Sunday, December 30, 2012

scholar search engine technologies should improve
This post is about subdomain project. Since it is rather a project, it has still many problems to work on it by search engine engineers. preferred to make it public despite all problems, because they wanted to have feedback from content contributors. scholar search engine is the other major scholar search engine comparable to

First of all, I am glad that some search engines subdomains focuses on exclusively on scholarly materials. This means that all search engine query results will be relevant to the research community, also that Microsoft Academic Search contains features uniquely geared toward this scholar audience as explained at:
The MICROOFT.COM scholar search engine aims to index all scholar things whether peer-reviewed or not. For example,
a short meeting presentation abstract will be also indexed by search engine. Abstract versus full-text distinction is important.
sole Meeting abstracts are not valuable compared to full-text articles, but any full-text at the beginning starts with a short version. Almost any full-text research content, at first introduced on meetings. Scientific meetings are important to introduce a new subject.
In academic field, only one single peer-reviewed full-text article is much more important than total thousands of abstracts. not only needs to hire engineers of search engines, but also academicians who are educated to know what is important in research field.
In academic field, even not all peer-reviewed research articles are same.
In academic field even abbreviating the author name, or who to write author name is already defined upon centuries of educational format work. A peer reviewed journal editor never stupidly asks you how to list, how to abbreviate author names.
Because they never want to waste academic researcher valuable times again and again by such already established rules. The search engine engineers are supposed to respect the established Academic rules of author name writing etc.
At the beginning I was eager to write them my beneficial ideas, but now I realized that they are not even aware of very basic rules of academic science field. They need to hire educated people
who knows Pub-Med rules, who knows to read at least Author names, key word, Mesh-terms of valuable scientific papers, as peer-reviewed journal editors do.
For example, Author name writing rule in general is that
First Name, Middle Initial, Surname,
or Pub-Med abbreviates author name as Surname+FirstMiddleName Initial. Some other peer-reviewed  journals may use abbreviations only after clearly declaring what they are doing.
There is nothing wrong with abbreviating author names based on confirmed academic English  rules.
The peer-reviewed paper author is the one who selects the last better version, peer reviewed journal is not preliminary parts of a research work. PubMed is the best available scientific online library site and never lists all unfinished versions of a scientific paper, because as Academic rule declares, confusing minds with a version that lack many updated parts is no good to convey a study to a reading person. Not the street dogs knows such rule, but the ones who created the peer-reviewed paper knows such rules. PubMed fortunately adopts peer reviewed journal Editor rules for author name, organization name abbreviations well, linking to the full-text paper which has full names, organizations. should import PubMed database. Anyway, it is PubMed database editors, content that helped to built its template for anything easily.
We do not need to discover the wheel again and again to waste valuable times.

But, in primary school etc, I remember to see all versions of a thing as a good thing, to imagine how the work reached towards the goal. That documents keeps all versions of a paper is perfect for following improvements of a paper to final, but is not there for the aim of document versions.
Think that an engineer is always studying an oldest version flight that had some problems and crashed, but not knowing the flight model version that fly well.
All authors of a full-text article author names will be abbreviated in the same way. This is to help the scientific reader who wants to further search the articles by this author. workers are not supposed destroy well-established Academic American-English rules to screw Academic rules, supposed to respect science academic rules, otherwise their site will be nothing but to abuse hard-working people to promote unknown, unimportant people or abuse valuable people scientific reputations/work for nothing., even abusing the word Academic itself.
That a stupid dog barking whole day should not be the rule teller to the worker. There are too many things to improve, if worker destroys already well-going established rules, this would retard humanity from reaching ultimate goals. should hire American peer-reviewed journal editors to learn these established rules to prevent valuable times from waste. do not deny that they have glitches, but I realized that they need to hire Editor of a peer-reviewed journal to tell them basic academic rules on full-text research paper format, sections of full-text article such as summary/abstract, results, discussion keywords, paper author  address university etc.

this search engine is not supposed to index unfinished things.
Full-text, whole matters to tell a scientific result. Ant-import makes important, but important is  different.
A profile that has about 5 valuable peer reviewed full-text article most of the times is valuable than some thousands of abstracts or some not-peer-reviewed article.  
I and my academic co-workers all have  profile on
The profiles were already created or were missing automatically by search engines. Then we claimed or added our copyrighted articles and deleted our names if associated with unknown things.
Sometimes I had the feeling that someone is rather complicating the things to abuse my rights there, but most of the time manual corrections are needed to delete multiple version o a paper.
A full-text research paper may sometimes be featured by listing the author names as abbreviated. A search engine or documents will list the paper with abbreviated names as a different version, but, from the scientific point of the view, the two papers are considered identical.
Or one paper may write 'beta' instead of 'ß' does not make two papers two scientific version.
Printer font problem makes some abbreviation usage harder. Though the font character 'ß' is short and favored in practice, not printed well by common fonts of printers. I manually arranged that beta and 'ß' writing does not make two papers two versions, and edited them to merge, but in general some manual edits are lost on wasting valuable times.
Some people are stupids to see such a truth; but there are other worse, who seeks benefits in such screwing failures of search engines, instead of removing such failures of search engines, they rather abuse the glitches of search engines, Such people are not respecting science, such stupids are not wanting science but they want to abuse anything for their stupid existence, or monthly income.

Any internet site should put a working support e-mail, WHOIS information to prove that they are not stealing academic reputations, names, work. If a site use your copyrighted work without putting a support e-mail, Whois information, it is illegal by law. 
The good thing is that has a support e-mail to ask help if your valuable name is abused on It is clear that is the company to report problems or to take a legal action if needed.
I remember a different scholar site '' abused my valuable name legal rights for a year  further abusing major search engine technologies, and never declared its whois information or support e-mail to ask correction, to report the glitch. Fortunately it improved and declared whois information to prove that they are really a legal site, they are really science education friendly, they did not abuse my name intentionally, but was a technical blocking glitch of their internet page program violating my legal rights.

Online work contributor are not online article owners, editors only, but rather the academic workers who well established journal edit rules, academic education rules. is not good to search author names a PubMed. PubMed indexes the truth, not the search engine fabricated glitches. PubMed knows to separate each name by comma so that never the surname of one author will appear as if next author name. violating author name rights, fails to reach full names from full-text papers. Since it misreads author names as if the surname of an author is the name of the other author, it fails to distinct the truth. Maybe is restricted on some private papers to reach any author names, but fails to apply PubMed search engine already confirmed good search engine activity. Bill..y Gaete, Willy Da...ure are two different names,
to fabricate Gaete, Willy or Gaete Da...ure  as a new name violates copyrights, violate the truth. Some people like such glitches, because suddenly a name fabricated for them easily by the work owned legally by others. This sort of violating name fabrication is fortunately not found on well-designed PubMed. But current technology is not full-developed yet, abuses the truth, abuses the real order of author names. fails to explain its author name rule. It violates United States of America government grant tax-payer name entry law. It gives Bill Gat..  as an example,
but in practice it plays with the full-text paper author names. On a 'full-text' USA peer-reviewed journal Bill Gat.. means Bill is the first name and Gat.. is the surname. even fails to apply its own example conveyed rule violating rights. playes with author correct order and combines my valuable articles/papers with similar but different names, what is worse to abuse my valuable name is that it creates abusive RSS for by combining my valuable work with similar but different unimportant names. 'Bill Gate..' is not 'Bill Fuc-Gate..' does not have any right to play with the orders of name arbitrarily. It does not say that it uses surname first as Bill, but screws the truth about author names by playing with name orders arbitrarily. is a company of United States of America, it is US government that finances or builts it. Naturally, the USA Academic English is, supposed to be its legal official language. USA is the number 1 academic research contributor to humanity, world. However, as myself, I always support improvement of international human knowledge, project aims to present its application not only to the creator USA government, but also to worldwide research institutions as long as their full-text article journals fulfill perfectly translated to USA eNGLİSH UNERSTANDİNG. We DO NOT want SOME OTHER LANGUAGE RULES screws PERFECTLY DEVELOPED USA Academic English rules. One of the identity-thief tries to abuse language differences to steal my valuable USA Academic government legal name. Nevertheles, the dominating editors, leaders of, are USA academic research grant tax-payed legal workers, since they follow well legally recorded USA government tax-paying SSN number law requirements. The USA law details that, but stupids will ignore all. If a german moves to USA this person needs to pay high year taxes for academic research publications, but if a german stays in  his country pays nothing. Indian English name for example totally diffferent from USA english names, it is not possible to have a name for India, and to have a  different name for USA. bECAUSE İF YOU DO NOT PAY required years taxesTAXEs , nobody will pay the money to record a name of Indian citizien. Or Chinese name writing should not never confuse well-established USA academic English rules. In USA one can not play with a government tax-paying system recorded name with arbitrary rule, but if all language rules screws USA english rules, then from i.e. india, someone will play with name and change to anything to steal other people correct-exact name.
There is not any international tax-pay system if one lives always in the same country. When moved to another country one is asked to pay at least 3 years or more to pay SSN taxes to even simply have a record of name. My eldest brother studied international relations, he wanted any international relation could be described under law, or against law, but not sneaky. and I am from life-sciences field but also international. I liked to move to other countries to find more appropriate enviroment for my outstanding talents, background education, though it was never easy life.
I always paid to improve international relations as any international individual supposed to do.
As understood, my academic science selected top language is not chinese, is not german, japanese or indian but English. I respect all language history, I respect keeping all original history in its language, (Using translator I can read even at least 15 languages if  desperately need to translate an original text) but without perfect reviewed translation to perfect English, such documents will screw Academic sites such as
  For example, at that a journal has a perfect English, but if the author names screws USA English government SSN Tax recording legal name system, then such profiles should not be allowed to steal my Identity credentials abusing the freedom that they do not have any legal name records on USA SSN tax recording system. Such thieves are USA law-free by nature, they uses their illegality to steal USA recorded identity credentials.
ithout paying taxes one can not do any legal academic ork in USA, but those thief-minded outsiders are free to recognie any law freely. In this country there is a saying 'Vur abalıya'. If one moves legally to USA system pays and pays and pays taxes, but the ones who USA recording system leaves them out for taxes jumps everywhere abusively ithout paying any recording sytem of USA.
My uncle is a tax rule legalizator to catch tax escaping areas, I respect any tax rule, but it should have visdom.
I believe in and always behaved to respect government tax law and international law. All quandaries of international law is pecially on those who are international. I will never allo those ho abuse empty law field to steal my Identity-credentials. I am not going to leave the world those ho scres any truth by deceiting stupids by lies.
.... also promises that it will delete any of your peer-reviewed valuable paper, or profile if you do not like their site. They do not force you to put your content or your author name profile on a good rule.
But, I and my valuable co-authors are the already builders of PubMed which directly or indirectly benefits for this internet search engine project. USA government ACADEMIC RESEARCH tax system, the recorded United States of America Academic work, is helping already, thus should respect my team work already building online databases.  oUR TEAM WORK İS THE MİLESTONES that many approved profile followed to built other milestones.
Online work contributor are not online article owners, editors only, but rather the academic workers who well established journal edit rules, academic education rules.
There are some people out there who are thief minded they will steal, use any work of you, but will block you from taking your credits for maintaining your established work, they want that you die, they take all they you created. In long term they are not friendly with science at all, they will steal the work of a valuable person, so that this person will stop to go on to give other valuable things, they are thief minded. They hate the reality that, this person is the creator this work, and if truth not respect the person the work will not be saved or continued.
These Identity Thief people are in any field, they will cause death of a government leader, but put his/her picture/profile everywhere as if they are something with this profile.
These Identity Thieves are enemy of Academic Science, the Research beneficial to humanity;
enemy of my United State of America University. They lying that they are not enemy of my work. They want to disappear my team, my United States of America elegant work by stealing my Identity Credentials, by stopping me. Academic Research is expensive, valuable in USA, to repeat my, my team work is expensive costive to USA government, there are many questions to answer, that is why even if I my team retired, our work will stay/continue to guide newly coming researchers. It is my work, my online work that maintain my team work on internet on some occasions. They are thief, they are trying to vandalize my online websites. An abusive man with Mahendra-T name tried to abuse my copyrighted website, then to protect my site I closed it, closing it did not harmed me, but it was good to stimulate young research minds. Stupid Mahendra-T, and ..... are jealous of my valuable site. Instead of creating his own site, thief minded Mahendra-T tried to abuse my website.
Mahendra hated that I was using my legal site to tell the correct online fonts, numbers etc of my original papers if needed, one of my peer-reviewed article electronic form was supposed to move to the USA Government .. Library, but since the journal online HTML language is different from government library computer language a few scientific numbers and letters were too hard for them to find corresponding HTML letters. Journal secretaries find it difficult to read numerical data if the paper is  not electronic.
This problem was a general problem, and they kept many paper original articles in library, but could not make them electronic/online. I believe everything should be online. Since I had not only the original hard-paper pages, but also the very good electronic version compatible with
USA-Government library, I informed USA-Government library that the online version is available if needed, nobody knows any number any figure any word better than me, so I checked the
USA-Government library online version. I combatted against the identity-thieves to do this. Fckng Identity-Thieves hated that such an elegant work now also available online as HTML language available full-text article.
If an article is not online, it is still found in government library, but online available article cost less to a reader, and reaches to the reader immediately. Simply photocopying an article is not the same with electronic HTML version of the paper. Nobody thanked to me for sharing my updated HTML language electronic version with the library. It took 10 working days of me to check everything. 10 days seems short but someone else could not make it even in 10 months. Even only a single incorrect number, letter will screw the message of any valuable research article.  
The life-sciences research-paper study is from 1997, I needed to open all my old work.  None paid to me, I will do it again if needed, but I am combating against fckng Identity-Thieves. Fckng identity-thieves as I declared on this blog other posts with their exact father-surname, each day disturbed me, and wasted my time to combat with them. Fck Identity-Thieves who hate human improves by academic science research.
Electronic versions improved with better technologies, I have the better updated electronic HTML version of my and my team another work, but since thee fckng Identity Thieves wasting my time on combatting against them, I am not sure if I will further improve the electronic version and again inform them about availability again.  My/my team elegant study is already in a perfect electronic version, but my version could be more attractive to anyone even non-scientific people to read it.  Fckng Identity-Thieves I am not going to leave the world after you wasting my valuable time.

No doubt, anything searchable with internet search engine is desirable for anything. I love computer search engines, they are my best robotic secretaries.

mıght continue
