Thursday, October 27, 2011

cost of education is decreasedby Computer Technology

After the Van 23/10/2011 Earthquake that leveled a school killing more than 60 teacher, it struck my mind that education cost is not same at all places if we plan to built schools. Van is a cold city and cost of warm, big and Earthquake durable school buildings is too much for any assembly compared to other cities.
Earthquake rather levelled and killed people in schoollike buildings  but not in small one floor houses. Education in Van should be via long distance, online education. Fortunately, computer technology recently improved so well everyone can be educated by a small laptop in any house.
Or home schooling can be tried which is easy again with computer technologies.
Very early age eyes should not be eposed to too much computer lights, they need good eyes for theirfuture times, if something can be done without computer it should be preferred for children. Then the books can be downloaded, printed for children.
I believe primary school(5 grades) is the most important years in education. Secondary school, high school and following years can be easily completed by a computer wizard program, robot teacher whic even would print some books automatically. There is not any robot teacher right now, but even today technology will create robot teachers in a couple of months, decreasing the cost of high school, secondary school teacher salary money from government budget.
Universities also could use robot lecturers with already available technologies to decrease time to give lectures and sparing university researcher, professor time for valuable research stuies, laboratory studies.
Only some hours would be robot free. I investigated programs of universities, it turned out that most university education 80% can be done using robots, Then professor would have time for preparing best exam questions, best research projects. Lecturing is not something better than distributing it through e-mail. I LİKE READİNG BUT if wished one can also hear it with currently available speaking robot technology. Or the Speaker gives it to a robot and robot reads the text to a video, then the Lecturer e-mails videos to students. This is a method I used since 2006.
Meanwhile, It is the writing down the Lecture and answering the detailed questions regarding the gist of the created Lecture. not  really old fashioned method, go to class room and speak to students.
Believe me most of the times the Lecturer only memorizes the Lecture he/she is not the creator of the Lecture.
