Sunday, March 27, 2011

Japon quakes order and associated Earth level, old magma

If someone would ask me to find the similar quakes in Japan history, I would compare 2011 quake to 1923 at above list. However, it seems this is smaller, shorter, less than 2 minutes, than occurred 1923 Japan Earthquake. 1923 quake was unusually longer (up to 10 minutes ), for me it means it was covering wider area of Japan Alps, old,cold volcanic eruption areas. If rather than a volcano in hot place of earth, a cold area volcano erupts, it tells me that the correspanding level of Earth is older aged. Then I look for old aged mountains.
Old aged mountains are also volcanos for me. But they hardly quakes. Once they do over 5000 years, it is huge magnitude.
After studying quakes, geograpy of earth, magma and chemistry, charecteristics of Elements, even if I do not know the country, I am able to predict that it will be somewhere with  mountains, somewhere that has istmus, somewhere that goes to a river, somewhere far from sea, somewhere in sea, etc.
Then I go to google map to find the imagined place on map. I study everything, the length of quake, what was the exact time at ecvator, what was the time at Himalayas.
When I study quakes even if there is no record of quake of Himalayas, in my mind create a model that the destructive force aims Himalayas, but only quakes close areas. Then I look for similar mountains on Earth.
The sichuan Chin quake was associated with elements mostly found in Himalayas. Himalayas are very big resists to quake. Also long long mountains are hard to quake. Even if Sunlight changes the chemistry of Sıradağlar, since the mass (billions of kilograms ) is hard to quake, we do not see quakes at such homogenous mass. I always calculate the mass of homogenous areas of Earth. What is the mass of Alps, What is the mass of group of mountains that has similar metalic elements. What is the mass of underwater volcano that creates hot water streams. The greater the mass, the greater the magnitude of quake. The greater the mass, the greater the resistance to quake. When a force shakes a group of mountains at XXX place with billions of tons, I look for other places that has similar weight. It tells me the Sunlight effect was able to shake even that big mass.

The order is not always Kamçatka quake, then XXX quake. Sometimes XXX quake occur first, then Kamçatka quake occur afterwards. But, they occur always at close dates. Kamçatka always associates with XXX either after or before. Not all but some Japan quakes associates with shake in mountains from Georgia(see image below in this blog). 2 months ago of japan quake these mountains shaked slightly. ın prior set of quakes, this area shaked after japan quake, in 2011 it shaked before Japan quake.

I did not read entire news about a sea in Asia that it lost its water. Why? What happened to the water of the small closed sea. I follow any small changes in topography of Earth as anyone do via internet.
Is japan quake is an unusual event occuring only each 5000 thousands years? Then I search big disaster events occuring only per 5000 years. I read some very old stories from tale books also if there is not exact dates. Is Japan quake is big to compare to Agri Mountain legend. My answer is 'No'.
Then I find another seldom disaster, I ask again is there any topography similarities, the lenght of quake between japan quake and the ... disaster. This goes till I find the best matching place.
If I say yes I am still expecting a quake at somewhere on Earth around 8 magnitude; does this mean anything?
No, because I do not know if it will happen somewhere with human population or not.
If a quake of 10 magnitude occur, then I ask myself, are we just before the end of the world. The answer is No. The end of world is very far from today according to my calculations.

From the order of quakes, any master student would tell that Japan is prone to have an quake sometime between 2008 and 2011, but such a prediction is meaningless, because it does not tell if it will occur at a place with human population.
I do not like typing, I compare things in seconds but it takes hours to type what I found out in my mind.
