
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

LIGHT POLLUTION: The LED lambs cause eye damages, if there is no body to stop such fckng lambs harm, do it yourself.

The eye harmful light recently inserted against my flat. This door is at the opposite site of my door. This outdoor and my outdoor are at the same floor. The entire hallway usage is my legal right bought years ago. I can not use stairs or elevators to downstairs without looking at this light. I can not go to my trash dump room without approaching this light. The disturbing light always is on, flashes, it is not that it is an alarm turns on by touching to unknown person door. The trash room path inevitably makes eyes exposed to the harmful light. Using umbrella, or a face/eye protective covering mask is a burden in this corridor. The stupid fucked brained animal person who inserted this harmful light should be punished for light pollution. The building has at least 200 apartments, each has similar hallways, only this stupid person put this harming light on the hallway. The building has its own light buttons at each floor hallway, there is not any need for such a harmful light.


Figure i. The eye harmful light recently inserted against my flat. This door is at the opposite site of my door. This outdoor and my outdoor are at the same floor.

Self-defense yourself against a stupid who sends LED blue light into your eye as a gun without any important requirement to harm your body.
Some LED lights, especially in the shorter wavelengths of blue light, harms retinal pigment epithelium cells in comparison to a non-exposed control group. A UK newspaper also underlined ‘Do environmentally-friendly LED lights cause BLINDNESS?’ thanks for any interest on the harms of lamps.
But there are too many stupid human around not only harm themselves, they harm their neighbors by sending harming light into the eye of their neighbors. One of the stupid human just moved in across my apartment. These stupid people just moved to this building in late 2013, they are stupidly using such lamps to harm the eyes. unfortunately in this Eastern Europe country even the government is full of stupids, the judges are stupid illegitimate themselves, the court is not more than an actress in movie speaking. One day in future the harm of these lamp will be understood better, but right now, they are just harming the eyes and no stupid understand it. Such lamps can be used for important reasons, but the stupid person living who moved to this building, puts this blue flash LED light to damage neighbors eyes, none say anything, they are exposed to the same harm as me. Fortunately there is not child at this floor, they are more helpless. I do not have any child, probably this problematic lamp was broken by me on the first day with a hammer if I would have a child exposed to this harming light. There is not really law in this country, but helps rather illegal people to harm around TO MAKE PEOPLE AFRAİD FROM DOİNG THE CORRECT SELF-DEFENSE.
Fck such stupid people who does not have any respect to human health.
Lasers and LEDs cause a thermal heating effect in proportion to the power density of the radiation, which can result in tissue damage to the retina. Shorter wavelength radiation causes a photochemical effect in the retina, changing the chemistry of the cells. At shorter wavelengths below 400 nm, UV light is largely absorbed by, and can cause damage to, the cornea and/or the lens.
In conclusion, if  a stupid neighbor harms your eye, and government behaves stupidly, against such a light-gun, self-defense yourself, take security measures against such a stupid harmful person, do not allow such a stupid person harm your body irreversibly, your most important tissues.
I am, myself a victim who is forced to exposed to the harmful LED light by the illegal stupid person living across my door. This stupid person illegally put a blue-LED light into hall sending the harmful light to my legal usage place, to my door/hallway. I have a sunlight umbrella to protect myself from this harmful light, but  not easy, some magnifying glasses even increases the harm of such light, hard to find protecting eye wear.
This issue is not only my concern Blue LED Light causes blindness
There is none who disagrees that the blue flashing LED light is not harmful, but regarding the time to cause harm, some says only minute exposure, some says hours exposure causes irreversible eye tissue damage. If not certain about safely exposure time, means that it can not be used against others against their consent.
Even the normal light can be a gun. If you hold intense light to the eye of little coturnix-bird, they fell, this method is known to hunt birds. In this eastern European country hunting bird via holding light into their eyes to disturb them to hunt is forbidden, but there is no measure against the stupid person across my door who harms other people eyes by harmful LED light because of stupid illegitimate judges. you fckng stupid I am not going to leave the world to you so that you stupid fuck people health.
The light pollution law is not fully developed, what the fuck then, will I leave the world stupids to make world blind then when they die many year later, some law proves that their LED light was worse than many gun, and made people eye damaged. If blue-LED light damages eye, it is irreversible, nothing, no money bring it back. There is a self-defense against a stupid, who harms innocent people eyes, You fucking stupid there, you even risk your own eyes, your home visitors eye, with your stupid animal level. You fckng stupid you will not be able to harm innocent people eyes, they will self-defense against your harming gun formed from flashing blue LED light. Even the birds are protected by law against the harm of light but most government judge rather will hold you so that illegal people will harm you more. Such judges even will take your money to help jealous people to harm your health, such judges that threatens people, make too afraid from keeping  body safe from harm should be punished, what the fck they take money. to make you too afraid from keeping safe your eyes from hazardous LED lights. Such judges only are abusing law to help identity thieves harm you further. These judges are not more than an actress playing around law but a  bastard holding you from saving yourself, making you to be afraid doing the correct protective fight against an irreversible harm. If you believe someone is about to blind your eyes by harmful LED lights, self-defense your eyes, do not allow law abusing judges to make you afraid from keeping your eyes healthy. Such law abusing judges another day will blame you that you exposed your eyes too bad light. Bastards are bastards they might be in the law places, anywhere to help harming people. If the light harms you at a place that you paid money to be in, then you have the right place to arrange the safety at this area. If the harming light touches to your paid area but the judge say you should tolerate that, that judge is fckng bastard to be punished abusing law to harm you further. Governments which hold such so called judges but in reality never knows anything regarding the harm to health should be punished for deceiting world that they fckng something there nothing toards to keep humanity better.
If a judge tells you tolerate the harm to your eyes, hold this judge in front of this light open eyed 20 minutes and tell him he really deserved to look at such LED light from 20 inches from very close. Or ask any company, deceiting people that such LED light is safe, to be sit against such light and read for 30 minutes. This punishment is enough to them. Take such a harm against to you seriously that these people are wanting to make you blind with such harmful LED light or shortly just want you die. This a good way to attack to you. For them abusing law is easier by such light lamps used as a gun. Such people are a different type of heavy criminals protected by some so called government judges, even not allowing you fight harms against you. Even not allowing you to say the harm of some light-bulbs.

A stupid who fails self-defense to protect body health and wastes government tax money is also bad.
Government states that one has the duty to save herself/himself from others harm. If you allow your eye damaged, be blind by a stupid person LED light, then you will be burden on government, or you need to go finish your life. Any otority, or government judge who makes people afraid from keeping their eyes from stupid neighbors harmful light, such a telling that, 'Allow the harmful light to harm your eyes, do not take a hammer and do not break the harmful light' should be punished.
You are supposed to keep away harmful light from your eyes. You should not take risk to be irreversibly blind by harmful LED lamp. Maybe your neighbor is stupid, animal brained even risking her/his eyes does not mean you will do the same harm to your own eyes.
If you still did not break, or did not hire anyone to remove such a harm lamp from your hallway, such a harming lamp over time, it is only your kindness to forgive the stupids of the world.
You fckng stupid criminal who put the harming lamp into my hallway. If I am not going to make you sit looking into the this harming light for 10 minutes, it is only my kindness, thank to me that my family is different from your fucked criminal stupid animal family who teached you to harm other people by harmful lights.
Law schools should change their name to actress school, the judges are rather screwing possible good decisions, acts.

P.S.: Although this post strongly advising protection of eyes from light pollution, self-defense your eyes from stupid people who sends harming light around, and this post is against the companies which does not tell the consumers that the harmful effects of their product is not searched well yet,
I am never ever against the manufacture of appliances that uses light under control. Many laser lights maybe are harmful in daily life, but if under controlled, they will not be harmful.  Laser lights are used to cut many things including cuts in medical treatments, but this is different from your neighbor heavy crime harming your eye with a LED light when you are at your hallway to take your elevator. No body has any legal right to end some unknown light to your body. Even if a surgery requires laser light, it is your consent makes legal the procedure to be exposed such a light or not.