Wednesday, October 17, 2012 is a fcked illegal place fucking internet law

The Indonesian

illegal site is a stupid place they stolen my deleted private photo and title text abusively. They are stupid and illegal. I pity on such brainless people.

They fabricated an illegal custom search page on domain with this fabricated logo

since this stupid page box searches their own deleted database pages abusing function to dig my deleted photo, and google indexes this stupid page my image again indexed by For nothing but to waste my valuable time on such deleted images. Fck such stupids of the world. Dmn such stupids forever, this is the only thing this stupid brain could harm me from his damned place, who knows what else this stupid would do to harm me. You fckng stupid you are presenting to its own image thumbnail results by redirecting a photo to custom search page. You are abuing search engine related law.
You fucking stupid, when an image is deleted it is supposed to be removed wht the fuck of your sheet filled brain fabricates a search box page and links my deleted image to such a page fabricated by you, by your fucking stupid domain.
You thief, stay in your cage you animal do not fuck google.coms search engine custom search function for illegally stealing my photo then linking it to your domain page that contains a box. Your brain is fucked you thief damned animal.

The admin of is a fcked brainless stupid person. Such people not only damn their
own place, but attack to other people on world with their stupid brainless sheet filled brain. only prove that internet is a place w

You are jealous of me you fucking owner of fcked stupidly fabricated

You fckng what the fck you steal my photo, my private deleted private
profile. You stupid instead of attacking my legal rights try to educate yourself. You thief stupid. What
the fck you think close to me.What the fck you stealmy profile content.

Sooner or later internet law will damn your stupid fucked brain.
Instead of infringing copyright, do something to improve your low level country IndonesiA.
You take of money those POOR people and deceit them that you do something. You fucked brain
you are a thief who doing
nothing but not only destroying your country budget for your tupidnes but also fucking vluable internet.
Anyone who supports stupişd illegal site is also thief, also stupid.

They have Disclaimer note that indexes these files which are located on remote
servers . But, they lie. They stealmy deletedphoto, deleted copyrighted text from my deleted/private profile. You fucked stupid workers of damn you for violating my legal rights.

Their stupid animal not-developed brain is hard to tell anythink on search engines.

Search engines are not supposed to copy a profile and create new profile to keepforever. But, thi
thief illegal damned site does that. You fcking person ho know ho mny person is deceited by you
thinking that you are doing something on internet. you fucking thief stay in your damned cage, do not
harm valuable people, because you are animal brainles, and you are jelaous of me.
The Admin Name of this illegal site which stolen my deleted copyrighted image is:
dian sutejo Email Address of this illegal
thief company is:

I wrote them,instead solving the problem they rather created multiple copies of my copyrighted İS AN İLLEGAL THİEF COMPANY TO HARM VALUABLE TİME OF
Stupid illegal workers of hould be punished for violating my legal rights.
It is weird that there is no law to protect my rights from a thief country. hat the fuck you stupşd
Indonesian person steal my content.
