
Thursday, December 12, 2013

There is not any limitation to the internet criminal activity of image search engine worker


How I am worried that there is not any human population, judges, law workers on Earth even to understand the internet criminal  activity of search engine image worker.
The brainless image search engine worker now stolen my private e-mail account photo , broken its link from the private-account and linked it to an unknown weird site which is nothing to do with the photo.
The crime of is big, such a crime law punishment is heavy, but if steals photos and links them arbitrarily to random URLs, there is not any law worker on Earth to punish, to teach law to the brainless worker of fcking any internet law tells that a private-photo is on xxhttp://xxx site, but when the xxhttp://xxx site is visited, it is found contrary to stupid image search engine the site does not show my private-photo(A photo which has my phone-number, my phone is nothing to the with the site that linked my content, since stupid worker screws anything, i used my legal-phone number on the photo to claim easily that it is mine).
How I am worried that this stupid person also fcks its own company. company should pay to me at least $30.000 for attacking to my accounts content randomly linking them all over the places. Someone should teach the stupid image search engine that, he/she is not the hell-head to attack any copyrighted photo, steal private photos and link them to pages that does not have them. image search engine worker fckngly does nothing but as the head of the hell steals photos, breaks their links from the owner account and links them to weird sites.
I know it is search engine image worker, because the technology to fck internet law by such random links, is only in the hands of image search engine worker.
The bandits are all in image search engine, there is not any place to report them that lies that a page contrary to lies does not have the text, or image.
So called internet law places, are nothing but bandits to take money from people pockets as long as exist or search engine image worker screws accounts, hacks private accounts photos.
The type, the sorts of image search engine worker screws internet daily thousands times is endless.
Why, because none is against the fcking internet criminal activity of image search engine worker. is not a compny of governement level, that one would for emple give vlauble numbers such as Social ecurity Number etc. Though image serch engine worker is not at all at a level to reach government records by law, image search engine worker stupidly attempts to do things as if he/she knows something on important governement identity numbers.
Anyone who forgets that image search worker is not someone alowwed to reach any valuable governemnt records also violates/ignores US government  law. You fckng image search engine worker, you are nothing trustable, you are not a company that government lists to share important identity number such as SSN. All you screw internet only shows how you stupidly behave as if the head of the hell to attack any public photo, any government recorded(not shared with content. I am glad that such criminal workers of are not allowed to reach government records by well-established law.
Believe me, the search engine image worker is that much sick, and enjoys from screwing accounts; even would not give someone the ownership that he/she dropped shit to someplace, would take the photo of the shit from an URL and link it to another person profile to deceit internet. Such an activity is forbidden to internet search engines and declares that its company knows/agrees with this law.

One might think that internet law is something to punish those who violates internet law. No, at present the so-called internet law is not to punish internet criminals such a search engine image worker, but to  take money from poor people pockets, from, most of the times innocent people without really any really applied law by illegitimate judges.
Where is the law department that I could make a complaint that my photo is randomly linked to a site by company itself.
The kurdish V-TUNÇ has 'TUNÇ' father surname, TUNÇ birthsurname. This kurdish identity thief thinks that if criminal image search engine worker is bribeb to help its crime, then all stupid internet users will be deceited. You stupid brainless kurdish V-TUNÇ you are damned stupid, you have nothing to do but only deceit the stupid inbternet users. Go had fck your brain further to screww world, to screw stupids, to waste other people money by your stupid lies. You kurdish  identity-thief with your stupid doings you already wasted moneys of Switerla.. government, you scrwed minds, you deceited anyone. You kurdish V-TUNÇ you should be punished for bribing image search engine orker to deceit stupids. What you is not more than an animal peeing and asking money. Yes, sometimes disgusting insects are found around, your photo is not more than dissgusting animal-insect found around me to prove that ypou stupid brainless identity-thief V-TUNÇ is known to me that kurdih V-TUNÇ scred minds, screwed Siter.... government money. Yes, you are also on this blog as an kurdish-identity-thief-with-TUNÇ-birthsurname.
You kurdish V-TUNÇ(with TUNÇ birthsurname) shame on you that you could not do anything usefull in Switzerla.. but wasted their money, with stupid things that do nothing, but only would screw minds, you kurdish V-TUNÇ, you should be punished heavily for deceiting people in Switerlan...
If the world would full of with the brainless people, identity-thieves such as the kurdish V-TUNÇ, no  valuable things could be put forward.
That the criminal image search engine worker is bribed to help the kurdish identity-thief V-TUNÇ even violating the company own legal agreements, only proves the greatness of the crime by the kurdish V-TUNÇ. This kurdish V-TUNÇ is that much stupid, if you shit and give it to V-TUNÇ, would eat shit not knowing what the fck doing, with that much stupidness this identity-thief deceited Switerla... and took their money on stupid doings to screw minds. The Switer government money could be used on better things but kurdish V-TUNÇ waste the money to screw minds only. Since kurdish V-TUNÇ could not do anythink, no doing the only think the kurdish stuoid do, steal valuablepeople names and deceit stupids of the world. V-TUNÇ to change surname abusing even marriage law, gat married and stolen vluable surname to deceit world.

There is a Kurdish Identity-Thief, criminal image search engine orker is bribed kurdish  identity-thieves. Since kurdish identity-thief(V-TUNÇ) is stupid, screwed world by its brainless things, now tries to help the stupid kurdish identity-thief by screwing law. Anyone ignoring the criminal activity of image search engine is also criminal minded, lover of identity-thieves. You stupid image worker go fck your own country, your own company for nothing but to help identity thieves. That image search engine is screwed by a stupid kurdish identity thief only proves how company image search engi,ne is in the hands of internet criminals.
The image search engine worker should be punished heavily for helping a stupid kurdish identity thief.