import pydot
# Create a new graph
graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type="digraph", rankdir="BT") # Bottom-to-Top layout for hierarchy
# Define nodes
team = pydot.Node("Team", shape="box")
player = pydot.Node("Player", shape="box")
book = pydot.Node("Book", shape="box")
chapter = pydot.Node("Chapter", shape="box")
teacher = pydot.Node("Teacher", shape="box")
student = pydot.Node("Student", shape="box")
animal = pydot.Node("Animal", shape="box")
dog = pydot.Node("Dog", shape="box")
cat = pydot.Node("Cat", shape="box")
hospital = pydot.Node("Hospital", shape="box") # Fixed: Node named 'Hospital' instead of 'doctor'
patient = pydot.Node("Patient", shape="box")
order = pydot.Node("Order", shape="box")
customer = pydot.Node("Customer", shape="box")
animal_interface = pydot.Node("AnimalInterface", shape="box")
# Add nodes to the graph
graph.add_node(hospital) # Corrected to 'hospital'
# Define aggregation relationship between Team and Player (Aggregation)
aggregation = pydot.Edge(
team, # Source is Team
player, # Target is Player
arrowhead="none", # No arrow
headlabel="*", # Add cardinality * for Player
taillabel="*", # Add cardinality * for Team
labeldistance=1.2, # Adjust label distance for better positioning
style="dashed", # Dashed for aggregation
arrowtail="odiamond", # Hollow diamond for aggregation
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
label="Aggregation" # Visible label for Aggregation relationship
# Define composition relationship between Book and Chapter (Composition)
composition = pydot.Edge(
book, # Source is Book
chapter, # Target is Chapter
arrowhead="none", # No arrow
headlabel="*", # Add cardinality * for Chapter
taillabel="1", # Add cardinality 1 for Book
labeldistance=1.2, # Adjust label distance for better positioning
dir="both", # Both directions
arrowtail="diamond", # Solid diamond for composition
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
label="Composition" # Visible label for Composition relationship
# Define directed association relationship between Teacher and Student (Directed Association)
directed_association = pydot.Edge(
teacher, # Source is Teacher
student, # Target is Student
headlabel="*", # Add cardinality * for Student
arrowhead="normal", # Normal arrowhead for directed association
labeldistance=1.2, # Adjust label distance for better positioning
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
label="Directed Association" # Visible label for Directed Association relationship
# Define usage (dependency) relationship between Order and Customer (Dependency)
dependency = pydot.Edge(
order, # Source is Order
customer, # Target is Customer
style="dashed", # Dashed for dependency
arrowhead="vee", # Arrowhead for dependency
label="Usage", # Label for usage
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
labeldistance=1.2 # Adjust label distance for better positioning
# Define generalization relationship between Animal and Dog/Cat (Generalization)
generalization_dog = pydot.Edge(
animal, # Source is Animal
dog, # Target is Dog
arrowhead="onormal", # Hollow arrowhead for generalization
labeldistance=1.2, # Adjust label distance for better positioning
dir="both", # Both directions
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
label="Generalization" # Visible label for Generalization relationship
generalization_cat = pydot.Edge(
animal, # Source is Animal
cat, # Target is Cat
arrowhead="onormal", # Hollow arrowhead for generalization
labeldistance=1.2, # Adjust label distance for better positioning
dir="both", # Both directions
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
label="Generalization" # Visible label for Generalization relationship
# Define association relationship between Doctor and Patient (Association)
association = pydot.Edge(
hospital, # Source is Hospital (corrected)
patient, # Target is Patient
arrowhead="none", # No arrowhead for association
headlabel="*", # Add cardinality * for Patient
taillabel="*", # Add cardinality * for Doctor
labeldistance=1.2, # Adjust label distance for better positioning
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
label="Association" # Visible label for Association relationship
# Define realization relationship between AnimalInterface and Dog/Cat (Realization)
realization_dog = pydot.Edge(
animal_interface, # Source is AnimalInterface
dog, # Target is Dog
style="dashed", # Dashed for realization
arrowhead="onormal", # Hollow arrowhead for realization
label="Realization", # Label for realization
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
labeldistance=1.2 # Adjust label distance for better positioning
realization_cat = pydot.Edge(
animal_interface, # Source is AnimalInterface
cat, # Target is Cat
style="dashed", # Dashed for realization
arrowhead="onormal", # Hollow arrowhead for realization
label="Realization", # Label for realization
labelfontsize=10, # Font size for the labels
fontsize=10, # Font size for edge labels
labeldistance=1.2 # Adjust label distance for better positioning
# Output the graph to an image file (e.g., PNG)
print("UML diagram saved as uml_relationships_with_labels_expanded.png")