Sunday, January 13, 2013

Identity Thieves are my enemy

Aaron  committed suicide. R.I.P.
A potential young man with an enormous love for internet technologies(as he tells his journey in this field here), with a healthy body whose children could be future of engineers no longer is alive.
I just heard about his ideas, today, 10 minutes ago. ( Religion, atheist are not precise definition to describe someone, but absolute-legal or illegal are the correct words for me. Meanwhile any animal is atheist by nature, but they are not same with some people who criticise all religions for clearly explained reasons. Meanwhile, many parrots will say they are religious if you teach them ). As a category, he was someone who boldly tried to take away my legal rights, by complaining about my favorite Copyright Law.
But, was he worst who tried to harm my legal rights. My answer is No.
I did not have time to read his answer about his question: whowriteswikipedia.
It is possible that he was in conflict with me in the correct answer, but he devoted his time to this question more than any other people.
There are times that I am benefiting from free internet sites which in long term are not my long term benefits with their overall principles. Internet is a new field, internet Law is ignored when budgets needed to improve Law, but it may cost lives for uncertain computer Law field problems.
He was blamed for hacking scientific author content and was totally against copyright law.
But, the worst criminals are the identity thieves, the Identity Thieves never has any courage to say anything, they are just thieves stealing the identities to violate copyrights silently. Aaron Swartz did not changed his name to Einstein to deceit others about the copyrighted material.
He claims that he is doing good by saving Einstein owned things. Sure, Einstein is dead, and his dead body will not create or maintain Einstein work by the crime of Aaron, But, he did the same things to those valuable authors who are alive, the crime is worst because it also stop Einstein comparable valuable people from creating new scientific contribution to humanity.
I mean the bold people who openly attacked my copyrights died, but those Identity Thieves never stopped to harm badly than Aaron 
Copyright Law itself is something is that legalize author rights.
Aaron and V. TUNÇ both tries to harm people from using their credits(copyrighted material credits). But, this fckng İdentity Thief V.TUNÇ abuses law to hide crime. Aaron could not.

I and my co-authors have the top 10 life-sciences research article in world. My team, I could had made our full-text research articles private and sell each copy at least for $50; however, I, myself, my team, our University, instead of selling the copies of the valuable scientific paper by money to read, we made it free to read anyone (nationally and internationally) to any science person or anyone to contribute research science education. If someone, takes my team copy which is free, and sells it to others by money then Copyright Law protects us, my rights against such person fabricated illegal online websites.
One may say that Copyright Law should be improved as any law improves, but it is definite that Prior to Copyright Law everything was worst. It is Copyright Law that recognises original work, creator of a work. Copyright Law also rightfully may sometimes indirectly protect a government or a race against other government, or may prove that a certain government is more contributing internationl Research Science. Denying the identities will deny governmental all legal rights. Any research paper is also protected by worker social security rights, meaning that all peer-reviewed research journal articles apply social security Law correctly. Each research study/article starts with a project. Each project will use certain funds. It is illegal to hide the funding source from the article. The fund in detail is the taxed earnings of the each author and the other expenses on material bought. It is the authors who pays the government taxes for a peer-reviewed research article. If there is 5 authors on a research article instead of writing USA Social Security Numbers taxed for the article on a certain time, to protect SSN number theft, the Project Number is public. Violating Copyright Law also violates Social Security or  government Tax Law.There are not sufficient number of Lawyers who even could see such a simple Law practice of Social Security Tax Law under copyright law.
One can make Law students memorize separate law exactly, but it is the intelligence, genetically inherited brain function of the Lawyer by birth who could see the practice of an Law by the other.
The most thief vulnerable things on internet are music, research results etc.
Aaron maybe wanted to underline the benefits of internet technologies, the important contribution of internet software engineers to humanity, I did not spend all my time to his talks, but
 even if software engineers are underpaid, does not have any life insurance. violating copyrighted material rights will not solve problems. I can not imagine any ideal perfect world without computer search engine technologies, without valuable software engineers. The education system should not deny that some people are intelligent some are not.  My salary never allowed me to buy a luxury house, I am extrordinarly highly educated etc., but many stupid parrots earn more money than me by some failures in education systems etc.

It is bold people who helped to establishing law in human history. The liers, identity thieves stood for nothing but a simple thief to make their daily earnings. The present century law need to improve, it has many gaps specially in technical fields, because to judge technical issues hard.  We do not have a double degreed judges by both Law and in computer technologies educated, because educational systems are not perfect, only helps parrots. I hate that educational system for genius people such as computer technology workers is a chaos separated from government law control.
I hate that some people dies 'pisi pisine'( a saying in this country). Meaning that those who could be blamed more are never noticed, but those who stood to reflect a problem dies, blamed to vain.
sometimes a baby cries and cries, crying is no help to it, but at least means that there is something wrong, look at, care.

I will compare Copyright Law by other situations on an example: think that an earthquake occurred and interntionl redcross sended the disaster area some foods free, but the people in disaster area took their work money from redcross for distribution, but also charged the earthquake affected people for free foods. They hided that the foods are Redcross free foods.

A thief person named (V. TUNÇ ith TUNÇ father surname) married and changed surname mine to steal my copyrighted content.
Fck V.TUNÇ is still alive and did not committed suicide, because none can catch who V. TUNÇ is a thief. V. TUNÇ used marriage law to change surname, abused marriage law.

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