
Friday, October 25, 2013

Studies going on about human brain structure to associate with human brain so called virtual memory work

I am from Life Sciences. To compare human brain activity with computers, computer programs, I am taking some online courses in  'electrical and computer engineering'. Though my question is at least Postgraduate 'electrical and computer engineering' Course level, to be familiar with the general terminology of engineering, I am also taking some  electrical and computer engineer courses. My former Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Electricity, Computer Flowchart Programming courses already helps me a lot, but Computer Hardware, parts, computer electrical systems, transistors, semiconductors needs to be visited. (For example, some courses on:
Mathematics Calculus, Switching Systems, Electromagnetics, Electrical Circuits Semiconductor Materials & DevicesThermodynamics. Quantum Mechanics for Applied Physics. Image Processing Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Digital Signal Processing
General information, physical quantities. Vectors. One dimensional motion. Motion in two and thee dimensions. Laws of motion. Circular motion. Other applications of Newton's laws. Work and kinetic energy, potential energy. Conservation of energy. Collisions. Rotation, moment of inertia, equilibrium, simple harmonic motion. Fundamental optics. Temperature and expansion. Heat and work. Laws of thermodynamics. Charge and electric field. Gauss's law. Electric potential. Capacitance and dielectricity. Current and resistance. Electromotive force, electric circuits, magnetic field. Alternating current. Semiconductor theory, diode equivalent circuits and characteristics, special diodes. Diode applications. Transistors, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT's). BJT amplifier design. Operational Amplifiers and their applications.
 Computer Organization and Architecture Semiconductor Materials & Devices.
Computer components
chemistry, durability, electro-chemical characteristics, operating system components, types

of operating systems, Operating System Structures: Services, System Calls, structures, virtual machines, Operations Management: Definitions and operation, inter-process, Process runs: Multi-Process runs and models, Processor Scheduling: criteria, Algorithms, Process synchronization, deadlock, Main Memory Management: Concepts, paging and Table structures, Virtual Memory: Basic Concepts, request based paging, Algorithms, Trashing, File Management: Access Methods, Directory and disk structure, file system structure, the index techniques , Examples of placement and space management, Secondary Memory Management and algorithms, Input/output System management,Microprocessor hardware features, file systems, data path timing, data retention and storage. Memory design. Input/output interface, timer/counter and design applications.
(computer file system limits, file metadata ) Clean Air (Some Oxygen gas atomic particle wasted? as surge arrester for Overvoltage control in the vicinity of high voltage substations ) is essential for computer hard disk magnetic signal reader. animated simulation of a reader in a hard disk drive.
(energy converters: read-ahead-behind computer part will transform  electrical signals to magnetic signals, and magnetic signals back to electrical ones again) (some computer platters are more than one with multiple reading arms. Too many platter such as 15 will slow down other in-built fast virtual memory functions of some all-in-one small computer) (the amount of bit data that can be stored in a given field, geometry of hard disk platter ).
Meanwhile as a simplest human communication capacity representer, spelling chart might be used to communicate with a computer capacity. Many languages has only 3300 spell, such as one letter, a, 2 letters ab,  3 letters, eba etc.
64-bit and 32-bit versions of internet free rather small computer  central processing using(CPU), operating systems etc.  )

Online free courses are very good on many well-known universities. Many Lectures are free as PDF files. Some even gives free videos. The 'Computer Engineering is a  4 year study school, the Curriculum is listed on all Engineering schools. Since my intention is very specific to me, I am taking both from electrical engineering and from computer engineering courses, and rather than going all over the 4 years course, I skipped at least a year course of Computer Engineering and jumped to very high level engineering Lectures that needed for my question. If a low level course, lecture will not help me to understand a very high level specific field question better, faster than than I already understand it is omitted from my programme.

On my other posts on this blog I already complained that some stupid people are parrot-like students, or many educational systems fails because of parrot-like educations. Many educational systems supports only only parrot-like memorizing things. They fail to award  student who better to apply what learned.
I am looking for better descriptions to describe memory types in human brain. But, there is not any sufficient English phrase, or word to describe memory types yet. The electrical activity of human brain has not been mapped to the smallest chemical component, electrical path/structure yet. For example, similar to robotic computer systems/computer image scanners, the human brain process the the light induced-electrical-inhibition from human eye retina.
below is computer engineer virtual memory descriptions.

Computer Caches can be physical or virtual addresses:
Virtually indexed, physically tagged caches use the virtual address for the index and the physical address in the tag. The advantage over Physically indexed ... is lower latency. The advantage is that since the tag has the physical address, the cache can detect homonyms. requires more tag bits, as the index bits no longer represent the same address. If the virtual cache is not physically tagged as an  atomic magnetic pattern over the special coat of the platter, the reader will not be able to locate a special memory from the platter even if  the reader-actuator arm is perfect; and the needed memory is somehow-tagged only with a platter anonymous tract/format number.
Physically indexed, physically tagged caches use the physical address for both the index and the tag. This avoids problems with aliasing but is too slow.
Virtually indexed, virtually tagged caches this cache suffers from aliasing problems, where several different virtual addresses may refer to the same physical address. The result is that such addresses would be cached separately despite referring to the same memory, causing coherency problems. Another problem is homonyms, where the same virtual address maps to several different physical addresses. solutions include using physical tags.

I use any field knowledge to improve my other field knowledges.
However, my surf in 'Electrical and Computer Engineering' field is rather to improve my Life sciences imaginations. Though human body, or even an ugly insect is far most superior to any robot, any computer; the electricity travel, electrical charge jump speed, will still tell me the Physics Law, physics scales of matter more or less. Although the composition of human body is very complex, nevertheless it uses chemical elements of earth to produce electrical charge. The speed of electrical currents is always is also a subject of Physics, Chemistry whether in Computer Engineering field, or Human body field.
Sure human body has much more problems:
1. To give birth, to have programs to do that. Robots are engineered, not birth created.
2. To maintain temperature at low level during heat making exergonic chemical reactions, during fast electrical charge moves, currents. Human brain electrical activity and associated heat is that much, it has the most complex fluid tubing system to dissipate heat. The nerves of human body are comparable to cables. The naked computer cables will stop to convey electrical signal, similarly the nerves that goes from brain to down to organs should keep electricity well directed, not lost by some deficient fat layer around electric charge passing cells. In computer, electrical signal transformers are stacked side by side or grouped differently, in human cells tiny proteins are built, assorted differently to pass electrical charge, change direction, speed etc.

P.S.: This futurist post might detail Computer Engineering, however does not say that the reasonings to create better human should equal to create better computer. To create a human which does not have legs is torture, but to engineer a robot leg-free which does nothing but store data on a desk can be preferred. A robot with 5 camera might be needed for some purposes, but  human creature can not be optimized to best with that much eyes.
Another example on preferences for human brain virtual memory cache is that human brain is not a floppy disc, we first record things on floppy disc, and label it after a while.If human brain does not tags caches immediately, brain can sort them later if needed tag by tag. A time/date cache might be considered as a tag but in long term it does not help to sort, retrieve memorized things.
Think that search engine does not retrieve any talk of the Chief when his name is query but only the day/time stamp brings him to memory. Think that a stupid human remembers anything under the time stamp for at least  year, but never when the gist of his memory asked. This is not bad for a computer but terrible stupidness for a human brain. Or Computer-Kernel function can not be compared to human preferences, a computer to replenish itself might stay in sleep mode forever; but a human needs to stay awake at least some hours every day to eat, to live.
In living cells when some proteins(enzymes) changes some chemicals into different oneway, they use some cofactors which attracted only to negatively or only to positively electrical atomic particles as some diods do.
In human, maintaining brain health over 50 years is very important; whereas, in computers that Central Memory Processing Unit (physical memory addresses) of Computer worns out  in only a few year is not a worry, we can easily trash any part of a computer.

Although my definition for best human brain is perfected in virtual memory data processing, The superior brain is the one which perfects in perception of the world rather than only recording the world as if a photo, as if only a voice recorder or, as if a book just sitting on a library shelf with no reading manipulation power on its own paper ink bit similar memory. In terms of human population, or animal population; a world which has variety of brains, variety of human body types, a diversity in human genes will be less boring to live in as already we have diversity of human genome.

If we turn of the brain electrical activity in  human, the body might stay alive as if a plant without any human characterized activity, with no use; but, a slave computer robotic memory will be still a good computer if communicates with bluetooth (or internet) to another computer which does not have any memory but operating system. I have such a small android computer, it opens any memory on my other computers, it sends sufficient signals to store data on all my other computers. But, it fails to tag outsider computers, or it fails to open all outsider computers simultaneously hen needed in life. I know such human brains are created in this gist-tag-failed way. Once you find them the correct computer, they work good, but on their own they have no descriptive gist tags on any storage.

The computer hard disc reader adjustment in Figure B) is such that it reads not only one layer, but also the second layer. In living cells, such as oocytes, there are some Enzymes that read not only one strand of DNA, but simultaneously 2 layers of  DNA genetic material.
lightning electrical surge suppressor.
In electrical engineering the surges are drained through an external air gap connected in series with nonlinear metallic oxides which are encapsulated inside a polymer concrete body to avoid moisture absorption and partial discharges.
In living cells, in humn cells, around nerves there are charge sticked fibril proteins around excess electrical voltage compartments of the cell; in living cells there are lipid mechanisms as surge arrestors to combat with excess abrupt electrical harm, the excess surge is drained to Oxygen.
The Physics knowledge explain all atomic, electrical events; however, seeing some electrical, atomic, electronic effects driving some  daily usable machines makes further practical
proofs for Physics-Laws.
The best robotic computer is not needed to confine only a small room in a building. However,  a human body is a whole, fitting in a small room, we can put the robotic leg somewhere and the drive at another continent. We can create a robot of which components are located on different cities, but a human brain can not use bluetooth or internet to use its hand, the blood circulation is essential for a human. A  computer which has only a human size (Bluetooth signal source distance is also making a robot bigger, blutooth light is as if the blood between parts), with all functions of human is not the ultimate aim of robotic engineering. The robotic engineers, computer hardware engineers are free to keep apart the components of a computer robot, connect them with patterned-light-signals bluetooth, internet; robots  will be still fast. but 2 or more human can not communicate their memories that fast using patterned-light-signals to make a team, speaking etc is not fast.
Maybe in very very far future we will have robots that will copy any human brain memory electrical current program without any human body tisue though; even if the human dies, the robot will still keep the logic, to remember or forget something, such a robot will make a human brain likes-dislikes forever usable.

The phrases of the day:
'Atı alan Üsküdar'ı geçmiş' and
"The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat.”
'anlayana sivrisinek saz, anlamayana davul zurna az'.
Means that in any communication, only if the receiver is competent to learn one can explain anything.