Sunday, January 26, 2014

Low fat, high protein, high vegetables, fruits diet.

My fat-free high protein high fresh fruits, vegetables diet; the breakfast I had today

Today I get up around 7:40 in the morning.
As soon as I get up, I ate 1 table spoon fresh Royal Jelly

MY BREAKFAST MEAL (started at 8:00 ended at 9:30 o'clock)

My breakfast started with cucumbers(~500 gram).
Fresh raw fruits (apricot, peach, kiwi) and
cooked aubergine.
I ate 1 cooked aubergine with fruits.
1 additional cooked aubergine I ate with cooked red meat (At least 300 gram,-wet-weight meat).
With cooked (boiled with salt and onions then microwaved) fat-free meat, I ate raw sliced white onions.
I also ate 5 egg whites cooked with onions. I mixed meat and egg-whites.
Many glasses of hot tea.
Then I ate 16 hazelnuts.
At the end of my breakfast, I ate 1 spoon natural honey.
sugar-free  gums are healthy after meals.

MY AFTERNOON AND DINNER  MEAL (started at 16.00 ended at 19:00 o'clock)

My afternoon meal started around 16:00 with
mineral water, and cucumbers(~500 gram).
At 16:30 I started to eat my warm/hot foods. I ate
cooked aubergine (3 cooked warm aubergines)
drank many glasses of hot tea,
5 egg-whites cooked with onions (with salt).
Two pieces of cooked red meat, beef steak.
and 3 apricots


Mineral Water( 0.5 Liter)



1 Apple, 1 spoon honey, mineral water.
1 table spoon(not full) fresh Royal Jelly(Bee milk)

Fresh Fruits:
~ 700 gr fruits= 310 calorie
Cooked vegetables:
1000 gr raw Aubergine=150 cal
Raw vegetables:
Onion: 25 cal
Cucumber: 120 cal
Protein sources:
Trimmed lean red Meat, 360 gr = ~12 oz=480 cal
16 Hazelnuts: ~145 cal
10 Egg whites: 150 cal
Natural Honey: 2 spoons=70 cal
2 spoons fresh Royal Jelly=50 cal
Total: 1500 calorie/day

