Saturday, April 16, 2016

At least 50 years more, there will be waste of years in bad schooling programs

I am by all means a lover of education, but what about schools, universities filled all over world? Are they giving graduates sufficient to beat real world problems in life or social sciences.
I believe the curriculum of universities, high schools are not good enough. Real world problems are most of the times unique and only a few people should study them. Universities ignores very unique most important key problems, their curriculum is for many students not for real problems.
At present the human success is not with the written regular curriculum of higher education but the curriculum written by individuals. I myself always create my own curriculum, then I find the educational content from libraries, from published sources, from university sources, mostly online. I benefit from higher education, university sources, but in the way my own curriculum dictates.
Human life is short, schools are ignoring some lessons; but, there are times person should be with an ability to seek and read a source when the problem requires. Most people are parrot-like, they never have ability to seek a source, to make a curriculum for the problem they are working on.
Of course, making a curriculum, and finding the books, knowledge homeschooling has some problems. Is the book, or knowledge source is trusted? Universities make sure that the knowledge whether required or not required for some fields, is correct, can be trusted. For example, youtubecom videos are sometimes pure lie; though some are good, how one will find  trusted homeschooling source. In English studying countries fortunately trusted peerreviewed sources are more, knowing good English to read is essential for good educational sources; that is why almost only English speaking countries allows homeschooling somewhat legally; I agree that without homeschooling sources it is not reasonable to imagine that a person did homeschooling.
Not all people will be able to create combinations from available sources.
For example, in music field  a DJ is more than a musician, being a DJ is somehow creating a curriculum to satisfy maybe not a question, but pleasure.  No doubt, the essential is the existence of pieces so that DJ will select and leave out some.
 Maybe such graduates will be in an environment to provide them homeschooling sources by luck, but most of the times there is no luck. Person will not make required homeschooling curriculum and no lucky environment will have. 
Recently there are double degrees from universities. A person takes two degrees from two school. Maybe there should be course completion, not finishing a school but finishing composit courses.
I myself not only studied my own school curriculum, but also studied at least 5 more different school university curriculum; let say 5 university had 300 hundred courses, I left out half of the courses from 5 universities, I never went to homeschooled universities, I benefited from their course materials on my projects, I did not take the exams of those homeschooled courses because I was on my work, projects  hired by my official university degree. I always used my official school degree to be hired, but as a matter of fact my knowledge was more than from my own university. I took my own graduation exams, and I never wasted my valuable time for other school exams, but I learned their sources, the life is short to take 5 different university exams, but sufficient to read 5 different university courses. One needs a time to work, not all time should be wasted on mostly stupid exams. The problem is that one needs a place that recognize superiority of a such a person over the performance on projects etc. Otherwise, the salary will ignore that this person is not only knowledged on a schooled curriculum, but also arranged a homeschooled curriculum specific to her/his field needs. Most people knows that their salary will stay same even if they homeschool 5 more university courses, they do not do that. They say workplaces will not give them more salary for their homeschooling, because it is hard to know if a person lies or not.
I believe a person who finished well a life sciences school, with math etc. if wants definitely will pass more 5 different school exams. But wasting time on exams is stupid since human life is short. How we can recognize a person without examining, who really has homeschooled content, that is the problem. What if a person lies that he/she also homeschooled. Since I know there are liers, I never say that I have additional homeschooling from 5 more universities.
In conclusion, there should be exams that measures students success to make their own curriculum, those who fails to make their own curriculum are likely to fail. That a person is an educator will not mean that he/she is a good curriculum creator. There are people who are able to find books sources when needed. That schools, universities assumes that any student has the ability to behave such as a perfect DJ, is an ignorance of the disability of most students. That universities, schools without measuring student DJ ability, graduates them as if they are, is wrong. That a person finishes a university might mean will finish another university, but will not mean that this person is an ability to make a curriculum from educational sources, from other university sources.
Life is short, creative curriculum making ability is ignored, not measured at present educational systems.
I am seeing that many master or PhD level graduates are having difficult times. It is such a homeschooling that is important for many Master, PhD or higher degree level projects. That no university or school explains the truth that todays world projects are not simple to finalize good by school, university given curriculum.
Meanwhile, I am not here to discuss why a cat or a dog is not educated well, the education I blame is for the human future.

Homeschooling Countries: wikiped.
