Monday, November 7, 2011

That there is law on internet is a lie.

As long as,,  exist on internet, it is only a big lie to say that there is a general law on internet.

Is the world itself an illegal place and the Law itself only supports thieves?
I love real Law. I do not like if absolute Law is forgotten.
Each time I use I wonder if there will any other feature worsen with some spam sites which aims to hack Unfortunately does not have a genious old engineers any longer to recognize the problems of, how causes illegal results.
The most important part of is its search activity not the video or others.
e-Mail softwares are good if their built in search engine is good. I like e-mail because is still the best search engine. But, i am afraid that the wide mind of search engine will be lost, and since it is secret, it will cost again too much money  to recreate it. search engine stopped itself to improve itself as a search engine, it is only a spendthrift.
İt needs someone who values search engine as a general structure.
Some illegal video aggregators, small engines discourage individuals to create web pages, to create videos, and supports automatically created illegal pages. Such illegal pages brings nothing to internet because they are thief created and as soon as individuals stops to create pages, then they will find nothing to steal to fabricate pages. such sites exist on stolen URLs. 
I see its illegality but to be beneficiary to humanity I better create scientific web sites, not to waste my time with thousands of complaints against' illegal pages. rather causes illegal results by falsely tagging URLs.
Today any worker working at only should thank to the died creator engineers of Google is not bringing any new thing, but it was so strongly built, it still endures the stupid workers.
I am disappointed that after such genious creators of recently no genious engineers are found on Fucking fact is that there is not any school to educate an search engine engineer. There is not such schools, it is a lie that an average person brain will attend such schools and then improve search engine better.
Yes, there is a problem in education system and it makes us blind to genious people. Formerly genious people were more awarded, because there were no stupid so-called engineer educating/creating programs. but today only parrot -like people are being paid as an engineer. These parrot-like people now invading into search engine team. Such parrot-brains memorize formulas not are able to apply any knowledge to creativity.
Formerly there was not respect to parrots-brain but nowadays genious people are wasted for the expence of bright brains. eNGİNEERİNG CAN NOT BE DONE BY PARROT-LIKE educational sytstem .
The fuc. fact is that many people brain equals an insect brain or a parrot brain, wheras some brains are really human, not in a body of human appearance, not with an insect brain in a human body, both with a human brain and human body.
Yes we need to educate people, but that a parrot memorized the things does not mean a parrot could think something towards creativity.
Today, not all, but most educational systems are only awards people who parrot-like memorizes, but fails to recognize people who are able to use open sources towards creativity.
The genious creators were not graduates of todays stupid systems. Sure exceptions are exceptions as a matter of fact I am myself a highly educated person of this current system. But, I must admit that my outstanding achievements rather is a result of the books, scientific journals I studied through myself created personal educational program. Starting from very early ages, ı ATTENDED SCHOOLs, BUT CONTİNUED TO STUD the knowledge via books that not necessarily my schools, my teachers examined for. It was hard to follow both my personally created educational program and school programs. But, we need school degrees to do anything in life.
(well, I am awarded with a very important university diploma, but what, the department I worked at first demanded a position from the payroll for the department, using my important diploma and then after a while, with illegal tricks, took my position and gave it to other people who failed to got the scores diplomas ı had, how hard is working life for me and how easy is life for thieves). We need schools books, journals either hardware or online.
My personal educational program credits go to my some my teachers wrongly, because my real teachers were my books I read.
mAYBE İT İS POSSİBLE TO DO SOMETHİNG ON SOME AREaS BY PARROT-BRAİNS İF THEY CAN communicate with intelligent co-workers, BUT İN ENGİNEERİNG, we need genious people.
Ones upon a time the dogs, cats, all animals were human like creators, but then they harmed genious brains since there left none dog to speak and tell them to understand the world, they are such animals today. Todays educational system by harming the genious people wants humanity turn into disgusting animals.
I am helpless against thief site, its lies,  I have limited money, i even can not hire a lawyer to file notices against, none paid to me to be top scientist of the world. Instead of being thanked for working using my limited money, my accounts, my copyrighted content have been stolen by . .
I wrote them but they continued to violate my rights insisting in their lie saying that the videos are available on hosting sites. Today I thought that is thief and I am still writing to their support team asking removal. But, many video support team have correct rationaled people who sees hosting site changes and reflects the removal of a video if you remind them original site updates by a brief e-mail.
In conclusion, are enemy of humanity, are enemy of people who contributes good to internet, world.
First of all, is not something that brought something novel in search engine technologies as the major search engine did in it sparking days in itshistory. There is a interface technology deficiency between and is a small search engine and it should respect googl.ecom system. pages crawl web pages, public urls as usual., but when crawls some snippets of urls from pages, it turns out that pages all are tagged illegally. uses nothing but big search engine created technologies to do unimportant things as a search engine minor. itself is a simple technology even a 15 YEARS old webmaster could create, but is a big work-formed-structure. Law gives the right to crawl pages, but, law does not allow to take the text from one image and paste it over wrong image from the same yasni page.
For example all results listed at
are different, but labels all the images from with 'i. yasni stupid'.
Because labels all URLs of with 'i. yasni stupid'. is not supposed to consider pages as if they belong to a single person or source. should develop interfaces to crawl minor search engine pages matching each URL with each URLs description/snippet. I am disappointed that not a single Lawyer on could notice such an important glitch. If these Lawyers do not understand technology glitches, then what on earth they want to work with a giant technology, they should stay in their simple villages to stay an average lawyer. I am a valuable internet user and I legally explained them that again and again fabricating illegal results, this glitch should be solved. But, all lawyers forgotten that they are not in a rural village, but on a technology giant, and should not do  some law related things only. caused to me at least 15 İLLEGAL results and I reported them asking glitch check, but none of the lawyer did  anything, all ignored the violataion of my rights with a repeating glitch. I wonder if these lawyers have any tongue to talk the people in higher technology departments of ıT İS ONLY A LİE TO SAY THERE İS lAW ON İNTERNET İF SUCH A CRUCİAL GLİTCH PROBLEM İS İGNORED BY lAWYERS or companies. I say Lawyers, because they are the place of to report things. It is only lie that there exist some Lawyers and say there is law on internet as long as exist with hundreds of illegal indexed pages.
Labeling all images from with a weişrd word is infringes upon people rights. But, this happens on the internet and none except me complaints about this illegal situation. I only laugh at people, Lawyers who says there is Law on internet. so called help section never ever replies if you write them this illegal activity of googl.ecom relating I filed a legal complaint to bring attention to this problem, but since Lawyers are illegitimate about technical glitches, interface problem, instead of forwarding this problem to engineers, they only saw the problem as a legal problem. Yes, a genious old worker could immediately see that this is a technical glitch fabricating results to infringe people legal rights, but we do not have any genious Law department worker who knows any internet technology to forward this glitch to glitch department of Yes, google help section describes such events as spam perfectly, but never replies any glitch or spam report. And Lawyers are technology illegitimate not realizing a little bit that they working at a genious-created engine with many possible glitches.
Any legal copyright infringement notice at first, prior to any lawyer reads them should be examined by Glitch Department(there is an urgent need to built glitch department ), otherwise it is only a laughable lie that there is any law on google, on internet. I am sure The Lawyers are instructed that if a glitch is the problem, then someone, the glitch victim would write to Glitch/spam department, since the complaint addressed to Law department, then no need to forward it to glitch department. This a big interpretation that that the lawyers do shamelessly to deceit themselves. The fuc... truth is that none can ask removal of any result from just saying that there is a glitch. Think that a lawyer replied to you and you explained them that you believe a glitch creates this, if the lawyer could investigate this issue to prevent future problems. Hah, you got it wrong, the lawyers of forgets thatthey are working on a technology product, and they do nothing against your glitch report. You can not report a lawyer that is causing glitch on results.
Sooooo,this isthe way how a genious created structure is fukced   by so called communicatring deparrtments which think themselves on everywhere but not on a tecnology-giant-search-engine.
These lawyers are only average, and do not deserve on working with high technologies such as google. They communicates with only a lower level technician who removes the problematic result. But, these technology glitch illegitimate lawyers never ever realize that they are part of a big-search-engine-technology and they need to know at least to ask an engineer for any glitch problem.
90% cases will be indeed only Lawyer related copyright infringements, but even 2% glitch problem requires full-time paid Glitch-Department engineer. Above all, I personally explained the google lawyers that the problem is repeating technical glitch between and google robots. The technician is at a low level responsibility thus the URL REMOVİNG technician should NOT be the one TO FORWARD THE CASE TO GLİTCH DEPARTMENT, BUT AL THE CASES SHOULD BE first read by glitch department, some might not even need to be read by a lawyer and glitch department should reply to the copyright infringement notice owner that the result was only a glitch of search engine itself. What Lawyers think, that they are blind to such  glitches do not mean that anyone is blind to glitches,

 Or, the lawyers should have search engine glitch degrees.
Or, there should be lawyers at Glitch department, and reporting glitch should be also very legal form.
So, glitch will continue to harm my legal rights, but instead of removing glitch I will be have to file and file copyright infringement notifications only for to keep high working Lawyer at Humanity has many many problems to waste money on not to feed village primitive minded, technology unaware Lawyers of These Lawyers if needed should report the glitches to CEO, so that additional budgets would be spared for interface technology, but they hide the problems to keep their place more busy. Humanity has enough pronblem none should waste anyone time with glitches inappropriately ignoring their source. should not be a place to terrorizemy life with labeling weird images with my legal name.
Yes, when I file notice thankfully they remove each newly fabricated mislabeled image, but I hardly have time and money to waste on glitches. It is a pity to say for me that, a valuablesearch engine terrrorized  my life with mislabeled images that much. I value technologies, but Law department in long term  i believe, insidetheir guts, They enjoy these glitches to terrorize people rights, because ı told them and they did nothing.

If nothing, then should ban pages completely from It is that simple. I love search engine technology as a giant technology, but such village-like primitiveminds in reality never love technology improved peacefully without harming people rights. does not have any legal right to force to tag pages correctly, does not have such a talented engineeer to present hundred URLs to seperately, the HTML coded feeds of are all fukck.. because is a small village sized company can not hire such intelligent engineers to present better HTML-feeds to robots.
sİNCE ı LOVE GOOGLE.COMSEARCH ENGİNE, it really hurts when such illegal people harms my rights by abusing technology.
This or are glitches and not targets only my legal name, my copyrighted URLs, such glitches abuse anyone on internet, but since I have many many URLs it abuses my rights more.
My name is outstanding and very unique, in primary school there were almost 2000 girl sharing the same name, but my name is unique and only I had it. Thus I easily understood when 3 different thief woman from different world countries got married to steal my name. 
If your first name is very common or your surname is very common on all countries such as Carol, it is hard to understand that your name is stolen to steal your name credits, your achievements. When names are common in multiple languages/countries one can not recognize such name thieves. There was a woman with Tun. .... surname, she got married to steal my surname and to deceit world . Since my name-surname was very uncommon I easily understood how this thief is a stupid woman. These  stupid thieves also did not know how my name was rare on World. Sometimes I laugh that some countries even increased the immigrant number with my name, Statistics told me that  fact.

It is a shame that there is none on internet to notice stupidness of to deceit googlecom robots, and I have to draw attention to the technical failures.

In far future a thousand year from now even entering a name and finding people with different social security numbers also probably will be illegal. But, as anyone I also TOLERATE WHEN GOOGLE lists many other similar names are listed between my thousands of results. gOOGLE.COM PAGES ARE also webpages, and should not arrange my URlS WİTH OTHER SİMİLAR BUT DİFFERENT PEOPLE urlS. tHİS İS NOT todays problem but it is funny that all the illegal things are tolerated and when wanted not tolerated. Well, internet search engines entirely illegal as of this century because we like search engines and tolerate their illegality. Anyone, if absolute Law would prevail, could find any search engine algorithm illegal, but we all love internet search engines, and we all forgive their illegal algorithms. What the fuk search engines inserts a similar but incomplete name between my thousands of valuable URLs, in absoulute Law, such an algorithm of search engines in mixing all similar names without recognizing Social Security Numbers, exact country, city, university Department is illegal, but we all love search engines and allow them to abuse our rights, but we then suddenly remember Law for some cases that solving would not solve the the real big illegality.
Yes, search engines all have jungle rules ignoring absolute Law, and none of us are against this. I complain search engines, but I love them so much, i want them improve even for the expense of that much harm they caused to me. But, why other harmed people are paid but ı am not paid.
There is not any punishment if abuses your name by glitches. Even says that does it, you are helpkless to even find out to find the glitch criming company.
They and harms my right without even paying me a cent , ı many times skipmy out meals to contribute humanity using internet. Gross money goes to who? I work , my urls used. Ther is not law internet. Ther are scenarios people want to give each individual, but they should remember tht only stupid dogs could  learn something as they plan, they will not be able tocreate a human, a creature as intelligent as I am. They are stupid to realize that, by stealing my name to a stupid woman they only deceit values of the world by theirillegality. EVEN MARRYING TO STEAL ANOTHER woman name is not illegal. World is hardly legal, mostly full of with thieves who would try to steal your work positions, your creativity, your name not only your money.
The animals, the dogs do not clog their ears, their eyes to the truth of reality
by putting something into their ears, or eyes. They do it by excluding important functions of their brain, or by their genes.
Many people are like such animals, they will never hear or read the truth, all they know is their own lies, their own stupid scenarios for other people. For example by stealing my name and giving it to a stupid uneducated woman, they deceit themselves that the stupid woman will become suddenly an educated, intelligent one.
Because they are not aware of the importance of valuable human brains which emerge only occasionaly to rescue other stupid humans from being animal.
I am not the first who has perfect human brain, fortunately mostly via books, some priviliged journal knowledges I reached to my dead peer valuable brains, but thief stupids of the world are getting to steal positions of valuable brains day by day.  Fuc such thieves who stole the product positions of my valuable peers.
They want a world filled with animal brains, they are brainless they should learn to respect higher brain owners such as me, but they stupidly even steal my name to deceit themselves and some other stupids.
Humanity is not at a too bad level, but who knows how many valuablevaluable  brained people were harmed to stoptheir better creativity, humanity definetely would be at a better level, but animal brains never wants a develpoed humanity they do not have understanding of a developed brain, they will create an animalworld, whereas intelligent people will born human and die human. You can not make a dog, a human brained because they even do not have any respect to human explanations.
Anyway, humanity left me a valuable knowladge despite the fact that majority of humanity thief, jelaous other intelligent brains. Well an animal dog even will not be jelaous of a human. .

In future not just as written on some places as agreement rules, but in reality submitting of web sites to to some under developed small places such as, will be strictly controlled. results will not be used by other small  engines. URLs will not show for the text the webpage has(this is hard to ask as of today, other misusages might occur ), only show for the tags they send as an HTML feed. For example my webpages would show only if my university city and my social security number last digits are keywords for google.
Yes, ı do to love inserts its nose everywhere, but we should see that this is is not absolute law. That is allowed to reach my urls does not mean that could use results. eACH MAJOR SEARCH ENGİNE HAS DİFFERENT ALGORİTHM. A better search engine will not form without better written web site HTML-FEEDS-TAGS.
sİNCE THE TECHNOLOGY İS new wants to use it to any limits, but then should pay to me for all the illegal pages. My name is not something could paste over weird listed images. I complained, but did not give me any money for the time i wasted on glitch results, on legal complaints.
There should be a law stating that:
If the infringement occur because of technical glitch, then, to compensate the time wasted on infringement notices, should pay at least $500 to the Glitch-victim. Then I would earn some money and give them tomy lawyers for the time they spend on notificaitons.

internet-search-engine-glitch-victim should not be taken as a very minor think, it is important, ifwe want to respect search engine, we should not violate rights by ignoring glitches.
