
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The firt usage of DIPLOMA İN HUMAN HİSTORY was by a man to certificate that a land was his, used for a while. There were no schools, education in those old days.

It might be disgusting to touch to some stories behind some important words, but it occurred to my mind that each word has a different history coming from thousands years ago.
Thousands year ago there was not any school, even there was not any well developed language. People used to fight each other claiming that a land is his/her. They did not have any today nice papers to certificate any past event to others.
Once upon a time it struck to a man mind that if he could show some biological evidences, that he dig a deep in land, left there biological things, dried rolled etc. then he could prove that he indeed lived in that land, at least days. In old days language was not developed, but deep low man, meant that something from low part , something to release to dip, deep something of man.

In today world, people are illegal, they do not know anything, they lack any knowledge regarding the field they claim they are certified, but they get a diploma without any completed courses, without correct exams they show a rolled paper not different from the old man diplowman shit.
Anyway, the first time DIPLOMA word was used did not have any lie, it showed the biological evidence out of a body dried rolled on soil, field.
I never trust the liers that they tell you they have diplomas, I examine them.
Although many times educational systems are themselves bad and the courses will not teach vlauble ESSENTİAL information. There are lying people who never took courses, never take exams but deceit around by their disgusting sheets. These people are even at some importnt government places, none can fight against them. ıF EDUCATIONAL System is wrong they need to correct it, but they fabricate lies, they deceit world that they have earned Diploma.