Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I like the products of team work, the modern technology products will be achieved only if there is  team work. but team works always abuse at least one person to final great product in this century. Or at least one person should notice that if not sacrifice some money, some time the targeted product will not be available to world.
I never been in a work that final product was a vehicle, engine, to keep my life protected from a car, or engine accident/death.(However, my lifestyle to adjust my body exercise, nutrition could not be so good without my team work, I together with my team answered the most important questions to avoid or select best exercise or diet style, if we do not know the harms and benefits of a diet, comfort, exercise, we can not avoid from them; it is my valuable team work that teached to the world, proved that regardless of saturated or unsaturated; fat/oil rich diet is harm to body health. Even the best schools did not know that till the time my giant team completed my mission.)
I worked in teams as always the most working, and most underpaid person to have my targeted product. I was the most eager to finish the study, or happiest to see the finalized study, I DİD NOT worked MOST of THE TİMES for the little money I was paid, I worked for my mission in my health field.
The team work failures harm the innocent one in the team, unfortunately not the real criminal, is always the case.
Sometimes the team does not even know in conscious that there is/are person in the team or interacting with the team screwing the team perfect design by lies, by bad sayings behind the team workers.
I still consider myself lucky to find a perfect team towards valuable achievements, products. But, team work is hard. One leaves all legal rights unprotected in a team work; this is a big risk taking. while there are too much liers, enemies, modern-identity-thief-bastards around the team to screw the team to final harm.
Our team mission was something loved by all members, probably this made our team work good. But, if I would count on each subtracted cent from my salary, talk and and talk that I am a genius, that they hardly find someone comparable to me, that many people they are hearing are fcking lying them, such stupids use their stupid time only to fabricate lies, our team is busy on real work, but stupid liers have a lot of time to deceit world, there would be no time left to work-project-talks. I RATHER STAYED QUİET and do my team duty to a perfect end. It takes years to tell my team my superiority, that my salary was not good to feed me to do such a perfect work, even my body reacts to my sacrifice myself on my great projects, my body need a house with the ceil not flooding, i am from wealth genes, i am not insect-people-brained to survive on insect-diets etc etc. But, other members of the team  I thought also were working hard for not big salaries.
No absolute law is in team work in this century, this is my final decision.  No human, no judge has an easy solution to that. Even earthquakes are predictable but the value of a person in a team is too difficult to value.
My team, I worked very hard, productive, and perfectly; our miles stones were hard to achieve in human history. I connected at least 6 giant people long experiences, specific knowledges who could not connect to each other without my extremely perfect work, perfect understanding, perfect applications towards perfect achievements. It is not most of the times a person in the team causing the problem, but someone outside who wants to steal the earned rights of a team worker by lies, by thief behaviours. If a team comes to a point that one needs to talk and talk and talk to  explain who is valuable, who is more educated, but spares less time on the work-project, then I believe something is wrong in the team, an outsider is enemy of the team and attacking a team member to harm the goals of the team.
I finished my most desired projects to perfect achievements and abandoned my team. The people and their teams were already very good prior to my join. But, it was me who connected the valuable experiences, specific knowledges of many teams to a giant team. There were at least three teams that I connected so the products were great. The teams highest levelled heads could not communicate with each other without my highest level  designed perfect work . Even to listen to many teams' past experiences, good knowledges took important time of me, being only one person is the advantage if the aim is to connect correct multiple teams, my brain is one to process multiple valuable inputs. My capacity, my creative knowledge, my versatile deep detailed knowledge to take inputs from many teams is  rare ability. I am a perfect brain to understand any valuable book, my team members' specific experiences, knowledges are my books to open a specific page, read their experiences mostly not found on market/libraries to buy; there are times no book on earth will give you the experience-developed-knowledge; i never drop such knowledge, experience, brainstorming members from my team, because no published book can replace their function. I never waste my project money on people whose brains are nothing more than a speaking copy of a library book/knowledge-part; I rather spend money on e-books to improve human e-book knowledge resources.
if person is not paid to maintain healthy food to buy( no time to cook, working whole day), to hire a person to do house cleaning, then the team work should be abandoned.
Any current century engineering, medical science achievement is a team work.
My team was between highest conscious people on team work. we always followed 'project' format to do anything. Each project had a special aim, methods. If something would not work there were other method ready. Each project had a special person to do a special work. Project Responsibilities of future were different for each people. Education, talents were different for different problem. Salaries were also calculated not after the work but at the beginning of the project. The projects were not funded enough, there was a shortage in money. If I would not say OK to be underpaid, none of the great projects could be available to the world. It is not that others were paid much, it was that i was not paid to cover my house expenses. whole day working both by body and extreme intellectual work will not leave any time to spare anything. Even the holidays are on conferences etc. Think that someone is the house cleaner of the palace and also president of the country. I worked that hard, other my team members? I believe they also worked above average if not as much as me. Our team never had enough time to talk on outer-work problems. Once my boss promised me my salary is scheduled to up $4000, a salary I agreed to work. it did not happened in scheduled time on my salary, my hired old house ceil flooded, i could not afford to buy a reasonable house to live in even after some very hard work of years. I knew my team would make the increase in following couple of years, they were extremely happy with my super work, but even need of some dollars  sometimes can not be replaced, can not wait years.
Giving a break was equal to quit work. I finished my projects, never did not repeated repeated repeated my salary increase lagged, but abandoned them; I calculated, to make them understand my value would take their at least two weeks.(I had a valuable government worker who compiled my detailed education/exam/work/title background in a 500 page or so file), but, i thought my team' 2 weeks is valuable and should not be spend on to read outside of their products, but should spend to go on other projects based on my highest strongest quality work. If there are lyers, fcking jelaous people, one need to fight against them inevitably. I am not going to leave those identity-thief-bastard-lyers damn harms ignored on such a happy team, because i do not want they repeat comparable harms on other rare valuable people, rare teams. Such jelaous, lying, stupid brains trying to harm good establihed teams should not be forgiven, damn such fcked stupid jelaous fckd brained people forever.
I am additionally most strongest self-confient, self-value-knowing, self-criticizing-admiring person; but these criminals, identity-thieves can easily knock down an innocent young talent even before emerges any product. I hate them, will not leave them harm another talent.
Joining multiple teams means that any member on a project will not be behind the other team member work schedule, not only will do the work but will finish the responsible part in time to allow other member to do their responsibility- a Flag-Pass comparable team. A different person never could manage to finish the work I did only in under 10 years, not even 30 years, because I am perfect in project level planning, I do not waste  times when hands on my actual work. Though my work is entirely brain intellectual raised, perfect analytical/reasoning thinking-using open knowledge-to skip or hold, strong geometry, mathematics, physics, chemistry etc... work, if it was not my exercised healthy body below my healthy brain, i do not believe I could finish all in only under 10 years. Timely work is needed, think that a project member already forgotten an old project aim, till the time new results of the project reached to read. Finishing job timely makes easy to remember, to brainstorm what was the project for project members; think that a consultant even forgotten that he/she as on a project as a consultant when finally something asked regarding the aims of the project, human memory does not like to stay alert for years and years.
I am also self confident to be deaf to stupid, jealous people lies as long as my team work environment is good, i am perfect to evaluate my self extreme superiorities. I also learn my team members talents and dislikes.    

But, what happened, thanking to me for my sacrifices? No, never.  I am still fighting against the fckng criminals, fckng identity-thieves. I am not going to leave the world to fckng identity-thieves.
I already mentioned about the fckng kurdish identity-thief on the other posts of this blog.
These identity-thieves might seem targeting me to harm, but overall they want to harm my giant team work. You fckng stupid brained kurdish stupid, I am not going to leave your harm ignored. This kurdish identity thief so damned unashamed, even tries to steal the phone records/mails that openly declares such such kurdish person is an identity-thief deceiting world.

Recently I counted at least 5 people died from bad team work. They did their part that they are responsible, but their partners worked bad to cost maybe also their own lives, or they are alive  but their team members died or the problem bad person was not even directly in the team.

I am having  hard time to talk on team work, because it is really hard to judge the salaries, intellectual level, past experiences, important exams to value a person in a team. Evaluation starts from the birth.
Only those who risks to be underpaid, underestimated in a team did presented to world good great achievements including me.
The risks sometimes costed to their lives. Most of the times, Only those who risked their lives did valuable things in human history.
I am, together with my family we are the risk takers towards our aim, team work projects. People who were against my valuable mission, later did any crime to steal my mission' hard work, my superior brain valuable products. you fcked stupids, i am not going to forgive your fight against my valuable mission.
