Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is the difference between a newspaper and a scientific journal?

A newspaper does not have any control on what happens by stimulating them, for example a  newspaper  does not use, or is not supposed to use, any tool to stimulate neither football players nor viewers to collect football news.
Whereas in science, in health sciences, biology, genetic engineering, human engineering,
the author is not only the one who observes/follows, evaluates, interprets the experiment, the result data of experiment, but also the one who builts the conditions of the experiment, experiment protocol.
An experiment protocol defines the chemicals, machines, temperatures, steps of experiment.
The one who creates, writes the experiment design, the media chemicals, appliances, experiment temperature etc is the author, the one who reads the experiment protocol and applies the protocol is not the author but a worker on the project.
Being a PhD in chemistry is not pouring one cup chemicals over two cups powder. It requires a postgraduate Chemistry degree. It is requires contribution to the scientific field on peer reviewed articles after crucially wittly created protocols.
Science is many times unfortunate, and some wittly written protocols are stolen from the owners and attributed to some people who have the degrees, but who lacks the wisdom of reasoning, logic to write projects. Such thief minded people does not want intelligent people earn their rights but steals their creations, protocols, accomplishments. That is why in many many countries no outstanding scientist will reach to the level he/she deserves to create most usefull knowledge to humanity.
They may seem involved with science but in reality the ultimate absolute aim of science is not their target, science is something to reach to some occupations, salaries etc.

Most of the times even a two months short course will train a person with a primary school diploma to be a lab worker, but most of the times the years to create a university postgraduate degreed author, for example a genuine PhD is not easy; costs years of education after primary school diploma.
Primary school is 5 years*, THEN average 6-10 years education towards university and then 6 years university education, or 7 years towards PhD costs MANY MANY YEARS.
Never assume that such long torturing years of education will rise your salary.
Yes, for example a PhD is paid somehow more, but the difference never compansates for enormous educational years.
A stupidly designed experiment protocol, even if applied by most succsess means nothing, gives nothing to science, that is why experiment protocol, employing some appliances etc in protocol is being author and important activity.

A journalist of a newspaper must be alert to follow others' created events; whereas, most scientists are required to be a genious to create most appropriate, most informative, most cheapest, most applicable experiment. As a matter of fact, for most of the scientists, as I agree, building the experimental conditions equals to being the author,(Preparing a project that ignores the cost, workers' abilities, lab conditions, lab machines, available chemicals etc is not being an author). Evaluating the data from a stupidly designed experiment will only give a foolish misleading article even if a worker did the protocol exactly. Such articles' logical failures are most of the times really easy to tell to audiences who has a functioning brain, perfect reasoning logic and perfect scientific knowledge both qualitative and quantitave(numerical, mathematically measurable in scientific units).

My motto was 'never ever waste your time on stupid minded people studies, stupid articles', but, since someone who lacks any brain for reasoning the experiments, for logical interpretation of data stolen my legal name by marrying, i had to read their stupid brain formed articles. If a young PhD or similar degree candidate would read their stupid, reasoning lacking article, would lost her/his adaptation to perfect logic reasoning. Such young brains would be damaged by their stupid, brainless reasoning from stupid articles.
Maybe the reviewers who accepted their articles should be blamed for ignoring their brainless logical failures. Such stupid brains lacks the scientific knowledge to design the required experimental protocol to prove something. At the end their proof is saying is that 'george is swimming, the sea is salty'. sUCH STUPİD MİNDS will conclude anything arbitrarily if they see George swimming in sea. Their stupidness is incredibl to fool science world.

I never ever value any article if the experiment is designed foolishly, with many logic mistakes, it is a pity that there are too many articles whose projects, experiment protocols are designed by foolish minds.
Pity on the money paid, wasted to the workers on such projects, it is not that a worker did not do her/his job; but, the protocol itself was foolish and the worker was not responsible for he/she is doing.
Sure, sometimes protocols are perfect but the worker screws them, but , finding a worker is not really difficult, but finding perfect project creator author is incredibly difficult in science. The protocols which are written outwordly, not considering a lab possibility, are worthless, science is not a game.
Since the blame mainly goes on to who wrote the protocol(who is the author), then the success also goes to the writer of the protocol. Protocol includes any chemical, anything used in protocol/experiment.
In science, a succesfull author is the one who is also able to apply, turns into reality the protocols others writes, other author writes, such a work term is a postgraduate study and  follows the university degree. The protocol is the product of the creator/author; as an engineer is the creator of a car engine. That someone drives a car does not make her/him a car-engineer. An engineer of the car can be called the author of the engine.
If the university is only 4 years, not 6 years, then an additional 3 years prepares a postgraduate student for not only performing experiment, but also realizing lab conditions(with machines, chemicals etc) for different kind of protocols toward writing projects to be an author. Such a project  writer always have a postgraduate training at least for 3 years. After such a degree if the author publishes 3 peer reviewed  articles, becomes associate professor, if writes projects and has more peer-reviewed papers becomes full-professor.
But today sometimes some fakers who never had any 6-year related-field-university degree or PhD-degrees-after-a-4-year-university-degree,
only works as a lab worker without discrimating foolish or wonderful projects, without knowing to write a project, deceits the world and appears in some who-knows-what articles to deceit the world. Such people takes the money budget which was supposed to go the project writer at least
6 years university diploma owner project writers. Such uneducated people (who lacks 6 year university degree or postgraduate PhD degree) people are not different from a horse who runs with a rider towards somewhere.
A horse will not convey any information to other horses or other riders what a horse need for the project but only runs.

Earthquakes are not the experiments any author designes (at least at present), thus earthquakes are not only the subject of seismic-scientists, but also the subject of newpaper journalists, government official records. You can not say that an earthquake at CityA was designed foolishly, but the earthquake at CityB designed scientifically. Earthquake is an earthquake that occur Earth-Space  being both the lab and the authorithy.
Maybe in future there will be some explosive materials to make harder to discriminate earthquakes from explosions, but so far, earthquakes are easy to diagnose as earthquakes.

*I am a fortunate one who shared a department with  university educated well project writer people to help to me to know 'how a good project is' to reach my highest university titles.
But, such high quality people are having hard time on small budgets since fakers waste scientific budgets.
I, one can not say how a project, article or the worker of the project is stupid openly, because it should not be considered my private problem to waste my short life on fights to stupids, it is the problem of scientific world. And I believe most of the scientists will catch how badly designed experiments  or how badly the data is interpreted.
It is also reader responsibility to catch the mind foolishes on papers, i learned that from my peers.
But, such foolish people most of the times to deceit the world steal a real scientist name and abuses the proven trustability of a good scientist.
*I never ever mean to underestimate to look down primary school diploma, or secondary school diploma. As a matter of fact I believe instead of creating productive study programs, current educational systems wastes student times over years. If I would be the one to give secondary school diplomas, to intelligent super students, SUPER STUDENTS would be armed with very useful
PRE-knowledge for a UNİVERSİTY DEGREE. tODAYS educational system is not good and wastes student time. Or when reaches to university, forgets the superiority of a student gained during preuniversity times. A math-chemistry-physics strong student is supposed to be considered higher over other PhD canditates, but hardly such qualifications are awarded. Because people likes to steal other people rights by many deceitfull ways. The merits of a student is a whole.
I saw some PhDs who lacks physics-chemistry-math strenghts are given budgets for such field related
research projects. Yes they are PhD, but they are not in related field.
Social science PhDs also requires a good reasoning and logic, not all 4 year university degree will arm their brain with perfect reasoning in social projects, but social PhD(THİS İS not a correct description really to describe some fields, we should give exact subject, and some are between, composit fields, but for now i say social here, social is an ambiguous
 not exactly defining unsufficient word)  programs are really easier than math-chemistry-physics requiring PhD programs (exceptions are exceptions). EVEN THE LANGUAGE OF SOCİAL PhD programs is easy compared to math-chemistry-physics PhD.
If I want I can complete a so-called social PhD program in very short time(In 4 monts for example), because they are really chatting, nothing more. In physics-math-chemistry related PhD programs, a genuine PhD succeeds in hundreds of mathematical unit systems, chemical formulaes, physics units to interpret experimental data/results or prepare the most appropriate project for most appropriate question/problem. Such a genuine PhD is equipped with the comprehensive knowledge to use any available knowledge present in the searched area if her/his question/project requires.
How many social Science PhD will be able to understand a thesis in chemistry-physics-math, but I can  evaluate most PhD studies in social fields easily. Because they are most of the times uses daily chatting knowledge, they do not require the essential knowledge of mathematics-chemistry-physics.
Many scientific fields demand easy understanding in vast areas such as machine engineering etc. Or requires exceptional skills in to communicate with people from different educational background including, language skills for a clear language of article, art for the formats of article, library skills sourced from scientific knowledge is also very important. It is such scientific library skills of university faculty staff that created a succesfull scholar search engine transferred to search engine; allowed google to design an algorithm  easily using librarian traditions.
Yes, educational system recognizes that physics-chemistry-mathematics is hard, and for example in high schools, students with low talents of mathematics-chemistry-physics are not admitted to priviliged classes. Anyone is admitted to social fields though. However, high grades of mathematics-chemistry-physics is only permissive to have perfect logic, reasoning to write perfect projects, many of them fails to use their own present knowledge for perfect reasoning, or to ask the perfect question, or to interpret data.
It comes to again  to educational systems, to improve well exams such as GRE, and decrease exams only measures the parrot ability of a student.
Our brains should be equipped with the knowledge to understand and use the available most comprehensive knowledge required for a research project, not only store parrot-like knowledge and blind to understand vast knowledges from wast sources.
If a knowledge allows someone to understand more knowledge for a research project it is good, if a knowledge is only parrot-like and does not help to dig out, understand available further other written knowledge, it is not more than a parrot inputting something.
When I see such broken brains from inputting parrot-like things into their brains I feel bad about them. Their brain is broken similar to a computer which has some text but fails to see what relates it or what not relates it. When they talk even their arguments are disgustingly lacks logic to attack young brains. I always select the books, knowledge sources prior to study them starting from my early high school ages. I encountered thousands of question-answer books(exeptions are exceptions) which are favorite books of students who really does not want to understand any concept, any knowledge to solve any scientific problem, but only wants  to give the memorized answer to memorized question. Such system is not the method of top academic university style, but stupids who does not have perfect reasoning, perfect logic to draw answer from a-source-knowledge goes to such stupid systems. Academic members of top universities in general does not spend their time to create perfect exams, they are busy with research projects on scientific problems related to health, earth sciences etc. thats why some exams are nothing but broke the brains towards parrot brains, stays on market by who-knows-what people.

QUESTION: Can we examine logic, reasoning of a student?
Although such exams are a must for science to improve science,
science milestones would not occur without reasoning, logical interpretation, unfortunately at present almost no exams will measure such ability.
For example, university team, academics over time knows each other brain reasoning capacity, and in general common, similar brains join as a team, but no standard exams are available to do that.
Thieves exist on each field, someone can steal other reasoning approach. A logic with no knowledge access will not go further, but a brain who understands easily vast field sources combined with perfect reasoning is the one we need for scientific research.
I myself easily exam/compare two team or author reasoning, logic when I read their research project, experimental plan or articles, and this is the exam I do to follow  better. I do not only count the number of articles an author has, but also the logic, quality, novelty in each headline, such as method, experimental design, etc. Only intelligent people will understand how an article is very novel in many headlines simultaneously; or, an article is only different in its language otherwise it is a simple repeat of a great article. 
I like people who has the knowledge to understand articles to combine different areas, parrot like knowledged people will say things parrot-like, but they will fail to deduce the main idea, gist of different area articles. We have book, speaking computers to hear, but we do not have such reasoning computer programs. ıN EDUCATİON WE need system changes in exams to exclude parrot brains from important scientific areas.
Such exams are rather open booked, open source exams and are difficult and expensive to do.
Let say you give a formula to 2 different students not necessarily memorize the formula required to solve a mathematical problem, but only the one who has good reasoning will be able to use the given/ready open formulae towards solution.
Sure  there is nothing wrong if a formula is memorized by students. But, the exam aim is not how well a student memorize it, but how well applies it by perfect reasoning, logic, perfect rational. This is called book, source open exam. A computer will speak any knowledge, but will fail to do reasoning.
Many important fields are fulled with people who memorizes a formula only, and crippled apply it towards solution. Such parrot-like people wastes the budges of those who really deserves it.
At the end no science improvement occur, no technology improvement occur, no solutions can be created. Todays system more and more supports parrot-like-brains, because they are easier to exam.
I am not saying parrot-like-brains are not any use, but such people forgets that the knowledge they memorize created by perfect logic, perfect reasoning, not necessiating parrot-brains.
Any improvement of human would do exist without parrot-like -brains, but would not exist without good reasoning, perfect logic in related field.

a COMPUTER ALso memorizes things, but not necessarily a knowledge memorized in one file of the computer will be
connected to a new file with a different knowledge by stupid computers.
For a computer memory, each time different knowledges with similar gists are entered to the computer, computer only being a stupid device, only memorizes each new knowledge; but never is concious that two files are either have similar gists, or contradictory gists.
A primitive, simple computer has a vast memory, even the top memory owner human can not beat a simple computer memory.
But, human rational, logic beats any computer. Today most educational sytems only wants some humans only comparible to stupid computers.
I know at least hundreds of human very well, they are good to memorize some knowledge as if a stupid computer, but their brain lack any reasoning program to find opposing knowledges, knowledges with common demonitor, knowledges with same word but with different meaning.
Their brain is a simple book shelf that there found some filled disks, but theirbrain is not equipped with any intelluac capacity more than a simple computer, to make use of their knowledge.
They memorizes formules in their stupidd brain files, but when it comes to use the formulaes towards solving a problem they are just nonfunctiol stupids.
Thus open source, open book exams should be well developed. Open book/source exams rather than checking if a brain has a formula, it checks if a brain easily uses given formulaes towards solution.
To memorize all things is impossible for humans, any simple computer already beats any human being memory, but no computer in the world can race with rational of a highly intelligent human, such as my brain.
a STUPİD COMPUTER İS STUPİD TO GİVE PRİORİTY TO SOMEFİLES TO CRAWL FİRST, a stupid computer will not be able to not to crawl some files
unnecessarily, a stupid computer(search engine ) will not know to create snippets to each file to rank them under previously dated similar concept/gist files.
A stupidcomputer will not tag any file with a question, with a word, with a gist, with a concept. 
SIMILARLY, I know at least thousands of people, who indeed some tet, knowledge into their brain as a stupidcomputer do, but their brains only knows to open these files when only some 'abracadabra... like' text is entered into their brain. They are only able to create files with some meaningles text, when such a text entered into their stupid brain they open the knowledge file not different then a stupidcomputer. The file name sometimes is meaningfull to other humans, but in reality not as a concept/gist to the brain the text memorized. Create a file name Abracadabra, then fill it with some knowledge, or create a meaninful title and fill it with some knowledge, A computer will retuturn, behave same to return same knowledge whether the file title is meaningfull to the user or not. That a computer matched a perfect title/question with the perfect answering since we wrote ABRACADABRA does not mean computer learned the concept.
I used to have a classmate with a memory to memorize pages of any book instantly.
How does she remembered them? yOU THİNK WHEN THE SİMİLAR CONCEPTS have been encountered by her/him? No, her/his method was to ask the first sentence of the page.

For, example she/he would not remember the below text, when she/he would encounter car related concepts at all, but if she would hear or asked as a question the text 'rfgh, which provides auto-industry pricing information' as if a computer, she/he would return below text writing, or speaking.
When this class-mate examined, it turned out that this person brain, never associated above text with any tag, with any snippet, with any gist, with any knowledge, with any knowledge field such as engineering, automative endustry etc. There was only two thing inher/his brain the highlighted text and the text under this first sentence. What the fuck this text is memorized by her/him as if a parrot nobody understood. This person with no exception could memorize a Law book in a day, but would never able to see any contradiciton or similar concepts between Law articles. But in any exam if the writing down the Law articles have been asked, this person could write it down from his/her memory. Law is not only to list the things, but tobe recognize them when a daily event necessiates some articles from Law. Such parrots are not succesfull to rethrive the best appropriate Law when required. But, todays exams do not measure the most important part, they only awardfs the parrots.

*The award of is science is that a great scientist  relieved, satisfied with a milestone in a field, otherwise, not really money or some sort of awards will be given to a scientist. I am  afraid that genuiene scientist number more and more will be lost.
Sometimes their name is stolen to bury their possible contribution, to erase them from world, to replace them by name-thieves who screws science. Or salaries are not really good to take of childs etc, and they do not give birth childrens, their brains will not be born again.

** How I am happy that all search engine technologies developed, computer technologies developed such that, I am better able to compare some stupid brains with defective computers which has some saved files, but fails to search files when the gist of the file demanded as a for saved text. An intelligent brain never saves trash-like files without tagging, them, without realizing their gist, without realizing any word's exact specific meaning, even if there is already a saved file with exactly the same concept, but written somehow using different style. Their brain is a saved file in a broken nonfunctional computer, which is not indexed by its tags, by its gist, by specific meaning of the words, by a summary that denotes its opposition, or common nominator with other saved files.
Their files are just saved and saved and saved and saved, no commonity is searched between saved very similar concepts during new saving process. They save thousands of picture of the same building; but just as a broken computer can not, their brain lacks any software program to search to match any complementary structure between any new image or information. A building with its all details might be saved/stored in their stupid brains, but their stupid brain never realize that all are the parts of a building.
If you enter/save on a broken computer eyes, arms, legs height etc of Marilyn Monroe the broken computer never on its own can built the Marilyn Monroe concept. Or each new photo of Marilyn Monroe never recognized as a subgroup of one whole concept by deficient computers. Some stupid brains, as such broken computers may store many information, but never manage to realize that they are all the one single concept or parts of a whole. Their stupid brains also always fails to understand 'what is not what', or some newly saved thing  never is the part of a previously described group.
Because they do not have some detailed search engine programs in their brain, their stupid brain is just a waste bin full of saved files.
I also like that snippet function of search engine is described. Many stupid brains may save files, but fails to create perfect snippets for them. Or some other stupid brains saves some images, text but fails to tag them for the gist, for each seperate word, for each word's text specific meaning.
The computer-technology-created-Language is not in use as I use in this blog. But, in future we will map each tagging to a very specific chemical structure. For example, we might find out that some missing genes in brain is comparable to some missing programs, such Exell, or Picasa etc.
A computer without Excell even fail to save some very sophisticated knowledge. Yes, if a computer with a Word-software program will save thousands of thousands of files in its format, but will fail to save Excell comparable information. So what should be allocated data storage of for a scientific computer. My favorite computer is excellent in Excell, Word including an image program such as Picasa or others. Most most important thing in a computer for me is a search engine which could return anything on my computer if i would enter the concept, gist etc; not only the file name. The search engine which lacks to crawl text in files, concept in file also defective. For me a computer with same storage capacity but lucking excell or some image programs is worthless and only comparable to brainless human. Such human should not steal other perfect brains which are excellent in Excell, Picasa, Word .. simultaneously. Their brain will store and and store any thing as a parrot do, their brain is not out of space to store the things, but their brain is out of some programs such as perfect search engines or programs comparible to Excell. Though Excell is essential for me any Excell file also must be tagged perfectly with exact concept, similarities or oppositions. I know some people, their brain have somehow inherited Excell comparible programs in their brains, but they are still stupids, because their Excell storoged data, files never can be rethrieved when needed via a concept demand. Because they have Excell but no perfect search engines to crawl and open appropriate Excell-software-file-information.
I am proud of myself, my outstanding superior brain, not because only I have Excell comparible programs, but super search engines which could open Word, Excell, Picasa simultaneously upon concept demands. Anything in my brain is snippet perfectly in all programs including Word, Excell, Picasa comparible programs.
wHEN thinking human tissues; search engine activity to crawl all, or most files; might be proved that it is better if human brain-cell-membranes are easily change electrical activity by perfect ion transport on human cellular membranes. Well, as of current time, no such comparison can be done in detail, but still stupid brains can be described by using computer Language. Well, stupids are always stupid, even such Language will fail to tell a stupid, a dog how stupid animals brains are.
I am very into underline the differences in brain functions, because the failure in educational systems of current world comes from the mostly parrot-brain favoring exams.
Well, these stupids will definetely try to destroy anything if good to their parrot-like system, for example if I favor here GRE exam as not being parrot-like, they will form Laws to change the questions of GRE into parrot-like questions(This kind of events already occurred in many countries).
These stupid people's methods include any destructive step to harm any surviving good exam.
Well, not yet dogs are not in charge for examining smell ability to allow entries to Universities, but who knows what such animal brains will detail.
Whatever, since such stupid brains most of the times will not catched and only their storage, storage and storage stupidness without anywhere will be examined with todays most common exams, the number of stupids is increased everywhere.
There are still some countries, some academic places cathing the stupidness of these people, but these stupids are going everywhere to destroy any good exam style. fUCK THESE BRAİNLESS trash bin brains. Fuk any educational system lacking to see the stupids behind their trash stored brains.

In future, we will never have such exams only in schools. Today, exams mostly only measures if a knowledge is stored. Todays exams mostly never notices the failures of a stupid brain in rethrieve, crawl stored data.
How do such failures will be noticed? Rather than measuring storage directly, in open source exams(open source is sometimes the text, image already given in examination booklet. İF they provide the source and asks interpretation from the student, THEN are considered open source; if examining the interpration is ignored and only the storoge is examined, it is not open source exam-booklet). Most GRE questions can be considered open source eXam, because rather interpration is examined.
What the fuck we always check the storage, a pile of diskets if you check them will have stored teXt, images, photos etc. But, think that owner of this discs does not have any image program such as Picasa, or Excell to do antything with such discs, whereas a valuable computer has many programs, to manipulate, use with many programs such as Picasa, word, excell, powerpoint etc.
Human life is not endless, then if wonder the best limits of storage versus programs, it always conceivable that  information source is available as paper-books, discs etc; but a functioning computer with Excell, Picasa, word is hard to find.
World is full of people who passed examines for being able to store the data without excelling in usage of any information. Todays education system mostly damAged with such stupid brains who only knows to measure storage capacity.
All salAries, positions go to such storage stupids. Such stupids never able to create any novelty, never able to contributE humanity to discover novelties to fight against disasters.
All they can do to steal what super brains which manipulates any knowledge Excell, Word, Picasa comparable programs. not the endless storoge, but perfect usage of any stored data is admirable.
Think that a parrot stored endless words with correct sentences, but never able to match them to any fitting concept.
There are some stupid exams in some countries, even to memorizing the questions of such stupid exams will cause harm on perfect brains, studying such exams will damage brain, such exams are unfortunately are prepared either in mistranslated languages or by stupid people. Stupid brains are trash themselves anyway, they further fill their stupid brains with such exam question-answer text only as a parrot do.
Here, in this paragraph, ı WANT To open the word 'concept'. Todays stupid brains will change, empty any good established meaning of  any word. They are alsoenemy of Languages. 'Concept' is not memorizing things as I examplified on
But a few years ago I noticed a web-person who is paid money for Concept-Web development, but all did he was rather screwing the 'concept's meaning and just supporting stupidness as examplified on
Well, he is still working on, this is a hard project to finish in only years.

Yes, I am harsh to demand superior brains from humanity, they all should have Excell, Word, Picasa comparable programs inherited via genes in their brains, but in reality what is the percent of such genious peoplein world(Ok, I am the best example of such rare superior brains).
Unfortunately, since humanity already knocked down such valuables, only 0.01% or less brains will combine perfect functioning Excell, Picasa,Word etc comparable programs. Humanity is out of such valuable brains, and if sometimes emerge as I am, they hardly uınderstand the value of such brains for humanity. Though I prefer people similar to my brain, there hardly found such brains.
My statistical analysissomehow showed me that:
-Brains with Excell comparable programs are rarer between student compared to Picasa-like programs,
so think that
i. a brain with Excell like program but no perfect search engine activity
iiii a brain with almost Excell program but no perfect search engine activity with Word program
iiiii a brain with Excell like program and Picas, but no Word at all, with perfect search engine activity
ii. a brain with Picas like program but no perfect search engine activity
iii. a brain without eXCELL but with a somesearch activity and with a Wod-like program.
which is good?

Well, both lacks the most important part, but we want human living in this world, thus as of current world's situation, in my fields I would occasionaly favor  i over iiii   iii, or ii .
Although I admire myself as a brain equipped with not only perfect Excell , picas like program, perfect search engines and with perfect Word-comparable programs; under my authority, with a lower position, I would prefer iiiii over other options, itisnot easy to find brains to have all programs perfect in other brains.
As this preferences, any educational background should make any student charecteristics clear and the fields matching to them.
No doubt parrots will be losers for all occasions.
Sometimes I see stupids who lacks any thing in their brains, but wants others under their authorithy. These people are called only thieves who I met from very close, who with many disgusting thingsstolen my already earned positions.
These stupids are so stupid they hire 3 three people who all lacks any search activity but some programs each
The result nothing of course.
tHE MOST İMPORTANT PROGRAM OF BRAİN İS logic, seeing opposing concepts, seeing similar concepts, not forgetting premise concepts, unfortunately there is not such computer programs.
Unfortunately todays educational degree diplomas(Well, I advise you strongly to have the best one from the best schools, otherwise forget to exist in any field of world ) are nothing to do with person brain capacity, brain abilities. Human resources department should hire some discs, some shelf books rather than hiring some stupid brains graduated from shools which measures only how their stupid brains store the things without having any program to use them.
Think that you hired a book, it has everything in required field but just sits on shelf. Yes, that is it in hiring many people from some schools.
I might seem sometimes as Cervantes's Don Quixote, the legend of a story-book, maybe right; but, I am more definite that the enemy is the people who rather than fighting against the system failures, some new problems of trancient rule periods, educational program creation failures, rather abuse them to steal other payroll rights, to steal earned lifetime positions.
I respect diversity of people, I admire to myself, specially my superior brain, but still ı do not believe that if entire would cloned from me, the absolute world be perfect. The differences in people if absolute Law would work, could create better world. I also probably would not need to that much underline how stupid many brains, but I am a victim of such stupid brain fabricated irrational systems that robbed my achievemnts, my earned life-time work position. I saw too time-wasting to investigate other people's stupid brains, but their harm is not only to themselves, they aim to harm a possible better future of humanity. Thats why I am working very hard to describe stupidness of their brains in detail. It is expensive but not impossible to create/develop increase some exams to prove their stupidity. Or it is very easy to replace their stupid brain work with simple computers.
But, no computer on Earth will never ever will be able to replace my perfect brain function.
