Friday, June 17, 2011

Burn calories by exercise, keep your body fit.

In 2003, I swam Between the Cape and WM seashore.
I swam almost every day during 2003 summer when the sea temperature was high enough around 30° C.
The distance from WM (where my summer house is located) to the Cape beach is 1400 meters,
In general there is not any strong current, strong swirl, or big waves in this seashore. There is a weak current that makes swimming harder from the Cape towards WM (or makes swimming easier towards the Cape). I never saw any wild animals in sea; however, occasionally friendly Dolphins cross nearby if I am 2 km or more far from seashore. My skin is sensitive to sun and I do not swim when the sunlight is too strong around noon. For me, most important requirement for swimming is high water temperature; cold water is harmful to health. Most of the days, the sea water is too cold for me to swim more than 5 km.
I prefer using my legs during swimming, most of the times I use foot flipper when I swim. My favorite style is backstroke. I switch between many swimming styles to work out all muscles for a healthier body.
I am not a fast swimmer; however, I can easily swim for kilometers without fatigue. Gained genetically, my metabolism fits to long distance sport activities; 10 km swimming does not decrease my swimming speed, rather I swim faster after 5 km. Rather than short-fast Sprint Swim that uses anaeorobic metabolism capacity, glycogen stores of a body, I prefer long distance sport activities that maximize my aerobic metabolism. My body metabolism is very good to convert complex carbohydrates (i.e., vegetables, fresh fruits) into fat stores; and, use fat stores when needed by muscles during swimming. Breaststroke is one of the style to work out wide range of muscles. I prefer/enjoy doing wide arm pulls with Breaststroke swim style to keep my Lungs healthier.
To prepare my body to swim, I walk 10 km every day in fresh air for years.
If I do not feel perfect after completing continuous 20 km walk a day for a week, I do not swim in open sea. My busy full-time working schedule does not allow me to swim every summer regularly. However, even if I do not swim for 10 years; 5 km walk a day, 20 minutes arm, spine stretch, shoulder exercise and healthy diet keep my body fit for long distance swimming. The day before long distance swim, I continue to my stretching exercises; but, I avoid heavy weight lifting.
I am at my ideal weight for a female at my height (about 50 kg) for 30 years.
My diet contains fresh vegetables, fresh fruits with high Potassium. I eat table-sugar free, high protein, low fat foods. Almost half of my energy comes from protein; such as, lean (totally trimmed of any white fat) red meat, skimmed milk, fish, or egg-whites. Per week, I eat/consume approximately
10 kg fresh fruits,
1 kg fish,
5 kg vegetables (i.e., green beans, spinach, kale, eggplant, leek, cucumber, celery, tomato, peppers, corn, pumpkin, mushrooms, onion ),
4 kg red meat (wet weight),
50 gr nuts.
I do not consume fat/oil; my diet is almost fat free; only about 5 percent calories/energy or less come from fat in my diet. In a 1100-calorie-a-day diet, that means less than 4 grams fat. Swimming 2 hours a day at my speed for a week burns 7700 calories; in other words, removes 1 kg of body fat over a week. Estimating the additional calories I burn by exercise (as calculated at: ), I adjust my food/calorie intake.
To keep my body healthy I never loose more than 500 gr weight a week. Fast weight loosing diets are not good for sport activities, for body health.
In today's world, swimming in a warm, long, clean pool 4 days a week is a very expensive activity for most people. I hope in future such sport buildings will be affordable for anyone. I also believe 5 full-day study/work a week is not good for health, because it does not allow enough time for aerobic sport activities. 
