Friday, November 15, 2024

Big O notation: Understanding Time Complexity and Its Contextual Units

 Time complexity refers to how the runtime of an algorithm scales as the input size grows, but the specific units of time (such as seconds, minutes, hours, or even more abstract units like the time measured by a sandglass) depend on the context of the analysis.

Key Points:

Time Complexity as a Relative Measure:

Big O notation describes how the execution time (or number of operations) of an data algorithm grows as the size of the input increases. It doesn't directly tell us how long the algorithm will run in absolute terms (e.g., 5 seconds, 2 minutes), but rather how it behaves relative to data the input size (Cormen et al., 2009). For example, O(n) tells us that the algorithm’s runtime will increase linearly as the data input size increases, but the actual algorithm execution time could vary depending on the machine, the environment, and other factors (Knuth, 1997).

Time Units Are Contextual:

When we talk about time complexity, we're typically thinking in terms of how the algorithm scales. However, the actual unit of time can vary:

  • Seconds, milliseconds, or minutes: In practical terms, these are used when measuring time in real-world applications (e.g., how long an algorithm takes to run) (Goodrich et al., 2013).
  • Operations or steps: Sometimes we measure time complexity by counting the number of steps or operations the algorithm performs, such as comparisons, additions, or memory accesses (Cormen et al., 2009).
  • Abstract measures (like sandglass time): This can be a metaphorical or relative measure. For instance, in certain types of theoretical analysis, or when measuring the time taken by an abstract process, we may use a metaphor like the sandglass to describe a slow, incremental algorithm process. In this case, the focus is on the relative passing of time rather than a specific unit (Knuth, 1997).

Relative Time:

In some cases, time complexity doesn't map directly to real-world units like seconds or hours but instead measures how an algorithm scales with increasing data. For example, an algorithm with O(n²) complexity means that as the size of the input grows, the execution time grows quadratically. How long it takes in seconds depends on n and the actual speed of your computer, but the Big O notation tells you how that time will increase as data n increases (Goodrich et al., 2013). Using abstract time units, like the metaphor of a sandglass, could serve to highlight the gradual nature of time passing during an algorithm’s execution, especially when discussing slow algorithms or those with higher complexity (Knuth, 1997).

Example to Illustrate:

Consider an algorithm with O(n²) time complexity, where n is the number of data elements in the input:

  • On a fast computer, the algorithm might take only a few milliseconds for a small data input (say, n = 10).
  • On a slower system, the same algorithm might take a few seconds for the same data input size.
  • As n increases, the time will increase exponentially because of the factor. For example, if data n = 100, the algorithm might take 100 times longer than it did with n = 10 (since 100² = 10,000).
  • The relative time growth described by O(n²) holds true regardless of whether we are measuring in seconds, hours, or using an abstract measure like a sandglass metaphor for gradual time passage. 

Big O Notation Explained:

The letter "O" in Big O notation stands for the "order" of the function, referring to how the algorithm function's runtime (or number of operations) grows with respect to the size of the data input. The concept of order comes from mathematics, where it is used to describe the dominant term in the asymptotic behavior of a function as its input grows large.

  1. O(n): The algorithm function grows linearly with respect to the input size n.
  2. O(n²): The algorithm function grows quadratically with respect to the input size n.
  3. O(log n): The algorithm function grows logarithmically as the input size increases.

  • O(n): The algorithm's function grows linearly with respect to the data input size n. This means that as the input size increases, the time taken by the algorithm increases proportionally.
  • O(n²): The algorithm's function grows quadratically with respect to the data input size n. This means that if the input size doubles, the runtime will increase by a factor of four (since 2² = 4). 
  • O(log n): The algorithm's function grows logarithmically as the data input size n increases. This means that as the input size increases, the time taken by the algorithm increases much more slowly. For example, algorithms like binary search exhibit this behavior.

This use of the letter "O" helps to provide a clear, simplified way of describing algorithmic efficiency without needing to measure the exact time or space, but instead focusing on how it behaves as the data input grows large.

In summary, Big O notation represents the order of growth of an algorithm, providing a high-level understanding of how it scales with increasing data input size, abstracted from specific time units or hardware.


  • Time complexity is a relative measure of how an algorithm's performance grows with the input size.
  • The actual time units (seconds, minutes, or abstract units like sandglass time) depend on the context and the system you are analyzing.
  • Big O notation helps describe how time grows relative to input size, and the specific units of time can vary based on your analysis and the environment.
  • In short, time complexity tells us how an algorithm behaves over time as the input size increases, but the actual time can be measured in different units depending on the context and the system.

Here's a table summarizing the different Big O notations ( i.e applied to the same data array of size n = 10.) The table shows the algorithm, its time complexity, and a brief explanation.

Big O NotationAlgorithm ExampleTime Complexity (T(n))Explanation
O(1)Accessing an element by indexO(1)Constant time to access any element in the array. It doesn't depend on the size of the array.
O(log n)Binary search on a sorted arrayO(log n)Binary search splits the search space in half each time, reducing the search space logarithmically.
O(n)Linear searchO(n)The algorithm checks each element one by one. In the worst case, it checks all n elements.
O(n log n)Merge sortO(n log n)The array is divided into smaller parts (log n) and each part is merged (n) during sorting.
O(n²)Bubble sortO(n²)Nested loops to compare each element with every other element. Results in quadratic comparisons.
O(2ⁿ)Recursive FibonacciO(2ⁿ)Naive recursion results in exponential growth due to repeated recalculations.
O(n!)Generating all permutationsO(n!)Generates all possible permutations, which grows factorially.

Key Points:

  • O(1): Constant time, doesn’t depend on input size.
  • O(log n): Logarithmic time, splits the input in half with each step.
  • O(n): Linear time, the algorithm scales directly with input size.
  • O(n log n): Loglinear time, common in efficient sorting algorithms.
  • O(n²): Quadratic time, typically occurs in algorithms with nested loops.
  • O(2ⁿ): Exponential time, grows rapidly, often seen in brute-force recursive algorithms.
  • O(n!): Factorial time, generates all possible permutations.


Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., & Stein, C. (2009). Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed.). MIT Press.

Goodrich, M. T., Tamassia, R., & Goldwasser, M. H. (2013). Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (6th ed.). Wiley.

Knuth, D. E. (1997). The Art of Computer Programming: Volume 1 - Fundamental Algorithms (3rd ed.). Addison-Wesley.n-Wesley
