
Monday, April 4, 2022

kahun example Case Story

Above is a underweight complaint of a real patient. 
Name of case: xxxxxx xxxxx
Age of case: 26
Sex of case: Female
Main Complaints: Weight Loss, cold intolerance, Fatigue, dissatisfaction with body image. 
To assess above case with KAHUN, sign in KAHUN application that you already downloaded to phone. 
Write into, or click on weight loss, then KAHUN suggestions starts. 

Name of case: xxxxxx xxxxx
Age of case: 36
Sex of case: male
Main Complaints: Syncope 
Vital Signs: 
Sistolic Blood Pressure: High
Diastolic Blood Pressure:  High

-KAHUN assessment gives above screen - - On above screen, click on (+), 
-write in whatever you suspected in detail. Such as "Essential Hypertension" 
-When Essential Hypertension is entered manually, above list shows on screen. 
-To reach the plan (what labwork, procedures or imaging works are priorities) of KAHUN for this patient, 
Click PLAN icon after selecting "Essential Hypertension". 
-Then, KAHUN will list the required lab work, or imaging work for Essential Hypertension. 
-Click on the tab labeled as "Labs" 
Above is the list of tests that KAHUN asks for Essential Hypertension. 
-Click on "Imaging" tab to see imaging or tests asked by KAHUN. 
From the Lab and Imaging SCREENS if not all, enter the results from below measurements. 
KAHUN might suggest Ophthalmologist exam in Essential Hypertension, ask such consultations if you agree. 

Name of case: xxxxxx xxxxx
Age of case: 34
Sex of case: female
Main Complaints: infertility 

-Enter complaint as "Infertility". 
-KAHUN will give a summary as above

Above is assessment screen of KAHUN for INFERTILITY patient. 

Name of case: xxxxxx xxxxx
Age of case: 51
Sex of case: female
Main Complaints: Upper Limbs Coarse Tremor, bilateral. Does not decrease by arm forwarding. 

Above is a list of likely diseases for the involuntary coarse tremor. 
Above is suggested Screen of tests for differential diagnosis of tremor. 

Name of case: xxxxxx xxxxx
Age of case: 54 
Sex of case: female
Main Complaints: Galactorrhea for months during menopause 
Diagnosis is most consistent with hyperprolactinemia. 
 Other possible causes to be considered include pituitary adenoma and neoplasm of pituitary gland. 
Above is the KAHUN ASSESSMENT for this case. 

Above GALACTORRHEA information is from 5minconsult book, 5minconsult application. 
Tests to do for Diagnosis of Galactorrhea:
     -Prolactin levels
     -Thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels
     -CT or MRI: MRI is the method of choice in identifying microadenomas. High-resolution CT may be used when MRI is contraindicated or unavailable. 
      - Visual field examination is indicated in all Galactorrhea patients with macroadenomas.
       Diagnosis of galactorrhea due to a prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma is based on elevated prolactin levels (typically > 5 times normal, sometimes much higher.) 
With a nonfunctioning pituitary mass, prolactin levels are not usually elevated > 3 to 4 times normal. 
A trial of dopamine-agonist therapy can help distinguish between prolactin-secreting; and, nonfunctioning lesions. In both types of problem, prolactin levels decrease after treatment, but prolactin-secreting lesions decrease in size, whereas nonfunctioning lesions do not.
Serum gonadotropin and estradiol levels are either low or in the normal range in women with hyperprolactinemia. 
Primary hypothyroidism is easily ruled out by absence of elevated TSH. 
Above screen is KAHUN PLAN(Lab) for this case(case-5) 

Above is the KAHUN Screen for IMAGING work towards differential diagnosis for case-5.

Name of case: xxxxxx xxxxx
Age of case: 52
Sex of case: male
Main Complaints: Heart Palpitations
KAHUN ASSESSMENT: Supraventricular Tachycardia, Heart Rate:141/minute

Above is a KAHUN ECG pathological signs  screen. 
Above is quoted approach from 5minconsult textbook to a patient (Case-6) with Supraventricular Arrhythmia (Heart Rate 140 per minute) at rest with risk of Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flatter. 

Above screen is ASSESSMENT of case-6 by isabelhealthcare. com
That KAHUN allows to mark vitals as normal in detail makes KAHUN application screens more patient specific. A list of What is normal with patient is informative as much as what-is-wrong-with-patient. KAHUN takes care normalities of patients better to make clinical diagnosis. 
Many clinicians diagnosis success are good not only because of counting abnormal findings but also counting all normalities of patient.