Saturday, January 7, 2023

The winter flood of California in 2023

Undoubtedly, the stormy winter flood/tide in Santa Cruz California (from December 31, 2022 to December 6, 2023) is a disaster similar to the historic flood of 1862 (The height of the flood was about 30 feet). If the flood disaster of 1862 is compared with the flood disaster of 2023, the height of the flood has not increased much. The water overflow remained at a certain level, and did not reach the third floors of the houses. Both floods apparently occurred in the winter and ended in in less than a month in the ocean shores of California
Property damage is still great, but only a few deaths, no casualties.
More or less, sometime in Spring of 2022, a weather forecast application(1weatherapp usa) predicted and warned about the flood probability on the shores of California weather map. Meaning that, the science is luckily already improved to see high probabilities of some floods. 

Figure 1.The historical flood of Sacramento City of California, USA in 1862. Instead of cars, people are pictured in boats in the overflooded streets.

As of 2023, I couldn't find the exact boat I was looking for in the market. 
It may be useful to keep  boats at home, boats that do not want experience, go slowly, but do not topple, do not get punctured when something hits. At the very least, technology can make such tools for flood situations. In areas close to a slow rising river maybe used for some situations. 
For sudden flash floods (Rises and normalizes even only in hours), even such my  imaginary boats will no help. 

Figure 2. Imaginary work-helicopters might attach stairs and boats to a flooded house. 
With current technologies, there is no function of helicopters to securely attach a boat and ladder to any building. In the future, work-helicopters may be developed that will insert secured ladders and then boats to the outside of a submerged house. This technology is especially beneficial for houses at risk of overflow, on river banks.
It is not easy for an average person or for children to ride a helicopter from a flooded house. Such tools might help to get off from a flooded house. 
Ultrasonic dedector eyes that sees inside of flood water would evaluate the flood water inside contents and depth to attach a stand to the houses of victims. 
We are only a few years away from such robotic work-machines. 
