
Sunday, November 24, 2013

It is not easy to be United States of America, there is US and there is remains.

For centuries in history, it was Europe who created what we call education, science, medicine, physics,chemistry, history etc.
For recent centuries, it is United State of America knowledge providers educating the other countries.
US is not alone to put miles stones in human knowledge. But, it is US if i need to say a single country, the leader who has the job to go further in education. Many other countries are lucky that all they need is to understand the already created knowledge by US and translate it to their language.
some countries even fails to select the best knowledge and take useless things to teach their primitive teachers. Some countries even fail to like the correct thinks. Also US might also has invaluable crap things to leave out between all valuable knowledges.
But, liking US good knowledge is only nothing nothing, compared to do difficult activity of creation of the knowledge.
Identity thieves of some underdeveloped countries steals identities and deceits stupids.
I am the top 5 educated person of the world, almost 20 year from my education was not in US or was not in English but in another language; but that does not mean that my education was not provided by US  or old Europe developed science even in these years. All valuable books are translated into other languages, although my degrees I generally use are from the schools which are not online, my highest achievements to put world into centuries ahead are online system readings, online educations. I remember my high school teacher could not solved the problems that I solved via online system education. But, such teachers later deceited some people that they are good teachers, they never mentioned that good exam scores are not their teaching, but by online educational systems. My online system knowledge providers never get thank from their contribution, they hardly earned money from the pages they sell, but thieves are everywhere, online knowledge providers did not have regular salaries. Many teacher to me is an artist in a classroom some might like enjoy.
There are speaking robots if one like listening to (I never like learning any knowledge by listening to people, I am over 50 years old, only about 4 % out of 100 % of my knowledge is via listening to things. I am quick-witted in verbal communications, I had been always the most prominent talkative accurate speaker in any hot emergent discussion if the situation requires, but if not really required I do not use listening-to, but reading any knowledge. Listening to someone other than some necessary minutes or emergencies is never a good way for knowledge communication, in current world, using listening-to methods in schools wastes times. It is easier to leave out a book stupid writing by just switching to a better document, but a pupil can not say to a teacher, you are not the best to tell me this subject on Earth. Besides, There would not be such a life time if i would use listening-to methods, my fast eye reading methods allowed me to read many knowledges.
Listening-to methods are encouraging parrot-like learning.
My ear is perfect, I catch all detailed notes in the music i like. I do not listen to music when writing or reading, studying, but to have a rest).
Well, over years, although my achievements source is also from online systems (If some books, lectures are from not the school I am registered; if the lessons are not listed in my registered school Curriculum, I still call them online, including the lectures I bought as a disc, video, movie etc), since description or records of online lesson systems are hard, I never used online systems helping to my education in my Biographies for job applications.
Job providers never asked me to tell them all the sources of my knowledge, it would take pages and pages to write so many different online knowledge providers, schools keep well individual record of educational Curriculum/trancript but online systems do not yet. When I hire people, I check their degrees, exams, but I also do not like online exams; current most online systems are not arranged for exams very well yet. When I hire people I do look at their degrees, the schools they finished, do they lie, what country they study; but, I always examine their knowledge over some months without openly telling them, or many times without asking them questions, but watching their strenght and weaknesses over time.
In far future, education will be in our homes, in our rooms, online exams will be done perfectly by trusted systems. School buildings are still popular not because a teacher speaking there teaches better, but the exams in school are better done in present educational systems. It is expensive to maintain schools only for exams, teachers recognizes students over a time, teachers are as if identity checker(Though they might rather help to identity-thieves abusing their job). In future, when identity control systems develop better, there will be school buildings for only exams. Or schools will be only a day a week, other lessons will be online. But, poor families who can not afford extra childroom in house hate to have a student studying sitting home and yelling them to be quiet turn off music, tv etc.
That much money goes to teachers is a waste of money regarding education. why not hiring artists to bring the students together. ARTİST ARE NOT DİFFERENT FROM many TEACHERS, THEY CAN NOT solve chemistry, physics, mathematics problems, THEY CAN NOT DEVELOP knowledge ONLY memorize THİNGS AND SPEAK. But, teachers are only speaking teacher because they were not high good to develop mathematics, chemistry etc, they stayed at teacher level. The money should go to the knowledge, science,chemistry, physics, etc developers, not waste on speaking. Yes, US will do that for world, US education funds, system knows that none is there any longer who would go ahead in knowledge without US, and US would just import it, knowledge import from Europe was the case for centuries for US, but know it is US job, funds to improve current knowledges. Some geographical life styles can make people survive in some countries without knowledge improvements, but in US knowledge, technology is making human survival better.
It is not that going to school, but taking the exams with well organized system is required toward degrees.
The 5 years old to 15 years old age education, specially primary and some secondary school years are different; and, always is better with a primary school teacher or so; speaking, telling the things before little students. Other than that, if a student already knows reading, a teacher voice is rather a disturbing thing to study knowledge.

In future the lessons always will be on a website such as and students will go to schools only for exams. is only a blog site, to make a site educational it needs to meet some characteristics defined by School Curriculums.
Online system lessons are subject to the same regulations as school building teacher systems, but they are online*. What the fck you will meet friends teachers in school, if later on they will do nothing but tell lies to help identity thieves.
I myself made a good usage of meeting people at least thousand people via school classes, i checked that they are not intelligent as high as I am, but schools are not built to help to know people, if education is the purpose, online systems are better.
Since there are liers abusing online exam systems, at present there is no easy way for an online knowledge provider to check if the online student learned something or not.
In education systems it is not hard to teach, to find teaching methods, but it is still hard to exam students. Today educational systems is not at a level to prepare good exams, this the biggest problem.

Many teacher, many engineers, many architects are not more than an actress even if they have some degrees etc but no achievements. Many school exams are for parrots not to select people who could improve knowledges.
Many people goes to school not to go on higher achievement in some specific knowledges, but they like to see other students understanding better, or just sit a class, go to toilet, seeing teachers, student life etc. A school building filled with many young students does stand  as a population not killing each other, staying together without harming each other, maybe a team; an online class is not that. But, education is not to built a team in a school building.
Then, such a team should be defined openly.
In conclusion, If the aim is education in a specific field towards the top creations in the world, then none can beat online educational systems. However, for some governmental, military defensive   aims, the old fashion school buildings with listening to methods can be still employed. Even if learns nothing over 15 years, a clear crime history in sitting in school is something to record. Though such a life to me a torture, waste of time, some students still might just like to go school, come back home, to go to school building, come back home just having a life with other students and teachers around. Their aim is not learning to be a top creator in specific field in future, but have a school sitting, being a part of educational systems life. But, if in future if they want to be singer, from sitting for years, their lungs will not help, or their body will not be healthy good as who did exercise in fresh air rather than sitting in school buildings.
Today, there was a discussion on closing the privately working teacher places in an eastern europe country, that government could not check what is going on, if they really teach math, chemistry etc, or lie and teach, plan, organize harmfull things in some small teaching places.
In government registered schools, there are inspectors from government, paid by government taxes.
Government education controllers not only check the teaching curriculum, they also check if there are clean toilets matching to big number of students usage for a full-day. Or if the students reach to foods in teaching places.
But, in todays internet world, organizing crime does not require buildings.
If someone wants to hire a one to one teacher for a super child, and rich to do that, there is nothing wrong with that.

*School Building teacher is used to describe a teacher who is hired by government or by a company to teach students enrolled to a school that has classrooms to sit, toilets etc.