Monday, April 4, 2011


All search engine image results are nothing but only to abuse legal rights. Most importantly they do not have any algorithm characteristics. If you have only a profile photo at or at your photo will surpass any other webpage that has the same keyword. This is stupid. Search engines violates their own algorith standards. My name is EXACTLY xxxxxx x xxxxxxx, it is my thousands of pages that makes Google results. But, google ignoring thousands of pages, gives from the first order, a stupid facebook image. This stupid image of someone who has a similar name has nothing on internet, it is all my work who maintains all 8000 pages, who maintains them by Infringement Notifications. I contribute internet by 8000 pages, but the stupid image of this person by stupid image algorithm of Google leaves behind 8000 WEBPAGES' images. Many of my pages are high ranked by Google, my images are so that if you apart them from the page they lose the meaning, as happen to any image. I have more than 8000 pages, this stupid person has only one page. Google ignoring its own algorithM lists the photo of this stupid person as the first image. Webresults of Google fortuantely has a meaninful algorithm and does not list this page between first results. image results are failure in technology.
wHEN ON GOOGLE RESULTS, İT İS possible to view the page, a good feature, what the fuck google is destroying the arrangement of images.
What the fuck has a URL submission tools? If webpage owners definetely wants their imge appear on Google, they can submit it. What the fuck stupid image search engine worker arranges illegal image results no one can explain.
Many times there shouldnot be any image result, that means they should visit the site to see the image within its original text content.
Google.çcom spends all money on the salary of these stupid image result workers. Thats why there is no money to give good salaries to intelligent engineers who would improve technologies.
These image result worker illegals, pirates consumes all the funds of to do nothing but deceits stupid users of google.
Such stupid illegal image result of will not deceit intelligent people, but easily deceit stupid people.

aLL SEARCH ENGİNE İMAGE RESULTS ARE NOTHİNG BUT aims to steal credits from web owners., and any other search engine results only tries to steal the text from webpages and abuse it as a label for wrong images. We do not have enough number of software engineers, thus we should shut down all image results and pay engineers to improve web results.,, image results are fucking illegal.,, should pay money to me for all the trouble their image result caused. Their image results will only deceit stupids who understands about URLs as much as the rat brain.
All search engine companies should fire the workers who works on search engine image results. Day by day these results are nothing but vandalize legal rights.
We need software engineers who would develop search engine languages with better reasoning. No software engineer could be succesfull without a gist knowledge of electronics.(I am not going to talk on what curriculum a software engineer should have, to me such a person will be able to create any language such as C+, Pascal, etc. ). Such an ideal engineer created google search engine reasoning. Such an ideal engineer is only 1/100000. hİS/HER brain is superior in to create path languages, reasoning. He/she creates the best drive ways to stores of a city. Search engine algorithm is nothing but the streets, paths, highways of a city.
Ones the path connections are created by special electronic languages, search engine robots will fetch anything from the stores of a city. Search engine algorithm is not to fill stores with goodies. Website creators are the ones to fill stores with goodies. It is true that if the stores are full with what we need the search engine will be more useful. But, that the stores are full of goodies or not does not prove that the algorithm of a search engine is good or bad. If the stores at a city are all empty without any goodies, we do not say that the streets, paths, highways are not functioning. We should understand what websites are, what search engines are. Google is indeed search engine. IF THE STOREs RETURNES as empty, this does not say google was not working. The image result worker of Google abuses Google technology and tries to make google a store rather than a path, highway or street.

Some stupId sites such as are only thief who even does not know that is doing nothing but stealing web creator RSS feed content. is a fucking company who vandalizes webpages and deceits people that it is doing something new. FUCKING is a thief company which is enemy of video creators. is a thief and should be shut down. It does not any new technology to put forward or to improve.

Meanwhile Google recently returned a site called is nothing but a stupid engineer work. It also has malware that would harm computers.

Does anyone knows why search engine exist. Both yahoo and altavista are nothing but results. What the fuck they exist I do  not understand. What the fuck ireland UK is nobody knows. They are infringing upon my video and image rights. They should pay money to me for the problems they caused to me.
We can not do without a search engine web result, we definetely need to improve better reasoning methods for search engines. It should not be search engine business to forge the query text
if my query is xxxxx that means this is the word ı am searching, it should not be fucking google worker duty to change query.

Yes, for stupid search engine users some search engines might give suggestions, but I am perfect to find the required queries, what the fuck google changes my text to other text.
mEANWHİLE, FOR MY EARHtQUAKE blogs on this website I used Google Search engine web results and reached the images on webpages. Meaning that google web reasults already helps to reach images. Google Image result module should be removed.
The module is not something to work to improve. Once the google web results are improved, it will improve any module. Google fails to search other search engine results correctly. If the query is 'Acyl CoA SYNTHETASE ' GOOGLE İS NOT SUPPOSED TO crawl pages that has 'something SYNTHETASE'.  My query is a phrase not a word, but google many times forgets what was the query for some other examples.
Google should be developed for an educated person, not for some animal brained stupids. I like google returnes the query with the sentence it is written in.

In conclusion, image results are not representative of anything, any improved algorithm, but they shows the illegal activity of search engine image result workers pirate activity. the illegal website which deceits some stupid people lacking the ability to utilize search engines is still infringing upon my video rights. workers are illegal people who vandalize websites to earn money. should be shut down immediately.

Thief workers of   should pay money to me for wasting my valuable time over the problems they caused. Stupid webmaster of even is not aware how a thief he/she is while stealing the RSS feed content from internet.

Think that there is a thief illegal person, pirate. This pirate steals your material from your bag, from your car and puts them in his pirate illegal store. This is what is doing. steals the valuable things of your car, or your bag while you walk on a street; sells them to others and at the end shamelessly tells to the people who bought the stolen material that 'Uhh, the material we sell/present to you was in deep places, no one would find it, we did all the job to bring these things to you. Shameless thieves has the same pride as has when manages to rub you.
Think that a thief steals the valuable neckless that writes your name with valuable jewels as an extraordinary arrangement. And then breaks it into simple jewel pieces to prevent to show your name, and sells it as a jewel but not your neckless with original arrangement. This is what calls fucking deep internet revealing. tHE ONLY REASON SUCH A JEWELLERY EXİSTED CREATED was that it was writing your name with valuble jewellery pieces. There would not be such a jewellery if it would not write your name. This is what fucking calls deepness as a thief's shameless pride.
Even as broken pieces it is a material of yours, created by your work, by your money. But, fucking tells that it was not showing when someone searched jewellery. This is how fucks internet. Fucks Google.
Technically brings nothing to internet. only destroys Google, search engine capacity. is nothing to do with Search Engine Technologies. That company is located at the same state with Google does not mean that is something with search engine capacity. Fucking illegal should be shut down immediately.
