Monday, May 7, 2012

they were not called music composers but secret server workers

If the work of outstanding composers are stolen by some people who in reality hates music,then music composers will not even survive or we will never learn how a real composer is. How a real composer creates music.
In music history some songs such as Ave Maria was composed without any instrument but with human voice(my guess by a sad woman). In history most big music pieces are created by string bearing musical tool, comparable to violin etc.
The violin player did not necessarily know to write all the songs as musical notes. They passed the songs to other generations by hearing the songs.
Many time each instrument player made some changes on the music. Then when the instruments all fabricated within the same standard, some scales some detailed definitions formed and used as musical education.
The birds never know notes but sings, and composes outstanding pieces sometimes. humans make more complicated music, I mean living creatures like music,when we are angry our voice changes,this is also music.
Any human in a way is  composer when talk. We do not call it music, but politicians always has some sort of music in their voice. I myself like having a tone in my voice whether it helps to express myself better or not.
A composer is not necessarily the one who write a music piece in notes. Writing music as notes in history sometimes called as composing, but it was wrong.
Sure, if it was not the notes the classical music could not reach its richness, but if someone who is better in writing notes in history called composer, and the real composers ignored to take their credits then it harms music.

The event voice witness reporters, in other words composers would mimic the fighting people noise by violin etc. In old days as a matter of fact musical instruments were rather used to tell the events as if a language. For example, during a war, a musician(reporter) would watch the war, and when back to home would use any musical instrument to repeat the voices happened. The war witness who could use the war data to compose music did not call himself/herself a composer, but a reporter.For example, if the army in war had some metal weapons then the music would be different, or if the army would walk in night the music would be different, or if the army was looser and going back the music would give sorrow etc. They would not do it really to make music, but they were using the instrument to describe how the war happened.
Now we have cameras tape recorders we do not need use any musical instrument to mimic the noises or voices any event.

Most of the classical music I like are from such possible dates. Meanwhile although some of my favorite musical songs seems associated with some composers I BELİEVE, we will never know their real composers, because they did not call themselves composers, but reporter of the events. Some manipulated/edited versions when written on note by educated/talented musicians they were called their composers but they were not.
I am not the only one who thinks that some old music compositions have really high quality or distinct richness to touch feelings. And at present despite all the developed technologies there are not such pieces. Composing music can not be done by playing on piano scales, but rather feeling the life. Composing music is creating a distinct musical skeleton structure. Editing the main structure may take time, but it is the main part what we call creation. Each instrument player may also have their own slightly different version. Most music pieces are from history for violas or string instruments not for piano. Arranging an viola music for piano or for another instrument is not composing. arranging A MUSİC PİECE FOR A CLASSİCAL ORCHESTRA İS VERY İMPORTANT, difficult but it is not composing.
orchestra arrangement of a classical music piece is almost creating it, may change the song so much so better, but it is not composing. Even today many hit song skeleton are from ancient times, arranged perfectly.
Many times, scales of instruments restricts the composing capacity to feel life. Any instrument lacks many voices, a composer should be able to memorize at least 200 İNSTRUMENT VOİCES(think that only a viola has thousands of different voices from stick angle or speed usage).
Birds are a good example of limited musical instrument. Birds have a narrow octave scale, whereas good human singers has at least 3 octave interval.
If we assume that piano is in its perfect level, I say that at present we have really perfect piano performers, but we do not have many perfectly-composed-and-arranged music pieces for piano. I like string instruments, because they remind human voice better, but the usage of stick can not be explained by notes, is hard to describe, is hard to describe by mathematics, orifı would describe it mathematically no performers would like to benefit from such equations; thus piano is restricted but more scholar, more paper stored. A tall woman arm will not draw, move the bow of a violin as another human do. So how a violin teacher teach a student is a problem. Or the violin size,  human body size match needs detailed mathematical calculations. A violin performer will not benefit from musical notes that much, because the movement/dance of the bow can not be documented on note.
In future musical schools will have better methods to teach students. But, as I always say humans are not equal, just studying will not give a good pianist, or violinist. Human body muscle type, fat type and neuron types, genes determines the talent in musical instrument playing. Maintaining a healthy body is not easy for a player. Musical instrument players should eat good food, exercise their whole body by walking in fresh air in their free times.
I found many talents on, but there are many misleading videos next to a musical queen/real-talent. I recognized some of them with composer ability, but life is short and they seem prefer staying a player rather than a composer. None will pay to a composer. Because composing is a project, but playing is measured immediately. I am not going to give the links here because I am not sure if the videos are forever or temporary.
My music interest is not money related at all. I enjoy music, listening to music is a good way to have a resting time for me, when I studied/worked for some years there happened times that I did not have time to listen to music but, though I never memorize the lyrics of the songs in my mind there stored thousands of song melodies, I am good to fill melodies even if I only hear some part of a music, the main structure of a song is the part I learn at first. Then I edit. I am not bad to read/write notes as a help to sing songs, I learned it by some music courses, some weeks. Recently, on İNTERNET I found THERE ARE good free sources to write and read notes if needed. I also have a free laptop music computer software program to play music if i have time. I have small hands, many pianos are big to my hands. I never learn any song if ı do not like it. A music worker has to learn any song regardless of her/his like. I hardly have time to sing, but I believe singing helps to have healthy lung if sing in a fresh, warm clean air loudly. The version of a song to teach it and the version to listen to is not the same. Some people will simplify the songs to its skeleton, I like to hear such versions to learn it. Such versions are rather slow. Thus, a good musical instrument teacher is not always the one who plays the musical instrument at correct fast speed. A music teacher is good to play cutting less important parts of a song. Whereas a good performer is good to play any note as required without skipping correct time/note. Anyway, a good instrument player is a teacher in a way to prove that there is a very good version of a song.

For example, a piano student will learn the skeleton of the Moonlight Sonata from Beethoven if listens to this; it is slow, the skeleton is there, but some notes are missing.
Whereas, if an advanced virtuoso wants to entertain the listeners by playing piano, should excel in piano as Valentina L. performs 
Valentine's speed, her hands flexibility, her interpretation of  Moonlight Sonata is rare for centuries. She not only has strong flexible hands, tall fingers, best regenerated neuronal stimulation (genetic neuronal  transmission talent ) as a virtuoso, but also is gifted to add missing notes to the composition, i call that her creativity, composer potential. I never liked/listened to Moonlight Sonata-Beethoven prior to the Valentina's interpretation. None plays Moonlight Sonata-Beethoven notes better as she does.

  I believe music keeps brains better as if a screen saver of a computer keeps the screen of computer better. If my eyes are tired from reading, my ears will convey music to my brain. Reading is my favorite, but listening to music will not tire eyes or ears.
I do not listen to music when I read/study, but when having a resting time. Music is good to humanity.
Sometimes the speech of an important person(A king) is converted into a song. For example the Adele song 'rolling in the deep..' to me is a description of some feelings of an ancient  king, whose country were damaged by enemies, his family killed etc. when he /she was a child.
The rhythm, melody of the song tries to give the revenge decision feeling of the king, the song is not describing a war scene, but a desire to damn the enemies who hurted his family, city, a desire to have a revenge.
The song by Gaga Alexandro is again associates with a King biography whose country is occupied with others. The song opens with the sorrow feelings, then the difficult alone tortured times especially for a high class person, for a king described, the King lost. The young handsome king is in escape, his life is in danger, and he hides that he is a king. The story of the king in the song never reaches to a happy end, it gives deeply sorrow feelings.  The lyrics may sometimes give the story, but my interpretation of music is not based on the lyrics.

My favorite song Amadeus is a war scene description, the gist is; a big army equipped with the best tool wins the war.
The feelings of the notes are: Some bad people attacks to a well developed country and damages it, not because they had better war tools but they just abused the trust of the big king. Then the big king with its big army smashes the bad people to nothing. The big King's magnificent splendid army is in all full duty not because they needed such a big army to win a war against such a small bad people, but the big King regrets that he was too peaceful against these thief liers.

Mozart 40 th symphony is not a war song but a description of good happily daily life after all enemies are defeated, beaten to inferior to get the reward.

A classical song 5th symphony bethowen class is again a war scene description. But, different from Amadeus. In this song the war is between two group which have blood relations, both sides are almost equally powered, the winning part to win the war even kills its own relatives, the winning part is the newly emerged kingdom, the loser part is the former longest time owner of the land country.
The winning army second to head head heads/chiefs are somehow sorried that they killed their own relatives. The brain army power of the two sides carry same blood, but the winners have some lower class people from unknown genes.
Rod Stewart - Sailing song is from a time that entire Europe related seashore was a country/government, the wars are over but sailing is not easy. The sailor uses his products in exchange with some other seashore products. There is a very big seashore from east to west government with many islands and the sailors are important part of the government to exchange products from different places.    
The GLORIA by laura branigan (she is not the composer but interprets it perfectly) is also my favorite song, this song is from very ancient times. The winner side who owns the glory song, is superior to the other side by brain power, the loser side may have same tools, may have even more number of soldiers, but the winning side has the most intelligent head of the world with his/her respecting group. His ideas leads them to win the war. The losers do not have any brain for any strategy. The looser side is comparable strong bodied brainless animals, if not the whole army, the winner chief is a genius and his/her soldiers are in respect of this brain power.
I found the song on but the original record is better to give voice octave ranges of Laura.
One of my favorite song Boccherini: Minuetto (classical) is nothing to with war, it is a song from people who has some technologies, who works in a governmental regulated country. They have stocks some possible bad days. It describes daily happinesses, some daily activities.

Csardas is from East Europe. It is one of my favorite song played by violin. It describes a female who has a soprano pitch as a voice, and is very intelligent, peaceful, and solves wittily scientifically the technical problems of life. The rhythm of the CSARDAS is questions and answers in flow.
