Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Trends in intelligent people education

When you looK at a Biography of a person with Ph.D. degree to evaluate her/his credientials you look at former degrees, then suddenly you notice that this person does not have any between Bachelor OF ... degree prior to PhD.
In United States such a thing is not acceptabel, forexample on such a person without a Bachelor of .. degree seems somehow bad. There occur suspicions about on  such a person, Why he/she does not have bachelor degrre.
The world science isimproved by extraordinary people who manages to have a perfect degree ithout a bachelor degree, but since too much illegal people's lack of Bachelor Degree only represents their lies, their deceitfulness.
Sometimes most intelligible people values are mixed to those illegal thief people. That some people are illegal, they just could not finish, have Bachelor of ... DEGREE AND THEY JUST STOLEN OTHERS pH.d. degree is too different from someone who isintelligent and finished a privileged conbined Ph.D.program skipping Bachelor Degree. Well, what is behaviour against those.
I admit that since almost 90% of people in US have PhD after bachelor of science degree, I am skeptical about someone who is educated differently.
Fortunately, I am equipped with qualifications to examine such people to understand that they are rather extraordinarily intelligent to be able to complete a different program  PhD degree, they are not thieves who lies about their failures.
I needed to tell this story, because one of my very close co-worker with whom I achieved outstanding worldwide succsess is aN UNUSUAL PhD degree owner without a bachelor degree.
It took me at least months to examine her and realize she deserved such a privilage.
But, anyway, my approach is always to make sure that I am not facing a thief, an illegal who tries to present her/his weaknesses behind other real intelligent program achievers.
Such abusive thieves make educational life harder for intelligent people education, because the short cuts intelligent people achieve are abused for some thief purposes to deceit others.
If I would have an intelligent child, I would suggest to her/him to have a meaningles bACHELOR degree, because it helps to discriminate thieves even if it wastes the years of an intelligent people.
The way intelligent people can be educated is abused easily by illegal people who are brainless, and even lacks to get a Bachelor degree.
On one side there isa thief brainless person who failes to have a Bachelor degree,
On the other side there is apowerfull brain, intelligent person who can skip Bachelor degree and is able to intelligent specific program.

Iam too afraid from thief liers, my aproach is always negative about anyone who lacKs some degrees, thieves are more than the real intElligent people at this century.
But, in future, there will be created moreand more exams to select intelligents better.
As a person ,to examine many people iswaste of my time, I occasionaly do give time to examine others. ıF I SEE SUCH A PERSON MY APPROACH İS STILLSUSPICIOUS, NOT I say they are intelligent. Such approach willprotect realintelligents against those thieves, liers.

Life is short, humanity needs intelligent minds. Human brains arenot equal, some are parrotlike stupid, whereas some intelligent. We do not want an intelligent person wastes her/his time in schools of brainless people optimied, but in todays world many intelligent brain is wasted in parrot-like educational systems. I have thousands of people around me who has many degrees, but it is not parrot-like degrees that humanity improvedscience. such brainless people is not different from atoilet door that you writeon it some things and this toilet door keeps them. their brain is such useless and they do not improve science at all even if they manage to finish some schools by their  parrot brains.
Only highly intelligent people intelligent minds improved science/physics/chemistry/geometry/computerknowledge.
Yes, there is a need for people who lacks the outstanding brain to create science/physics/chemistry/geometry/computerknowledge but at least likes understands the importance of such a knowledge.
There are millions of parrot-like brains, but intelligent brains in science/physics/chemistry/geometry/computerknowledge is rare.
Since such people is superior to others, stupids are jelaous of them and harm them. O rstealand stealtheir work preventing them to work.
To me , when I look at many brainless people, I ust think that I am seeing an animal, a parrot, or something. Such parrot-brains are only thiefthey just everything, their brain does not have any intelligence, they just steal their class-mates findings, their co-worker ideas, their classmates research. they can not imroveanything but keeps the things as a toilet door keeps on it. They stealsteal and stealintelligent brains fruits. I pity on such parrot animal brains.
How, I am lucky my brain genetically is intelligent in important fields(physics/chemistry/geometry/computerknowledge) my brain is equipped research ability, conceiving ability, creativity capacity.
Just seeing that they just steal and steal İNTELLİGENT brain products makes ME further pity on their animalness.

In the country I was born the educational system tradition is a little bit different from USA in that the bachelor degree though definitely required for PhD degree, is rather drawback for a MD degree. In this East Europe country MDdegree as in usa REQUİRES a special university entrance exam. However, contrary to USA, succsess in this exam is required before having any bachelor of science degree. The system rather seeks very intelligent science high school graduates who are succeed in this very important GRE exam. Young age entry to medical schoolis very valuable. Students with Bachelor of .. degree after succeeding in GRE exam are allowed to Medical School, but they are rather considered old stupids, because they failed to succeed in GRE when they were young, their low score only allowd them to study a bachelor degree, only after of years somehow they managed to succeed in GRE exam. The law is that after high school, GRE comparable exam will be succeeded and immediately ( as intelligent students age about only 16 years old, Medical School study start).
The risk is that Medical Shool islonger and hard, only ater 6 years the degree is gained, whereas some schools even for two years gives some certificates that the student could use to work.
For a Medical School it is either an MD diploma or nothing.
That is why students who does not trust themselves and find such long years education difficult, prefer a broken education such as at first a Bachelor Degree and then MA or PhD degree.
I believe ther should be a combined program without having Bachelor degree, but it is students who are afraid to commit to a program without a bachelor degree break. There are not that much science/geometry/math strong student who would trust themselves to directly start long combined degrees.
Another risk is that intelligent people work will be stolen by those who are stupid but somehow has some bachelor degree, they will lie and steal the achievements of intelligent students.
Stupid people are jelaous of intelligent people and even if they pee a little bit further, they just say that they did something better. (ıt is called pee race )
In this eastern Europe country it is never ever possible to have any PhD degree without any bachelor degree. The most important thing is not also high school graduation only but very importantly GRE score. A high school graduate without high GRE score is considered stupid.
However, as occur everywhere rare people may abuse any system any degree ptogram.

Another difference is that the industry for most PhD degrees is not well developed comparedto USA in this country, but human population is high in villages etc. MD work is demanded by governemnt called obligatory service. Some poor familied MDs like this obligatory service, but it is rather a bad system I believe. Such obligatory years had been suddenly put by government and abuses many MDs preferred research focuses and rather use MDs ignoring their outstanding superior powers over other MDs.(though poor familied MDs like it.)

ı BELİEVE FOR EXAMPLE İF SOMEONE İNTELLİGENT İS wanted in Magnetic resonance field, such as NMR, EMR, life is short, after a high score in GRE exam such a person should start immediately in Physics PhD program. This person will major in Physics, atomic quantum physics, electron, electrical charge etc. and Geometry; also will take fundemental courses in Math, Inorganic chemistry, some Organic chemistry,  and three dimentional math/geometry associated computer programs. And, they maybe are a little bit engineer to communicate with engineers. Yes such a brain is hardly found but we need such intelligent people in thousands for over centuries and centuries to improve science. They will not maybe finish the big project in their life time, but over centuries the project will improve technology. oNLY THOUSANDS OF eİNSTEİNS WİLL MANAGE WHAT WE NEED in NMR technology. If we do not see how much great work is needed, stupid attempts in research only waste budgets, also will waste valuable scientists in stupid projects, who knows who prepared.
Sometimes stupidpeople are unrealisticand put unrealistic projects.
For me, the realistic, well design project creator is almost equal to the valuable scientist.
If the experiment is designed stupidly, the results will be usefull to nothing.
Day and day I encounter with such stupid experiments. There was a paper, the experiments ere nothing to do with the text of the paper, but this study was published. I was astonished that noone noticed that the experiments are nothing to do with the spoken discussed things.
These people are out of mind.
I am a fortunate person, who never had such stupid people who are fool to see  what is done in the experiments. This stupid paper was by someone(her MAİDEN SURNAMEİS tUNÇ) who illegally tried to steal my surname who tried to steal my valuble educational diplomas, degrees, specialties.
THEİR stupid paper was like the person who wrote the text was describing everything but not the experiments done. Also the person who didthe experiment apparently never understood what the paper text saying. It is obvious that both the person who did experiment and the person who tried to describe experiment were stupid to understand what was going on the project which  they steal from another place. What is worse the person who reviewed this stupid paper also did not notice that there were no such experiments performed to conclude any such conclusion. Such papers exist to harm science, to deceit science to lower the quality of science-related journals.

In future better educational systems will be ready for intelligent students. tODAY THE SYTEM RATHER İS FOR AVERAGE STUDENTS.
The shortcuts of intelligent brains will be abused always by stupid people who fails to succeed in even simple programs such as Bachelor Degree. Yes Bachelor degree is simple     time wasting for highly intelligents, but hard for mongols. A mongol stupid brain will even fail to have bachelor degree.
Lets say there is a student with einstein brain in geometry, physics, mathematics, chemistry, this outstanding student scored very good in University Entrance exam, GRE, such brains are valuable and Medical Schools wanted such students, this student outstanding in  geometry, physics, mathematics,  chemistry Studied Medicine in Medical School.
This creative student is rare in world, there are many parrot brains, many common other talents, but humanity never has many such intelligent brains geometry, physics, mathematics, chemistry.
Raher thAn a parrot -like further training, for such an MD it is better to develop knowledge that uses BASİCS OF physics, geometry, mathematics, chemistry  etc. ..WHich is better?, a low intelligent person who never succeeded in geometry, physics, chemistry, mathematics, but since the Physics or Chemistry schools was emPty and took İN even stupid students WİTH BAD GRE score, a stupid chemistry or physics bachelor who barely manage chemistry physics bachelordegree, but its stupidity already levelled by bad low GRE score.
Who is morE useful to humanity science, this stupid low scored GRE student, or the other high GRE scored Medical School graduate MD?.
ıN GENERAL THESE STUDENTS do not apply to the departments to compete with each other, but in Biochemistry or in some other other field, when they compete, then problems rise, the educational system can be abused  to harm intelligents with high GRE score.
My rule is simple I always favor the student who has the higher GRE score, regardless of the school(medical school, chemistry, physics school etc). but sometimes I also favor other conditions such the country needs etc.
Should a chemistry, physics, geometry, mathemetics intelligent student always study  chemistry, physics, geometry, mathemetics or should  study MD degree to make breakthrough discoveries, methods approaches for humanity health. Since they will have MD format through Medical School degree(Diploma), their approach in some basic sciences such as Biochemistry (high GRE score in is must) is useful in many projects.
Not all the MDs are with such a basic science powered brains, many MD tasks such as writing presciptions is, as of today, a possible computerized work, not needs intelligence or perFect MD.(tHOUGH İT İS THİS WHAT MDs ARE PAİD. mostly).
Many written exams of MDs rather selects parrot brains, think that a toilet door has all the knowledge there, but the knowledge is not usable, can not be used to solve any problem. Some high school students know, parrot like memorize the formula but can not use it for the problems for discoveries, they fail in GRE exam(The illegals even will destroy the GRE exam to deceit the world, the illegals like to empty the meaning of any good thing ).
In the East Europe country I mentioned, unfortunately the system abuses intelligent MDs who are powered in geometry, physics, chemistry, mathematics. These MDs has the MD degree with all requirements already, but bad governments abusing them wastes their research times on some repeating work activities.  THESE intelligent rare MDs should not be wasted on some simple works but government many times wastes their times. These MDs should have a different program, but the jelaous people abuses them by either unnecessary work, or just forcing them for 'stupid pee race' to waste their valuable years fUrther and further. tHİNK THAT a stupid system asking student to take the exams of secondary school again and again, such a time wasting would waste rather intelligents. Thus in this country such intelligent MDs always harmed by jelaous people who steals their credits, who tell lies. USA is good in many fields because the system has the capacity to recognize and award such intelligent people.
Lets say there are two MDs, both are very good at first very well diagnose a patient with any infectious disease and treat the patient with correct antibiotics. This is an MD with Doctor of Medicine education/diploma accomplishing her/his work. Doing this again again again does increase the number of the healthy people, but does not improve the Medical Science Knowledges. Many Governments just think that increasing the treated people number is good enough. But, if we do not improve Medical Knowledge many diseases never will be treated.
I am not denying the importance of the contribution to increase the number of healthy people; but in my mind the Medical Knowledge itself is very important. The brains who researched the antibiotics, who researched biochemical pathways are more valuable than the ones who just memorized what to do. Itisnotparrot-brains who developed medical knowledges-sciences.
mANY TİMES THE MEMORİZİNG ACTİVİTY in many MDs İS RATHER A PARROT-like activity and does not promise any talent to solve, to treat any disease. Today most stupid exams are like-this prepared by uneducated stupid people for nothing but to help unqualifiedMDs to fabricate a 'pee race' against powerfull-brained MDs. 'pee race' is anything to harm intelligent powerfull brains, to harm them. 'pee race' is an excuse of stupids to harm powerfullbrains. They willput in their biography that they are good in 'peerace' and you failed. They will report thisto the government, believe me I met some people forgetting their selfvalue they started to believe in that they are loosers they are not good in in 'pee race'. They do not mind the whole thing, their brain issmalland not functioning, they just say one thing 'pee race'. Did you won it? Then comes the government rule to pass a rule that 'pee race'  winner isimportant. It will take yo a life toprove that 'pee race' is stupid.But, for many years, the positions, salaries willgoto the winners of the 'pee race' it will be too late when government understands that yes it was again a bad 'pee race'.  
I developedmany government programs to cut the numbers of MDs in hospitals many of them never improve medical knowledges at all. The robotic computers of todays technology already does what they do. Electronic drug prescription will be used in hospitals. Not parrot-human-MDs but computers will memorize the knowledge developedby powerfull scientists, MDs. Any computer done work will taken from MDs, MDs will not be paid for parrot memories.
I counted the hospitals and the MDs in this country, they do not improve Medical Knowledges, there are many diseasesthey do nothing. yES, aNTİBİOTİCS WORK, BUT antibiotic prescription is although very useful can be performed by computers easily, why spend all the moneys on MDs who does nothing. btake some commercial'pee race' exams to exuce their failures in basic sciences.
In USA the rules will not erase someone from a required field for the sake of stupid or logical educational regulations. After high school, THE WORK OF İNTELLİGENT PEOPLE should not be stolen by stupids, in future there will be good regulations to protect such students. After high school, even during the high school years, my brain powered many activity achievements have been stolen by my classmates, in future intelligent people work even in early years will be awarded, will not be stolen by others. Even when I was only five years old I was a distinguihed brain world observer contributing to the world. Intelligent peoplework almost is always stolen by illegals.
I am an international person who likes to benefit from the programs of different countries.
Moving between countries is really hard, many years will not be recognized just because different countries has some small or big differences, but sometimes it will always worthed to move to a country which fits to minds better, life is short one should not wait for the system change in a whole country for an extremely intelligent person. It is not that changing countries will be problem free but if the award is heavier, then one should move to better countries. The ideal is to have the best in the  country one born. Probably, I WOULD EVEN TO GO TO ANOTHER PLANET TO learn if I could have a better world. Any country will protect more the person who borned there, which I agree, for example if you are barely equal to a person's talents you will not be preferred as a foreigner, but as a native of the country, he/she will be preferred between candidates. A GOOD rule, whether is against to me or not. Salaries, grants rather are protected  for the natives of the country, again I agree whether against to me or not. The hierarchie maybe against to you today but tomarrow may protect you against hundreds.

It is too bad that a shortcut of an extremely intelligent person, is easily abused to forgive a  brainless person. In future there will be better exams to recognize brain powers.
Many times the thief illegal people will ignore the other thief, thus they will be stronger than the real intelligents. In one of my work place everyone lied, my credits, diplomas were not in others, they were a group, I was alone to fight against their lies. Such crime/lie connected groups in general at first destroys the country they live in.
Long school years help to people to know each other but sometimes it is your classmate who helps to an identity thief harming your rights. Life is not easy.
