Saturday, November 9, 2024

But in those days, Diddy created a world face for usa, because youtube was absent

Look at youtube peoples, those who exist only by youtube. They are the faces, public faces world needs. I mean any human likes to see a person from a country, Diddy did this. Otherwise usa would be a ghost to world. Didi created a show to world whether his crime was the financing it. Even if a wrong crime highed his way, path, didi created a path to bring anyone to ın front of usa and world. He was doing this maybe by doing incorrect things, but he was as if a youtube celebrity show, a live show. None can deny world dıd not need such a path to introduce anyone to millions immediately, garantiieed way. He did this path very organized.
Any magazine world needed a garantiee pathed people face to put on magazines. He did it. He garantieed such faces to magazine world. 
 I believe he is a black and has methods from his black heritage to connect people assuming they are slaves. Apperantly he colorblinded behaved. Yes, indeed his house was as if a homeless animal cages and visitors. The role caged animal and visitor interchangeable. This is a tradition from slavery caged days, he did it by other ways. No chain, no cages. 
The methods to organize such chainless slavery was supported by drugging and hıs ınfluence on the path to put anyone into millions. As if he sold a social media millions followers profile selling. His organization is built on black people slavery cult. Was he a bad patriot, i would say no. Because his parties newrtheless  were as if American dominant power over the world, he is american. He did not made usa celebrities lost place, though arbitrarily played over usa citizen celebrities to present to millions. He was always a real American. He was as if a magazine celebrities manager. His organization method used blackpeople slavery cult. I mean all these gatherings are even if crime are organized culture from slavery. 
Now, it is not diddy, because there are Instagram youtube or social media.
If it would not be electronic social media, there would go on by young other didies. From the point of patriotic, are they patriotic, yes they are. 

I do not believe Diddy is the first or the last. 

This worldwide mason slavery culture should be known. There is such masonry thing, one visitor to his house tells that visiting his house means as if this person is a pet animal, or a belonging to his house. It seems the adult people are not kidnapped but freely goes to his house, he did not force, o kidnapped anyone. The toddlers were also not kidnapped but left there or sold there by their family. I mean what would a toddler will do expected by their families.
 In turkey the newborns were all killed in a babycare center by health professionals since they did not paid enough high. So what. I even do not ask what happened babies there, there was not any baby health care professionals in diddy house. 
Other than that, his house was exactly a luxury hotel wıth hundreds people but the dıfference was, all were not in private but all see each other. 
A song creater singer who abondoned singing after visiting his house was real genuine to tell what she saw. Since she is alive, it seems to kill people was not priority aim but those who lost their lives were unlucky to protect themselves after drugged. They are not enjoying to kill people but heavy drugging and treating human beings  as if belongings eventually caused deaths. 
The black singer telling these, never tells she hated Diddy or hated all the things except toddlers around, were the scenes she always saw, but everyone sees each other live, not from cameras. Also she believes some scenes were possibly life ending, she tells she was treated as if worse than a slave of Diddy in his house, and since she was in his house, that meant she already said, yes his house rules. She describes an escape her leave of Diddy house. 
I mean hundreds never kidnapped they accepted invitation to his house. It was not hotel room they paid. They were escort or something to visit his house. It was not a house they paid any tax to government. It was wrong to go someone else's house. 
That industry is such this this singer realizes after her visit to this party.
 I believe it was not priority aim to remove boundaries of room walls, but they watched all did ok against Diddy house, as diddy wanted to keep his security. Diddy sure needed security guards against drugged people also. Such meeting organizations needs many security people if there are many rooms. I mean how hundreds door be opened and closed to allow people meet each other. Hundreds of people easily meet since no room doors they have. Violence by visitors prevented by heavy drugging. 
It is not a house with intention of killing all the visitors but a big hotel doorless. Newerteles many did not survive their drugged visit there. 
The songcreator girl well described what was going on the meetings on diddy mansion. 
But what about Covid19 delusional measures that mobbed unnecessarily anyone with the lie that anyone needs these measures.
 I believe diddy was not worse than Covid19 unnecessary vaccination that left many people harmed by vaccination. I mean at least diddy did not force people in the street to drink drugs. But Covid19 vaccination was only beneficial for very few people, only to make rich vaccination industry they deceited that Covid19 vaccination is something to anyone. It is Covid19 unnecessary measures that harmed people specially in Turkey. Diddy overall was not worse than vaccination of anyone with Covid19 (without very large numbered post vaccination side effects study). Covid19 measures are the most terrible horrors performed on people deceiting turkey directors. Forcing mobbing people to get Covid19 vaccination is baseless useless historical error of Turkish government. It is worse because it mobbed anyone. That Covid19 is not an internal body organ such in Hepatitis b, was not even seen by health professionals. Hepatitis b sure is a good vaccination idea. But Covid19 is not needed for anyone, only deceitful people harmed any by vaccination forcing anyone. 
I find Covid19 baseless science abusive mobbing and measures worse than Diddy horror house. Because Covid19 unnecessary measures abused millions and millions people. Such brain wash of Covid19 should never ever be repeated. 

Meanwhile i came across with a story from another country that a highest religious person man was selling his family as prostitute. I believe religious people may be worse than unreligious people if can not be brainly scientific. It is real science that makes correct human life respect in a human personality. Believing in not in religion more than real science is the key to correct behavior. Religion on its own never gives the method to respect a human body but sciences give.
 Religion itself may help to those who feels good by religion. Religion itself is similar to a book on book shelf whoever needs it reach it, or needs other books. 
But those who are successful in real scıence are hıgher to any religious people. 

Diddy also failed to respect human, child, female body vulnerability. Many were harmed because they maybe did not aimed to kill them, but they failed to apply real science to respect child, female body vulnerability. 
Diddy seems a god believer, somehow religious. But from the descriptions i do not see any religious culture in Diddy house meetings. There are not religious horroric rituels, maybe black slavery culture, though blind to white color black color. The religious rituels that just from the beginning decides the person to be killed was not diddy planned organisation habits. I always find religious rituels most horroric. 
What he could do better to make hundreds of music world meet each other but not make them death at the end of visit to his house was not his wonder seems. 
Diddy was almost all musıc managers organisation head. The owners of music halls, any big concert saloon owners liked such organization head. How otherwise to date their saloon garantiee hired, and music lovers buy tickets. 
Imagine all tickets sold, stage is empty, no celebrity on stage, just brokes with manager or diddy. Diddy organized concerts dates on concert saloons by his such parties meetings. Diddy proved who will be working with the promised dates, showcased he does on celebrities whatever he wants, he is a real head, manager . 
Diddy parties, all these unimaginable body meets  were a signature of people they indeed do any for diddy. 
Today there are contracts, papers online meetings to do this. Thanks to software technology, otherwise definetely another Diddy was needed to organize concert halls. 
Think that you do contract to someone to put on stage who even fails to attend diddy party. 
I mean they did not speak, do speech did not publish abstract book, because ıt is not a technology or medical meeting to list the five authors of a research paper. Their bodies were their signatures. 

Concert hall owners would do nothing without diddy organisations. To sell concert hall tickets, footbool match tickets, to sell tickets for seats, who did thıs necessary jobs of old days, yes diddy the organization head did at the expense of unlucky people body harm.
Can we do without concert halls with seats, can we do wıthout footbool stadiums. 
I remember to help sport player organisation i just bought tickets without really watching the sports. 
We need such big places to gather. 
Diddy is not described as a death scene killing enjoying sick person of killing rituels, he is a business man, an organization head, who not cares human body vulnerability. 

One needs to calculate profit needs of concert halls, buildings open places, close  places. Also, no doubt he had security guards team to protect buildings of meetings.

Giving a party wıthout any ticket is paid to him in a different way. Since not in advance payment, there is interest fee added to party price. 

It seems he beated any white others in such party giving, i believe he has the slavery man culture helping him. 

Storm Katrina killed many real black musicians in 2005, such events might give free places to a black man, diddy. 

I am against to blame people who were somehow connected to him. Television show stars might share black security people with any place, that does not mean they did the parties. I mean his house parties are his business.

Many other government schools orphan care centers abuse even white girls, sells them. World is not easy. Anyone should know how expensive might be any price for any help. 

Diddy seems the business man head in black sex seller business with newspapers magazine, broadcasting business. He managed this in a cheaper way apparently not caring human body vulnerability not withstanding to his party drugged activities. He thought human body stands that much drugged activity but he was wrong, he needed to have a health team to tell him what he did harms human health to die. 

That a TV discussion forum talkshow producer black female joined a party to Diddy also means, Diddy loved black people who are above standart intelligence. I never believe that while she lost hours and hours in some problems of daily life on tv show, clearly spending hours and hours not even looking on any male bodies but brainstorming on humanity problems was the one who wanted body contact to diddy.

 i also never imagine diddy ever listened to her even only for half talk show. I mean their only ten minutes life proves that her type is not diddy at all.  When she young she was very beatitiful black women for even any brainless black male, she as a worldwide talented anchor never ever dreamed diddy that much close to her body(not sure if the video was not ai video) . 

But security is a big problem, and it was not easy at all to stand on its own legs of her super brainy talk as a black women so she seeked a black male headed organization because she is the first who proved colored people analysing by anchor ability. She was really beautiful in her etnicity, i like her, i wish she is happy. She worked hard, diddy s faults or others faults are not hers. When she is herself she is such a perfect black female philosopher. She doesn't has power to stop all the wrongness going on. 

Watch her anchor videos 30 years ago, she is lost in brainstorming and she likes it, i mean those who brainless or deaf blind people could never see her personality definetely. 

Also i am glad diddy himself naughty but loved Justin B. enough not to make him dead, ı do not believe diddy enjoys people are dead but likes to enslave them. 

Although online meeting still do replace live face to face meeting, i appreciate the technology that gives easy meeting applications so people talks each other online in a secure way. Meetings ate very important, technologies managing trusted real meetings are solving such meetings paths.

I do not know what celebrities are supposed to when attends to congresses, because i know technology, or or other scientific meetings, people interacts by presenting their scientific fındıngs. Celebrities presenting their real bodies. 

One needs to protect their body from any harm if the important thing is their body, not a braın product as presented on a scientific or technology meeting. I mean to present thir loveliness cuteness beautifullness should not mean they be drugged and abused. They should get paper sıgned that they be giving photos only not ok drugged and abused. 

I believe any female person who seemed connected to diddy are all victims should be protected, where were you şn this world to protect these women now please stop blaming victims. It is so hard to stand above standard level in world. 

-As long as Covid19 unrealistic baseless mobbing meadsures against anyone is not punished (since a unnecessary Covid19 vaccination for anyone) , i do not believe humanity has any brain against all wrong doings. That none condemned Covid19 abusive vaccination of millions as a wrong doing is the biggest proof of brainless human people. Who knows if it was not diddy could more people died ın such parties. Look at brailess people at Covid19 stupid unnecessary measures. Stupid people who only played but never though to ask if Covid19 vaccination needed for only a few or for millions. For me the world is full of stupid brainless people who runs after any thing to harm people. Thousands of people harmed by Covid19 unnecessary vaccination, 

where are you to punish those who unnecessarily did vaccination to anyone.

 They did because they felt by memorizing 5 sentences, "wear mask", "wash hands" "get vaccinated" they felt they are as if Medical Doctors education level, such brainly sick people all around the world. Brainless uneducated not seeing their stupidity to see how Covid19 vaccination measures were all unnecessary. 

Even if Diddy is stopped, this celebrity world will have another. Apparently it is the way it goes. 

Why the families gave children to him. Diddy did not kidnapped them from the street. Maybe they thought they be child movie star, i mean diddy is not child care center. 

There is a profession as body guard they lawfully have gun. Why, because people with big houses need to protect their houses by them. Why they exist. Because law sees they really protect mansions stores. What security guards do. Besides government police, why there is a need for security guards. Small families do not hire them, but small families never creates big gathering. 

Creating big meetings for years is a big business and needs armed body guards. Diddy did not created such necessity for meetings only earned money from it. Yrs they drugged them, and apparently no Physician around to make them walk go out from diddy house, Diddy house not hospital sure. I mean what those drugged fainted people, children be there is clear. Surprised thay there are many people coming alive from that house. 

I like music. There are times i am afraid music people will not be available on public, i prepared some music if nobody makes nice music to listen to. 

How we can have people who makes good music and on stage. 

Do you think there are fair talent exam on music official schools. No, even in government music schools there are abusive people worse than Diddy who hates talented people who is not in love with the official school person. No place to respect real talent all they want a person who is blackmailed by them easily. 

In Turkey, there is a academic dishonesty example exam, it started in 1987, its question bank is thefted by the people not who are similar to Diddy team. They not only organized an academic dishonesty TUS exam but also bribed people to make this exam look good on everywhere. 

There was a good exam board, Turkish ÖSYM, they prevented best exam board from doing the exam good, they created dishonest exam places. Since 2017,they do thefted judge, lawyers board exams. I mean Diddy is not there without a reason. 

How file complaint on this dishonest law exam, the judges are the ones who are there by this dishonest exam. 

İf the school teachers were supportive talented musicians diddy would not be there. 

Why are most celebrities associated with drug use?
It's unlikely that Diddy was the one who drugged them. Behind the scenes, some individuals exploit artists for their own financial gain. No music celebrity, not even the so-called kings or queens of music, has been completely safe from the influence of drugs or harmful substances.

Many of them fall into this trap, sometimes even through the influence of their own psychiatrists or psychologists. Unfortunately, the celebrity world can be that cruel. Diddy was neither worse nor better than others. After Hurricane Katrina, I believe managers became scarcer, and Diddy rose to prominence in that environment.

As for Britney, I’m glad she is alive. Although her genre is not my favorite, her natural voice was truly star-worthy. It saddens me that she didn’t have a good life—even now, things aren’t much better for her. She was so young, practically a child when she endured so much. As someone older, I feel helpless that I couldn’t protect her. She was abused by nearly everyone, even her hospital failed her by exploiting her talent. Her survival wasn’t due to anyone educated protecting her; it was her cat-like instincts that saved her life. I wish her a peaceful, happy life now—she deserves that. It’s heartbreaking to think she was abused so publicly. Don’t tell me it was all Diddy’s fault.

Justin, too, was such a brilliant talent. If it hadn’t been Diddy, worse things could have happened, including drug-related tragedies or even death.

ChatGPT spellcheck: 

Look at YouTube personalities, those who exist solely through YouTube. They are the public faces the world needs. Any person enjoys seeing someone representing a big country. Diddy did this. Without figures like him, the U.S. might feel like a ghost to the world. Diddy created a screensaver, show for the world, even if the way he financed it was questionable. Despite potential wrongdoing, Diddy created a path to bring people before the U.S. and the world. He did this in ways that may not have been entirely correct, but it was like a live YouTube celebrity show. No one can deny that the world needed a path like this to introduce people to millions instantly, in a guaranteed way. He organized this path very efficiently.

The magazine world needed a guaranteed lineup of public faces to feature, and he provided it. He made sure these faces reached the magazines in a garantiee way. I believe he is Black and drew his way from his cultural heritage to connect people. Apparently, he behaved in a colorblind manner to his connections. His home, indeed, resembled a place for homeless animals, with guests and hosts interchanging roles. This tradition echoes the era of enslavement, where people were caged; he achieved this atmosphere without literal chains or cages.

The methods he used to organize this form of "chainless captivity" included influence and, allegedly, drugging people to draw them onto his path to fame. It was as if he sold today's online social media profiles with millions of followers. His organization was built on a cultural framework that echoes the historical enslavement of Black people. Was he a bad patriot? I would say no. His parties, despite any crime, represented American influence worldwide. He didn’t cause U.S. celebrities to lose their place by staying faceless, though he may have arbitrarily  manipulated them to reach millions. He was always a true American. It was as if he was managing magazine celebrities. His organizational methods drew from cultural memories of slavery. Even if these gatherings were crimes, they were part of a historical organization rooted in slavery.

Now, it’s no longer about Diddy because of Instagram, YouTube, or social media. If there weren’t electronic social media, young people like him would continue this trend. From a patriotic standpoint, are they patriotic? Yes, they are.

I do not imagine that such power would allow any female free from his will over his female connections. Even in front of a camera, in front of hundreds, how vulnerable a female is. They are muscles of pincer just bare hand could immobilize any female. I mean diddy never kidnapped any from streets, but any handling he helped by his presence meant a female owned him slaved him. He had all the connections to places a celebrity connects to audiences. Lets ask such meetings places buildings owners, if diddy is promise keeper business owner or not. There is such a business and he knew to manage it. 
