Monday, February 20, 2023

Static Electricity Sparks associated with Earthquake earlier times

SUMMARY: Unusual Sky Phenomenon Prior to Earthquakes

The article on this blog is described by a person who has experienced and witnessed a phenomenon seen in the sky many times. The phenomenon did not always continue with a devastating earthquake.
The natural event described is a strange sky phenomenon that occurred in Hatay, Turkey a few weeks after the 7.7 and 7.6 magnitude earthquakes.
The first image (Figure 1) was taken at 20:04, 
and the second image (Figure 2) at 20:05, revealing a short lightning flash that lit up the sky like daylight.
This event is not caused by human-made light sources, and is most likely related to the conversion of mechanical force increased static-electricity into heat and light on the earth before earthquakes.
This strange phenomenon is not unique to Hatay province and can occur in inland areas at least 400 km away from earthquake zones.
The weird sky lighting may occur in day time. The phenomenon is exampled with night time, because to picture light and dark easier than day time lighting phenomenon picture record. 
Although the abnormal sky phenomenon is not always related to earthquakes, it can be concluded that it is an event that occurs before earthquakes and could be a warning sign.
Whether it is a sign of transformation of harming mechanical force into harmless heat and light is not known. 

ÖZET: Depremlerden Önce Olağandışı Gökyüzü Fenomeni

Bu blogdaki yazı, gökyüzünde görülen bir fenomeni çok çeşitli defalar deneyimleyen, tanık olan bir kişi tarafından tarif edilmiştir. Fenomen bazen harap edici depremle devam etmemiştir. 
Tanımlanan doğa olayı, Türkiye'nin Hatay  ilinde,  7.7 ve 7.6 büyüklüğündeki depremlerin birkaç hafta sonrasında meydana gelen garip gökyüzü olayıdır. 
İlk görüntü (Şekil 1) 20:04'te ve ikinci görüntü (Şekil 2) 20:05'te çekildi ve gökyüzünü gündüz gibi gösteren kısa bir şimşek çakması görüldü. 
Bu olay, insan yapımı ışık kaynaklarından kaynaklanmamaktadır, büyük olasılıkla, depremlerden önce yerin statik elektriğinde, mekanik kuvvetin ısı ve ışığa dönüşmesi ile ilişkili olabilir. 
Bu tuhaf fenomen Hatay iline özgü değildir ve deprem alanlarından en az 400 km uzaklıktaki karalarda da meydana gelebilir. 
Normal olmayan gökyüzü fenomeninin her zaman depremlerle ilişkili olmasa da, depremlerden önce meydana gelen bir olay olduğu ve bir uyarı işareti olabileceği sonucuna varılabilir. 
Garip gökyüzü aydınlatması gündüz de meydana gelebilir. Bu blogda, fenomen gece karanlığından örneklenmiştir, çünkü geceleyin, aydınlık ve karanlık farkını belirgin fotoğraflamak, gündüz birden aydınlatan ışığın fotoğrafını almaktan daha kolay olmuştur.
Zarar veren mekanik kuvvetin zararsız ısı ve ışığa dönüşmesinin bir işareti olup olmadığı bilinmemektedir.
Hatay şehrinde kayıt edilen gökyüzü olay, diğer yerlerde gözlemlenen benzer ışık oluşması olayına örnek olması amacıyla açıklanmıştır. 

Fig 1. Hatay, Turkey. 20 February 2023.
Above image is a moment at Hatay province. Just few weeks a big 7.7 and 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake.
It is about 8:04pm in the evening. 
As seen from the image, the sky is night, dark as supposed to be for that late hour. 

Fig 2. Hatay, Turkey. 20 February 2023.
A moment of the sky at Hatay province. Just few weeks a big 7.7 and 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake.
It is about 8:05 or so pm in the evening. 
The lag between two images on this post is only one minute. 
 As seen from the image, the sky is abnormal for a winter night, a brief, one second lightning makes sky as if time is day. (The image is compatison to the image Fig 1 on this post.). 
This is not any human appliances that produced light. It is nature happenings itself specially occuring when static electricity of the lands change prior to the Earthquake. Or it is something associated with unmeasured minor very deep Earthquake related to land static electricity. An Earthquake prone static electricity increased moment, that may or may not associate with an Earthquake depending on the land durability to the hit of African Continent towards North, towards Hatay province land. 

Fig 3. Hatay, Turkey. 20 February 2023.
A moment of the sky at Hatay province. Just few weeks a big 7.7 and 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake. 
It is about 8:06 

Figure 4. A different type of cloud formation called "Mercek-Bulutu," which appeared in the skies over Bursa Province in January 2023, well before a major earthquake occurred in Hatay Province in February 2023. 
Despite resembling tornado structures, the cloud never touches down to cause any harm, and the Bursa Province is not known for having recorded tornados for centuries. 
It is possible that, similar to the lightning phenomenon, mechanically stressed  inland's static electricity force combined with other forces such as gravitational forces of lands, could accumulate such clouds over stress-durable lands. For example, mechanical crushing stress combined with gravitational forces caused by the African Continent movement towards such lands. 
Mercek-Bulutu has also been observed in other cities such as Niğde and Van in 2023, just before or after major earthquakes. Whether if other cities with a history of earthquakes, such as Çorum and Erbaa, have ever had such cloud formations in their skies is not searched.

That the sky abnormally becomes as if daylight weirdly is not normal. 
It's like a lightning strike in rainy weather but weirdly there is not rain associated.  This lightning event weirdly occurs a week or a few hours before the earthquake on the actual earthquake vicinity places (the sky strangely brightens and fades for a second in the daytime, or in night, without rain or snow), even occurs on non-Earthquake lands at least 400 km away from Earthquake land.

Question 1:
Did unusual sky lightning occur in faraway locations before every aftershock earthquake following the big Hatay-Maras earthquake (February 6, 2023)?

Answer 1: In Istanbul, for example, there were reports of strange lightning occurring between February 3 and February 6, 2023, as well as a few hours before the earthquake on February 6, 2023. 
However, the unusual lightning stopped once the first major earthquake of KahramanMaras 2023 occurred, there were no more reports of unusual lighting in faraway locations on the second Earthquake of 7 February 2023. 
It is unknown whether the first earthquake of the epicenter, which was 7.7, had a different mechanism than the subsequent earthquakes, which were 7.4, 6.3, and 5.8.
Interestingly, same witness who reported illumination of the sky before first Maras Earthquake, some weeks rest after  Maras reported very random very short weak illuminations a few hours earlier than the Nigde Earthquake of the date February 25 th, 2023. It is very possible that the force of 6 Feb 2023 Earthquake is more similar to 25 Feb 2023 Nigde(below 6 magnitude, 5.2 Magnitude ) Earthquake. 
That Nigde is close to a lake interesting. I interpret Nigde Earthquake that as of, at least, 2023,2024 years Izmir is safe, the direction of African Continent movement is not towards to Izmir or Antalya which are close to Mediterranean Sea. The direction of the African Continent Movement force on Hatay was towards to upper North East, perhaps towards Erzurum, Maras Earthquake blocked and bounced African Continent force towards another direction Nigde weakining its impact. I believe Africa continent rather effected lower south east part of Turkey. It is good for Romania and Istanbul, are on the very upper north west of Maras, that Nigde very close to Maras (on the lower north west of maras) experienced only small tremors 5.2 magnitude is very good.

A question is regarding the 1999 earthquake, whether or not there were any unusual lighting phenomena in the area prior to the quake. Was there any associated bad event to weird lightning. 

Answer-2: 1999 Earthquake was also associated with weird lighting in the middle of the summer prior to Earthquake, with weird style raining. 
Noisy lightning flashes accompanied by common rain on sky is a known frequent sky event, that implies the weather is about to be rainy. 
However, the weird sky illumination seen hours or even a few days before the earthquake was different, the weird illumination not necessarily accompanied with sky noise, or sudden rain, the weird sky illumination was a very rare natural phenomenon.
Were these unexpected lighting, contrasting with usual climate worsening or making better the magnitude of Earthquake nobody knows for the current humanity scientific knowledge (sure science is improving well). 
Some chemical reactions of the Earth's deep levels might  behave differently to incident sun light.At present it's unclear whether sunlight has any effect on this situation, but it's probably not ideal to have a solar eclipse occur in an area with increased static electricity. In 1999 there happened a coincidence that incident Sunlight was blocked more than usual by Solar Eclipse. 
In October 2022 there happened Solar Eclipse again in 1999 Earthquake area, but there was not such weird lightning around October 2022. There happened no Earthquake despite that there was again Solar Eclipse. Luckily, two events did not coinceded to the same days simultaneously in 2022. Also definetely not meaning that it is Sun Eclipse making Earthquake. Only a few chemical reactions and mass size of deep Earth probably would be changed by such incident sunlight quantity or characteristics. 
As science continues to advance, perhaps we will gain a better understanding of these phenomena.
