built the houses. Yes, at least thousands of houses in Van stays undamaged despite the fact that they are also piled without any iron passing from the bricket holes, but only they are lucky, because this Earthquake was small, not even 7.5.
That they prefer to risk their lifes with cheap worker builted houses is free to try, (to use money rather to increase birth rate, population in this district with acceppting district all risks ) but then deaths with even small quakes occur.
Think that you built your house perfect, but then neighboor stupudly built house may fall over your house to damage your house.
Sometimes, same wrong work maybe built better walls if it is in summer. Although very small sunlight, summer time changes how the brickets stick to each other. But, a very good technique that hangs bricks over iron skeleton never fails easily, itcompensates if the brickets fail to stick strongly. A perfect iron weaved skeleton will remove the shock over cement to be broken, and allows whole building shake over perfect iron skeleton weaving.
For example any person who practices the dentistry is supposed to both talented and educated in preparing the Silver Filling(amalgam) to fill a cavity of a tooth, all factor,s the amounts of Silver, time, temperature, catalayser etc.
Dentists are asked for diplomas, but for a bricket builder in general there is no requirement. Or, the people who are educated in general have weaker muscles over spending time school chairs.
That they have sparking brains is subject to prove, but they have muscles to lift stones is one second examination.
