
Monday, November 4, 2013

New online learning systems in very specific fields makes me happy. In old times online education sources were not available, or were expensive

This online educational service here is on about chemistry, physics of genetic material; importance of some short RNA fragments at the end of chromosomes that teaches some cytoplasmic amino acid sequence information to DNA genome.
Bonding between short RNA, and long DNA fragments.
Reverse-transcribed short RNA fragment is at the end of DNA chromosome.

There appears only a few questions regarding this important knowledge on above URL. The other questions are found on some other educational online sites, that explains the diseases occurring when RNA short telomerase fragments disconnect from DNA arbitrarily or bind to DNA arbitrarily in living cells.

Since AAC nucleotide sequence is a code for an amino-acid called Asparagine
CCC is coding Proline; the RNA fragment that has the 'AACCCCAAC' gene nucleotide sequence eventually will code the amino acid sequence 'asparagine-proline-asparagine', a short peptide.

Reverse transcription from modified-protein upto DNA is also very important  in some different cells, such as leukocytes.
How such telemorase RNA sequences differs in different brain ganglias?,
how in neuron of brain, some photon, electron charge effected proteins play with
the telomer RNA sequences are interesting questions.
The telemorase RNA reverse transcription duty is somehow different from DNA genome, might be illustrated comparing to the duty of a commando soldier.  Commando/raider soldiers are aware about new emerging environment situations, emergent information, that something is going bad/perfect. They might built a bridge, but afterwards if needed they might break it as if a rebel. At their best fastest level between DNA and RNA; telemorase RNA reverse transcription adjust fastest and most appropriate human brain consciousness, adjusting cells to the prevailing environment. A perfectly working telemorase RNA reverse transcription teaches to the DNA real world information data, the DNA surely has hearing, seeing genes; but without the on/off control of telemorase RNA reverse transcription, the DNA would see nothing from real world, but only its own dreams/hallucinations.
DNA genome is inherited from father and mother ancestors, DNA genome is the teacher of the cell protein modification,
whereas telemorase RNA reverse transcription is the servant to modified-proteins of cell; the known modifications of proteins are many; such as loosing electrons, gaining photons, etc. If a protein loses or gains electrical-charge, its original shape and binding habit changes. For example, sunlight is absorbed in human skin, or in eye, modifying the electrical charge of proteins and protein-shape.
Telemorase RNA reverse transcription,  as a servant to cytoplasmic proteins, minds the recent electrical charges of cell proteins.
It should be reminded that the proteins inside the cells are protected well from direct sunlight, however, sunlight have some special wavelenghts absorbed by some cellular structures that increases some Metals in the cell, metals are electrically charged; the electrons/photons of some metals/elements, such as of Sodium, Calcium easily jumps to proteins to modify them. Sunlight Modified Proteins, even in seconds, go back their original shape, but Telemorase RNA reverse transcription minds even the fastest changes, shape-versions in proteins; if not, diseases occur.
Brain intelligence is something to do with the steps specially how Telemorase RNA reverse transcription  is updated with the protein shape updates in the cell. In parrot-like animal brains, Telemorase RNA reverse transcription still works to shape proteins, however, its downstream cell pathways fails to record the similarity between the original protein; and, modified protein version that used Telemorase RNA reverse transcription as a servant; Or just stupidly trashes any m-RNA that belongs to the original protein, and keeps only the m-RNA for most recent protein shape version via  Telemorase RNA reverse transcription used as a servant.
The cell energy sources, or nucleotide synthesizing machinery processing capacity is not enough to keep all different m-RNA corresponding to all recognizable different shapes of one-protein-sequence such a glutamine-lysine-histamine, or glutamine-alanine-... amino acid etc. (Think that you are cooking a cake, but your forgetful-labelling-disabled-friend never recognize such a food in both shape, or when recognizes raw shape version, forgets the cooked shape version).

In leukocytes, there are proteins (called Immunoglobulin-protein), when these proteins are randomly touched by some unknown foreign-protein(think a tweezer touching a fragment), the Immunoglobulin shape around the touched area/fragment changes,

so that the amino acid1 rather
comes next to aminoacid5 in cell.

Only when the aminoacid1 is closer to aminoacid5

a_small_label_like _cell_compound binds to immunoglobulin in cell. This small compound(...)  is specially rich in some human tissues such as leukocytes or in brain (both electrical charges/electricity and Lipid rich tissue).

Eventually the labelled-modified-Immunoglobulin teaches the arbitrary touches of Foreign Protein, (via the steps using the label) to the DNA genome, using RNA reverse transcription as a servant. In this way the leukocyte DNA, gets
the foreign-protein created new amino acid1-aminoacid5 sequenced DNA code. DNA is well protected against any new DNA fragments, or any new transposons-gene fragments, DNA always wants to keep the original DNA-nucleotide sequence, corrects all DNA mutations, the total number of DNA-nucleotides should not exceed the length inherited from mother and father ancestors;
however RNA reverse transcription is a very very important path that ignores any mechanism-protecting-original DNA.
Though some virus diseases invades body abusing Telemorase RNA reverse transcription, if there is a path to describe mammalian conception of life, environmental life, it is Telemorase RNA reverse transcription.
There are some diseases of human brain-learning, over aging, even if the brain is not Alzheimer disease; the more brain-DNA learns, the more ancestor inherited body sympathetic-nerve protecting tissue coding DNA fragments are replaced with Telemorase RNA reverse transcription preferred new DNA fragments. Think that your friend is wasting/trashing the vital gene-fragment that builds her/him body legs, to replace it with the DNA fragments listing only the street name of entire world.

Or in some secretion diseases, the problem is slowing down nucleotide catabolism favoring old m-RNA (that has mUracil-Guanine-Uracil), or keeping any m-RNA corresponding to the any old protein-shape version, or eating wrong foods too much increasing Uracil to catabolise, compared to other Ribonucleotides (such as Guanine).
Telemorase RNA reverse transcription path is more awake when electrical charges such as electrons/photons on tissues are unstable such as in brain high electrical activity.
Sleep is a good rest of mammalians, during sleep the brain tissue slows the rate of Telemorase RNA reverse transcription path enery usage to save energy, uses the energy savings to built/store nucleotide-precursors which luckily are durable (In living tissues, not all compounds can be storable for hours, most of the compounds in tissues synthesized less than seconds and should be used in seconds) till the time Telemorase RNA reverse transcription path is awake to use ready nucleotides. Sleepless nights will make tired Telemorase RNA reverse transcription path.

It is very possible that  in the very early vegetative-state of human brain dreams are still seen by the patients, whereas Telemorase RNA reverse transcription path is irreversibly damaged.

Meanwhile Transposon gene sequences are interesting. The characteristics of retrotransposons are similar to some retroviruses such Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The way retrotransposons are readed on DNA might vary.

Think that you got this page URL ( ),
there are many ways of reading to have a gist about this post in a limited time.
One reading style (,+skipped.jpg) skips backlinks:
When time was not  limitation both iiiiiiii style and i style read both entire page and backlinks; but when asked to give the gist on pages with their own interpretation, the parrot-like iiiiiii style failed to drop unnecessary things or failed to understand the pages; whereas  i style kept the correct sentences from backlink or understood the entire subjects in new sentences, interpretation.


p.s.: It  should be noted that, in future with precise any cell compartment change measures, it will be better possible  to write this post omitting telemorase phrase and only giving the changes in precursor nucleotides, RNA, mRNA levels mathematically at exact numeric values from both synthesizing and digesting different compartments of the cell.
Such as 4 mRNA is up in compartment x,
5 mRNA is down in compartment xx,
relative increase in other mRNA is 6 mRNA per minute etc; intense RNA appears around DNA at coordinate XY...
However, if not all compartments known, using telemorase is better. The word telemorase is wittily selected, it has MORE word implying that the event is an accumulative event.
We call ''7 days'' a week, but we do not say any specific word for
''5 days is subtracted from 6 days'', or a different specific word for
''2 days'' a special word.
Recently, after my this post on this blog, I come across with good interests in telomerase subject on many diseases such as type 1 Diabetes. Telomerase disfunction is rather than itself most of the times represents overall helix disfunction. 5' to 3' exonuclease related disfunction might eventually result in some symptoms on telomerase.
That an exonuclease protein binds only double stranded DNA, (but not single stranded) DNA might be telomere function related. Some exonucleases temperature dependent.
Telomerase strictly affected by Helicase proteins, whether ATP dependent or independent type(a protein with Oxygen sensitive cluster).
Also if the cytoplasm or mitochondrial protein synthesis of a cell consumes some nucleotide fragment substrates more, cell nucleus will not get sufficient RNA fragments, etc...
The shuttle of fragment substrates between cytoplasm and cell nucleus is interesting and are represented on telomerase. Telomerase overall function with same exonucleases or DNA polymerase will be different if cell replicates frequently.
A different post could deal with the maturation of leukocytes, however, since I mentioned on leukocyte DNA on this post above, I am adding my below leukocyte wonder here:
On this post I rather summarized all knowledges with some additional unfinished deductions.
Regarding the leukocytes, the maturation steps of T-Lymphocytes is interesting.
I underlined that  individual cells in body can not do all work, if one path is too up to waste all energy, then the other path is too down inside an individual cell. But, could not be a symbiotic work combining the product of an individual nucleus-free cell, with the machinery of rather normal cells(for example, neighbor astrocytes, microglia cells digest parts of dead brain neurons ).
Indeed in some weird human body cells, there remains no telemorase, or DNA. Do some leukocytes loses nucleus (DNA Compartment) and their protein synthesis is driven by the m-RNAs send them via endocytosis from older leukocytes are not known. Reticulocytes do that.
In science, there is an order to do projects, if  project needs some instruments, technologies of future years, it is better to do other projects that present instruments perfectly do.
I like any question is studied in all type cells comparatively; for example, study of Purine/Pyrimidine RNA pool in all cell types, such as reticulocyte, mature red cell, leukocytes etc. However, in practice to decrease cost or difficulties of projects, each cell type is studied in different departments.
It is not easy to find a human who is knowledgeable in all cell types; not just perfect in already established knowledge, but also in project creator and perfect accomplisher.
To deduce a good gist from already available knowledge to suggest new experiments, is different from the designing the perfect experiments that indeed proves what was said.
I do not believe all conclusions immediately. I always check the experiment design/results to believe the conclusion. Sometimes just reading the design of experiment I decide that whatever their result is, they were stupid to imagine/perform the correct experiment.
If there is not any experiment proving what is said, it is nothing more me than a theological deduction. Some experiments occur on their own; an apple does not drop to floor to prove some Physics atomic forces, it happens and we interpret it by other findings.
Doing Science, lab experiments are not cheap, there are many many good questions one might wonder, the knowledge should help us in daily life, or should help us to prefer something between many choices. Think that in the year 4000 BC, an intelligent person believed that a computer can be created, a wireless phone can be created, and forced anyone to believe in that, leaving daily life problems, but learning, discussing only this future apparatus in a time that even electricity is not ready,  wanted all people should pay him/her for his/her belief; this is never a good scientist does.
If one wants to know predict the future of science, need to calculate the person availability in the world, in the labs.
Not all mothers are giving birth to people, such as me!, to do anything difficult. or the educational systems should know that, labs need such, such people to do scientific experiments, original Project experimental designs.
I even know science teachers jealous of her/his superior student who could be the best helper in science in future. If something is a team work, then it should be labelled so.
There are many Identity Thieves in any field, for example they take a song and lie that they created the song, then the original song-writer will not survive to do other songs, or to be example of a real song-writer on internet.
On my other posts on this blog I already mentioned about such Identity Thieves.


This post is not paid by any means, I might would spend more time on this post if paid; however, I believe, it still conveys the gists of my opinions.
Unfortunately, not only I am dealing with some Identity Thieves mentioned on this blog on my other posts, I am also supposed to cook, maintain my house.
I do not have to post anything, I did not promised anyone that I will do blogs, but if I have spare time, I decided to share such posts on this blog. It is correct scientific knowledges on which a conscious person takes a life style, knows about himself/herself better, guesses other people, creatures, universe.   My thanks to all others who shared my scientific likes towards true knowledge of life and contributed scientific knowledge without misleading minds. I am very mathematical, very proof liking, perfectly design experiment lover to prove the idea. I hate wasting times by skipping already proved knowledge (As the phrase say: tekerleği yeniden keşfetmiş-meaning: If something is already found, it should not be presented as if a new important thing; a-new-version is not a complete-new-thing).

*There are some people who never gets the real world, fabricates lies, can not see their brain stupidity, they will fail to find difference between different things, or will deduct stupid conclusions, such people are very likely to have disfunctioned Helicase annealing activity. Their helicase fails to close DNA when required, they may be thief but never know they are, because their brain is mongol gened, with deficient helicase protein activity path.