Thursday, June 2, 2011

CAPABILITIES of OUR BRAIN is not fully understood

dO WE HUMAN BEİNGS at least some of us would be able to use their brain as if wireless computer? Are we equipped with such a structure in our brain? Such a structure would need not to read internet storedknowledge by eyes or by ear, but would directly would read source as a wireless computer do.
AllI can say is that I will not say 'NO' to this question.
Maybe tousands of years lter we  human beings, atleastsome ofus will be able to read .. from the source as if a computer. Maybe even today our rain is capable to do many thinks. But we do not have such a complicated language that our brain needs to express itself with human languages.
hUMAN LİFE İS NOT LONG AND İSFULL OF with work study of things to   earn money, to take care of our body. we do not have time tolisten to our brain many times. In a paradiselike world in future maybe we willlisten to ourself with more availabletime.
I do not thinktoday we humn are behaving wrong, because lifeisdifficult and we need to earn money.
