Saturday, August 9, 2014

we should not stick mobile phones to our heads, they have harming radiation

We should not expose ourselves against harmful radiation from daily used household appliances. I am not here to tell to you the worst or best brand computers which has least or highest harmful radiation.
It is hard to decide which has the most harm in practice.
I am glad that cutting the edge computer technologies are developed, but I noticed that hardly any engineering minds the harmful radiation effects of televisions, monitors, computers or any machines.
If one works in labs, they undergoes some radiation harmful effects education, but for daily life machines, there is hardly any mind to educate people against the harm of machine radiations.
It is has been months I am never touching my phone to my scalp, to my head. The radiation harm is worst with mobile phones, because % 90 people using them holding on head, ear. When close to bones, tissues, radiation penetrates to deep into body.
Surely, just one time exposure to a mobile phone will not do a big harm; but, we use phones at least minutes each day. The harm is worst when exposed to radiation longer.
I am not here to say anybody to leave out computers from our life, I myself could not do that, even to communicate this harm, i am using computer.
But, maybe engineers will do better designs to lessen radiation harm.
I already made some design changes on my computers, for example I preferred desktop wired computer models, my computer which still has radiation, at least is not on my desktop fortunately, is a separate part and wired far from my desk.
Figure 1. Monitor is separate, moves away easily.
My computer monitor is also not close to me much, I see my monitor from far, I am not breathing my computer monitor or computer chip polluted air.
My computer keyboard is very simple, wired, not polluted with computer machine air. It is a separate piece, easily cleaned. It is cheap, about $10.
Right now my monitor is at least 60 cm far from me. When I do only typing, I put monitor away easily, because it is a separate part.
If someone sits over a computer 6 hours a day, this means this person is there as if an air-conditioner for computer polluted air.
Pity on our lungs.
Our body is in clothes, more protected, but our face is naked, and susceptible harm of radiation. None uses computer from other body parts, with his/her ass, but with head, face.
When I see a child holding a phone sticking to her/his head, i feel bad. I understand that sometimes phones save lives, but there could be old fashion wired handsets connected to mobile phones.
Or we should teach children that only when important we should touch phones to head.
What about wireless things?
Well, i like old fashion wired things, i feel better with them.
I even could not find any practical data on best computer machine with the least harm.
Televisions also are  a source of radiation, but fortunately we do not touch them to our heads, or we watch them from far. But, I still blame many body health complaints to TVs.
In old days we used to watch movies not in our beds.
The latest touch screen computers are having also harming radiation.
Recent touch screen computers have both monitor, and chip radiation to send to human face.
With old fashion computers, we can keep the computer machine, chip away, separate from human face.
It is not good to have many big televisions or any other radiation giving machines in our houses.
We should not keep our phone, our TV too close to us in the same room.
If they are on, their radiation harm increases.
I do not have any TV, any phone, any computer in my bedroom.
My work desk has only my computer's monitor and my computer keyboard; my phone and my computer is far from my desk with wires.
I trashed my big TV, a big TV means more radiation.
I can not do without computer, but can do without a TV. Anyway, any computer is a TV with recent technologies.
I wish I have better ideas to select least radiation releasing machines, but I do not.
I am not touching to my phone, or tablet, i am not touching them to my body, even if I have clothes.
Holding phones, computers in hands, on legs harms body.
I decreased my computer, phone etc use hours I am giving breaks in use of such machines.
I like technology, however, I noticed that engineers are good in developing technology,
 but forgetting that we human are supposed to be protected from radiation.
Radiation is too weird, radiation rays might penetrate tissues of human body, but another effect is that, a working machine releases gamma, beta alpha rays; but also,
unknown weird unrecognized chemical dusts produced inside the machine when such rays interacts with hot walls of computer hardware.
We inevitably inhale such polluted air, because we are close to computers.
Some people will be harmed even by only carrying such machines too close to body too frequently.
Female breasts are harmed by radiation, I believe the recent most cancer described skin lesions are from harmful phone radiation. Radiation resulted skin lesions looks as if a pimple, but they are not filled with fluid if squeezed, they are firm, dark or reddish, they are weird, they are not healed with antibiotics. Radiation harms human body cell nucleus mostly; the DNA is broken by harmful radiation followed by protective immune reaction against broken cell DNA.
The lesions of radiation many times resembles cancer, but the current cancer treatment  are not good to radiation harm.
Teeth, face tissue is weakened by radiation.
Many incurable diseases are resulted from exposure to radiation, exposure to ultrasounds, to electromagnetic fields, to electricity.
Many neuron diseases are resulted from exposure to harming radiation from mobile phones, deck phones, computers, and from other household machines.
When checked even briefly, it is found that there occur such diseases on people who are working at a enviroment exposed to pollution from machines.
Motor_neuron_disease (Amyotrophic_lateral_sclerosis) or many other weakened neuron, muscle disease is due to exposure to machines.
Engineers can do machines minding human health, but they do not seem they are giving any priority to human health.
I like that recent computers are smaller, we carry them easily.
Recent computers are easy to clean.
I would give 20 years of my life for the sake of technology, I like technology that much, but we can have both health and technology.
There should be education courses to teach that though we can not do without computers TV machines, phones; they are not toys, we need to restrict hours against them, they have some sort of pollution.
Maybe some more, some less, we should be careful.
I decreased my computer hours, I might do a spell check on this post someday if i have time, now i am going to do some shopping on internet using my internet.

A single, or a few exposure to any machine will not do any harm, maybe that is why even there is not any described disease resulted from radiation.
The problem is that we all believe we do not use TV, phone, computer that frequent or long hours, but we all do.
There are not very specific hospital tests to diagnose radiation caused health problems.
Think that you are a soldier, and I am telling you leave behind all your things.
None trashed any machine after I told them how bad radiation is on health. None can survive without technology. I do my food shopping by computer, my daily usage is always under 6 hours a day for months. If I can not develop a better designed computer, I will decrease computer hours to 2 hours a day; still too many hours a year.
There is not any specific test to diagnose radiation created health problems, there is not any drug to treat the harm of radiation. It is not possible to keep human cell DNA unbroken under too much radiation.
Some foods rich in DNA, RNA could be beneficial, but no detailed study is done, and the best is protection from the cause.
Figure 2. handset-for-mobile-phones

Using a handset instead of touching a phone directly to the head will decrease radiation harm probably 100 times. This the best advise I give on this post, engineers should design better handsets with better voice quality, maybe voice quality could be improved by narrowing handset or whatever. Fortunately all recent mobile phones has a port to connect a simple handset that cost only $15.
A 30 minute radiation exposure is worse than, 15 minutes, then a rest then 15 minutes radiation exposure, because we allow blood circulation to tissues by rest. But with big TV exposures, whole body is radiated badly.
The most important part in computers seems the monitor, because we need to expose our face to monitor, if too far we can not use computer. Monitors are the displays, I believe if engineers wants, they will do healthier monitors, we can put the computer machine behind a wall, we can keep it away, but monitors, they must be on desk, monitors have some tubes with ionizing radiation, I have not go through monitor parts to find the best monitor, but the smaller the monitor the healthier it is my motto right now. I bought a small wired monitor to myself this month, i feel it is better, the air circulates over my desk freely, also monitor LED lights are pollution themselves.
We already use LED light on computer, we can not replace monitor lights, but I am angry that meaninglessly some people pollutes air by not crucial LED lamps replaceable with harmless lights.
There should be law to ban LED lamp light usage in public places, this would decrease unnecessary exposure to LED lights.
I like recent touch screen tablet computers, but if I will not touch them, what is the usage of buying them, next year i am planning to buy a mini desktop computer, i do not like big computers, there are recently developed better mini computers.
But, there are not many wired monitors to buy.
I have seen a monitor that suggest to mount the computer just behind the monitor, what a terrible design to double the harm of computer machine part with monitor.
This proved to me that engineers never mind human health, but to tidy a computer room.
The reason in using separate monitors is not that they have less radiation,
but because practically they can be move away on a desk.
Why engineers never thinks, minds such practical usage minding radiation harm I do not know.
Maybe because we are in a working world that, people buy things by their tidy appearance.
Wireless does not equal more radioactivity, but I do not like wireless things. I know how a house filled with wires ugly is.
I never seen any fly, bee staying near to wireless things;They do not like transducers of modems, electromagnetic activity.
Engineers should take some radioactivity courses so that they would built machines to mind such harm.
That recent computers are thinner is maybe good for not keeping anaerobic reaction pollutes inside computer.
Too much heat is not good. That ventilator of computer gives air to the user body is not good.
It should be taken only for computers, I do not like any machine, I never eat sitting next to my refrigerator back., who knows what gases it pollutes there.
Bedrooms should be free of TV pollution.
Some engineers should study such problems.
The harm of phones to health is not less than heavy smoking; In most cases is worse.

I prefer small machines, but their harm is not less if they are not handled cautiously.
The disadvantages of small computers is that they are grabbed by hands.
When grabbed, their radioactivity or electromagnetic harm is as if engulfed by our body,
all the angles of radiation is to tissues, we should not grab them by naked hands. I use gloves when I use my stick-small computer.
Since they are small, we should not fill our rooms with many of them.
What a terrible unhealthy behavior to fill a bag with many of small computers, and hold it on body for hours. The harm of computers is more when they are on, with electricity.
Any machine is harm if not handled properly.
If used very frequently, people should not use wireless deck phones. They harm head at varying levels; skin, teeth, bone, brain vessels, brain electrical activity etc should not be close to such phones.
Not only phones, computers; many other household machines will radiate harmful electricity to body.
We should not stay in rooms filled with many working machines.
Radioactivity, Ultrasounds, electromagnetic fields are not good to human body.
We should not sit next to microwave ovens when they are on.
I use microwave oven every day, when I do microwave cooking, I do not stay in kitchen.
I have good air condition in kitchen. I do not sit close to refrigerator in kitchen.
Fortunately, most household machines turn off on their own, we do not need to sit next to them.
Phones, monitors are the ones we are most exposed in practice.

Technologies are that much developed, in past only dreaming could make what we managed in technology. Now, it is time to develop methods, technologies with less harm to human body.

Monitors should be studied better by engineers, even if cost increases, healthy monitors should be developed. Even today ,the technology is ready to use for healthier, maybe more simple, monitors.
Hospitals should take careful medical history on diseases, no medical treatment such as surgery or chemical therapy should be considered without considering patient mighty exposure to household, or work place machine harms.
Government Occupational Health Departments should make educational movies on daily life machines, any patient should be educated on such machines hazards.
Anyone prior to seeking a medical treatment should check her/his exposure to such harms of daily life machines.

I observed many health problems on many people.
Their health complaints were weird.
 Medical Case 1.
The person was a student, she had weakened waist, she had difficulty in walking from time to time.
Was her body exposed to TV, or computer too much?.
Medical Case 2.
A young female who uses computer for long hours, had weird skin problems, she did not have any genetic or infectious disease. Looked healthy. Her skin lesions treated by surgery. In her blood test some antibodies against cell nucleus, against DNA is found.
Medical Case 3.
A female who works on computer long hours had increased asthma problem. Suffered from easily broken teeth. Did she inhalate computer polluted air.
Medical Case 4.
A young female did not have any infectious or genetic disease. Looked healthy. She had increased immune response in entire body. She had enlargement of lymph nodes in her entire body. Was she exposed to big TV radiation.
Medical Case 5. A young university graduate female had surgery on inner ear by a good hospital, but no healing occurred. She had been treated by at least 10 different drugs for her head bad feeling, by many different brain drugs, neurotransmitter drugs at best brain hospitals, none helped.
Her job required heavy usage of phone, some days she did not use phone at all, but some days used phone long periods in an hour. She had a wireless chargeable deck phone, day and night to take calls. In 1990s years, such wireless phones were not common, but her job required to use them. She used  a pager (also known as a beeper), a wireless telecommunications device every day. Sometimes her body had  both the pager and phone on.  
Her bedroom was filled with computer, TV that were too close to her bed. She did not stay in fresh air, nature much.
She had unexplained intermittent pains in her knees, the pain was weird, disappearing on some days completely, it was not closely related to exercise activity.
She did not have hearing problem, but complained from weird head problems.
She was found healthy on blood tests. She did not have any genetic disease or childhood disease.
Unfortunately, her weird knee and head complaints continued.
Was her heavy wireless phone usage, in the presence of TV/computer polluted air, screwing her brain electrical activity, none knows. The torture on her head by the most recent technologies is only clear to me after observing many other technology machine victim cases.

The examples of suffering people never ends.
Some has disabled ankles, arms, some has breast cancer, some has infertility, some has blood cancer, some has uterus cancer, some has multiple sclerosis, some has dropping feets,
all from machines. Each person exposure style is different depending on the height, machine holding stle etc., resulting in different harmed location in body.
Two different TV news programme producer females suffer from cancer, I believe they would stay healthy if lived in jungles.
Some musicians who heavily use electronic computerized musical machines suffer from weird neuron weakness, I believe they would stay healthy if lived in jungles.
Photograph machines are also computers, I have not counted yet how photograph machine users suffer from radiation, electricity, electromagnetic field exposure.
Any unknown disease should be questioned if it is radiation, household or work machine related; 
whether the disease is electromagnetic magnetic field, electricity, polluting light, or radiation related.

On this post I am never meaning that technology machines are harming, lets abandon technology, what I am saying is that technology is great, none can do without technology; but, most machines are not innocent, they make us ill. Engineers should pay attention to decrease harms. There should be lessons in schools to teach appropriate handling of household machines.
I blame educational systems that forgets to teach protection from machines.
In most contries educational systems are screwed to apply parrot-learning, not even teaching to see dangers. IThey only educate people to make identity-thieves, liers, even liers to themselves. What a pity on them.
Not only lay people, even most hospital professionals are illegitimate to diagnose or treat diseases resulted from, household radiation, electricity etc exposure.
Bad technology is killing, making people crippled, if do not stop harms from machines,
the intelligent people making good technology also will be lost, humanity will never develop harmless technologies. Even engineers themselves suffer from inapropriate exposure to machines.
Maybe we need to develop insulating gloves, or our house should be designed different minding harms from machine. Practical usage is very important, we can manage not to be exposed to television, microwave oven, deckphone, mobile phone at least when sleeping.
What genes, what body weight, what foods are better against radiation, electromagnetic field, electricity harms is not well known precisely.
Seems being very lean is not good against radiation. The neurons, connective tissue will dry by harming radiation. But, I do not suggest to gain weight as a protection against radiation, i just noticed that overweight people tolerate some machine harms better than lean people sometimes.
An obese healthy dieting man will tolerate radiation harm to ankles, arm motor neurons, better than a very fit healthy sportive well muscled man. Think that a lean meat cooks faster than a fatty meat. Radiation, electrical currents somehow cooks, burns deep tissues each day again and again.
Sure, I am not suggesting obesity against radiation harms.
