Sunday, June 19, 2011

we did not developed the perfect exams to examine students yet; open book reading, comprehension exams are required

In future there will be exams with open book/sources and will examine the understanding, comprehension of student, not just simply memorizing activity of a subject.
Such exams are difficult to prepare that is why many times today we fail to select the right brains. There are some sort of people who do not understand but memorize as if a book. They lack to interpret the knowledge they memorized. It is not bad that they memorized some knowledge, but they memorized the knowledge does  not mean that they will be able to use this knowledge when it is demanded. Many times the knowledge is in their memory but they do not understand that the confronted problem requires this formula but not the other formula. Their brain lacks to connect the knowledge to right places. Their brain does not backlink the knowledge they have to right places.
