Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cooking style should fit both to calorie restrictions and our taste, we need to eat what we like

  •  If you are gaining weight easily in a short time, you are probably genetically obesity prone person
  • If you feel hungry after eating food with fat(including saturated and unsaturated fat), you should be on a low-fat diet(less than 3% of calories from fat)
  • That 'saturated fat is unhealthy but unsaturated fat is healthy' is an incomplete misleading assumption. Eating too much unsaturated fat is harmful, increases appetite, causes obesity or increases the risk for type 2 diabetes.
  • This post is strongly suggesting not only to cut saturated fat but also, unsaturated fat in diet.
  • Small amount of fat found in nuts, fish, meat will be enough to keep us healthy when on calorie calculated diet.
  • If you feel hungry after eating food with flour(obtained from processed grains), you should be on a flour-free diet. Do not eat food with flour.
  • Do not consume table sugar if you are obese 
  • Eat large amount of vegetables such as green vegetables, aubergine.
  • Eat fresh fruits every day in moderate amounts.
  • Eat high amount of proteins such as meat.
  • Cooking style is important to digest healthier carbohydrates from food, from vegetables.
  • That someone lost weight does not mean any succsess, maintain weight is the succsess. You should not ask only to lose weight but also maintain your weight if you seek help from a health place/center/hospital. Meaning that weight loosing programs can not be for a short time, should cover at least for 5 years. Fast weight loosing diets are harmfull to health.

  • Goverment will not ban fat/oil or flour and table sugar factories since they cause obesity; because there are circumstances, such as Earthquakes, we need clean, cheap food to maintain lives.

  • If you are not rich enough probably you will stay obese, because high protein, fat-free-vegetable diet is expensive in city life.

  • Today I have read a blog by someone who is experimenting with not eating wheat for some weeks.
    I believe it is a good idea to try leave out grains to see if they do something bad.
    Why are grains bad? Is it because the way the grains are processed?
    Is it because some pesticides contaminate them?
    Is it because their vitamins are lost till the time we eat them,
    in reality processed any grain is stale. We need to investigate this.
    Only one person hardly could experiment all these questions on her/his body.
    ''The other point of the blogger is that she/he thinks that if she/he can eat less carbohydrates over her/his lifetime, he/she'll be doing her/himself a huge favor. ''
    It seems she/he does need to learn what 'carbohydrates' means before she/he makes any blame on carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, grains are all mainly composed of carbohydrates. Vegetables are complex carbohydrates and are a must in our diet.

    Whole grains are not the same as its processed product, namely white colored flour. Many food, bread are composed of flour. Food composed of flour in general is not a good food for me to eat when on a weight loosing diet, since flour increase appetitie.
    Not all breads are the same, for example,

    Swedish hard/crispbread(traditional fat-free fiber rich whole-grain bread) is a good food for me.

    It is very well cooked, crunchy and tasty.
    Puffed grains(fat-free) do not increase appetite in contrast to grain's white flour.

    After chemistry domination in current century, to describe food we need a better language***. I noticed that even distinguished newspapers are incorrect to employ Carbohydrate word.
    I am also against to confuse minds with detailed exact Chemistry formulas/words, but Carbohydrates is not the detailed word to group pizza, white bread, table sugar, flour containing food.
    Instead of saying 'leave out carbohydrates', we should say 'to loose weight, it is a good idea to omit flour and table sugar containing foods from diet'. Languages are useful when communicates the idea, many people who writes on food are nothing but a simple word processor  machine. Another word that could mislead is 'Fast Food'. Fast Food is not a goodword to group unhealthy food anylonger.

    Unfortunately, we do not know how cooking would change the vegetable carbohydrates.
    We human are all different in the way we digest carbohydrates. Some of us do not have some enzymes to break down the complex carbohydrates found in food. (Most of the times there is nothing wrong with that, we do not need all the carbohydrate catabolic enzymes found in our genes to be able to eat anything as disgusting cockroach could do ).
    Correct cooking styles helps to bring out the absorbable healthy compounds in food for each individual.
    Dry, broiled, fried broccoli is not the same with boiled broccoli; if one loves to fried vegetables taste there is nothing wrong with that, but, to get the fried vegetables taste is hard to reach without using oil/fat.
    It is very possible that boiling does not bring out some useful small components as barbecuing.
    I am on a high protein, high vegetable/fruit, fat free, calorie calculated diet; but I always cook the vegetables in a style (without using fat/oil) so that they taste as they were fried in oil/fat. I do not like vegetables when they loose all their minerals during boiling in large amounts of water.
    Barbecuing gives similar caramelization taste as frying in oil do.
    Caremelization procedure in cooking of foods changes the sucrose into fructose and glucose which affects its absorption in intestines; and, also makes other unknown changes in food.
    I use  microwave to have fried vegetable taste; but, it is not easy, the microwave oven needs to be cleaned every other day, a time wasting work for me. I live in a highrised building and my kitchen is not good for all cooking styles.  Aubergine, which is my favorite vegetable, when boiled I can not eat it, it tastes awfull; but, if I eat 1 kg(wet weight) microwaved aubergine each day, I can easily maintain my low weight(about 50 kg; ideal for my age/length). Cooking well changes its composition in a better way. I eat vegetables with fat-free meat/protein. If I want to loose to weight I eat more and more vegetables. When I get up in the morning I do not wait to feel very hungry to eat my vegetable meal, I eat vegetable meal when slightly hungry, it prevents to feel extreme hunger.
    In future there will be more scientific methods to compare cooking styles of carbohydrates, but today we at least have our taste to consider.
    Today we are unlucky because fresh food with high protein, vegetables/fruits is not cheap. If you are a student or a full-time worker you will not have time to cook fat-free foods tasting as wished. But, I do not like artificial food additives even though they might taste as the food i like.
    Many times we do not respect our body needs, we incorrectly blame our metabolism if we can not survive on cheap foods as insects could do.
    An ideal human metabolism engineering model is hard to do, I personally never would compromise on my perfect protein and fat metabolism which is a must for brain function.
    Anyway, we human already put into trash many genes, for example, we human do not synthesize vitamin C.
    We human definetely do not need to have all the genes an insect has.
    We human feel cold in winter, the solution is not to change our genes to animals; but, to built warm buildings to live in.
    Many obese people believe that their genes are wrong; yes, on some cases the problem is a genetic disease, but most obese people (including most mortal obesities) are not obese because they have a genetic problem or their appetite is too much, but starting from childhood they eated wrong, cheap food, or they starved their body inappropriately** to increase their appetite further (Extreme starvation might activate some 'Lipases' to create hunger signalling molecules further in body*).
    That some insects live healthy on some unhealthy foods should not be a model for an ideal human metabolism.
    Human brain most needs fat synthesis and protein(amino acid) metabolism. That all the carbohydrate we eat can be metabolised to make body fatter is not a bad sign for genetics of fat metabolism.
    Loosing weight is not the most difficult part, succsess of a diet, but keeping the ideal weight for years is important. Maintaining weight should be taken as a serious project, and one should not give up calorie calculation after loosing weight. Yes, some people do not calculate what they eat to maintain their weight, but all bodies are not same. For example, myself, I calculate calories of any food for at least 30 years, not to loose my weight, but to maintain my weight about/under 50kg.
    I believe that despite the fact I am only ~50kg, I do not have any different genes from who weights more than 300 kg. My appetite is controlled by my well designed diet. As a matter of fact I believe that having a good appetite is a sign of good health.

    My advise to whom wants to loose weight is that they should never try to reach their ideal weight immediately.
    For example, if you are 66 kg and have ideal weight of 46 kg, you should not loose all 20 kg in a year.
    At first you should loose 10 kg in a year, then
    stay at 56 kg for 2 years(Over two years prove that you are good to maintain your weight, that you somehow understood the diet that maintains 56 kg), and following year (The third year of the diet program) loose additional 10 kg,
    when reached 46 kg, maintain this weight at least for 2 years. Again try to understand the best diet to maintain 46 kg.
    My weight loosing program suggest weight loosing over a long time, stepwise, for example over 6-7 years.
    There is not any meaning in loosing weight if not maintained and only burned the most valuable tissues of body.
    After putting on 10 kg in just a year if someone maintains her/his weight, for many years, this is still a succsess. Maintaining the same weight is not easy for obesity prone people.
    This example of loosing 20 kg is for people who are at a healthy weight, but wants to loose  weight to look thinner.

    Health risking obesity as occur with some cardiovascular diseases might require 20 kg weight down in just a year. Again, in any obesity, maintaining the weight over 5 years is always a succsess. 
    Genetically obesity prone people are recognized by their fast weight gaining tendency in a short time.
    They put up weight, and put up again each month continuously if they do not calculate what they eat.
    eATING flour and fat/oil rich food instead of stopping their appetite, make them more hungry to eat further. Their appetite is increased by flour and fat/oil eating. Genetically obesity prone person is characterized by the ability to put 20 kg in just a 3 months or so. At young ages excess weight might be tolerated better, but when old, after ~age 40  heart and many other body organs will not be able to take care of that excess fat.
    Many weight loosing diets are harmfull, because they restricts protein, vegetables and fruits too much to decrease weight in a short time.
    Each bad weight loosing diet burns essential tissues of essential body organs, damages body health.
    Weight loosing diet is not cheap. Fat-free vegetables, meat is always expensive. Whereas food composed of flour(with some fat) is cheap, because they are cooked/served easily.
    wHEN I investigated the food on this century's market, I am rather surprised that some people are still healthy and on their ideal weight. I again underline that if one feels hungry when eating certain foods such as floor, fat/oil;  this does not mean that there is something wrong with them, insects might eat everything and feel satisfied. We should recognize the foods that behaves weird in our body when we eat them such as fat/oil, or some sort of flour.
    Obesity prone people should cut not only saturated fat amount, but any oil. Science is improving but we unfortunately are not at a point to group all oil/fat as healthy or unhealthy.
    Our body knows better to synthesize the best fat from complex carbohydrates. Thus, leaving out fat/oil from diet is the best to maintain low calorie diet. Even the lean meat, skimmed milk will give necessary fat to body. Since science is not at a point to say the best fat(or subgroups of fat such as best Fatty Acids) for body, it is meaningless to cook food with additional oils. Even unsaturated fat/oil is very harmfull to obesity prone people. Liver works better to compose healthy amounts of fat from complex carbohydrates, thus fat/oil should be very low in obese people diet. Even 3% fat intake will be healthy, because a healthy liver converts complex carbohydrates into fat accordingly if body needs.
    For a better working brain, liver synthesizes the best composition of fat. Myself, as the owner of a perfectly working brain, I am on a very low fat diet(less than %3 calories from fat) over 30 years, fat-free diet keeps my brain away from contamination with some harmful fatty-acids found in many food oil/fat. I am suggesting cutting down any fat saturated or unsaturated from diet.
    One day, probably hundreds year later from now, science will recognize fats chemicalstructures in detail, fatty-acids in detail to give those who has unhealthy liver, but today we should respect the truth that we did not researched fatty-acid enough. I omitted not only saturated but also any unsaturated oil obtained via processing of vegetables(i.e. olive oil, corn oil, canola oil) from my diet. I eat fish, meat, nuts(hazelnut, sunflower seeds, pummpkin seeds etc) to have some necessary fat such as omega-3 fatty acids. But only ~%3 or less calories of my weight loosing diet is from fat. Maybe hundreds years later I would buy some well-studied oil to add my food. Studies show that any excess fat may harm some vital organs regardless of they are saturated or unsaturated.

    Science showes that when we eat complex carbohydrates and proteins  our body controls correct increase-time and location of fatty acids healtier. When we eat fat/oil, fat from food (Fatty Acids) enters into human cells to detoriate the healthy proportions of body fats. Fat taken by food invades body uncontrollably, untimely, unproportionally. There are hundreds of different fat(fatty acids) in healthy body synthesized from complex carbohydrates and protein(amino acids); when we prepare fatty food, we can not reach such complex diversity of human body fat(Our knowledge maybe will improve thousands years later by Science, today our knowledge is limited unfortunately). Foods are rich only in certain fat, but lacks most important fat kinds/structures of body. Liver and each specific tissue better controls correct fat level when complex carbohydrates, protein are high in diet.

    My personal experience with eating fat/oil rich food support that. I do not feel healthy when I eat food rich in fat/oil whether saturated or unsaturated.

    To underline the too high amount fat found in foods,
    I am giving common available fat amount in a pizza. I eat less than 3% calories from fat in my diet; wheras, below pizza has ~30% fat calories from fat. 10 times more unnecessary fat is in this pizza. 30% fat is too much, unhealthy for obesity prone person.
    If every food cooked fat-free on market it would work fine. We would eat nuts, fish etc. to have some necessary fat any time. But, there is no way to remove fat from a pizza if it is cooked with fat/oil.
    They cook it with fat and processed flour, because it is easier.

    ı GROUPED some food as processed and I do not eat them; they are
    table sugar, oil obtained via processing of vegetables(i.e. olive oil, corn oil, canola oil),
    flour processed from grains.
    I investigated early times of humanity, they did not consume any processed food such as oil, table sugar and flour.
    Nowadays, food with flour and oil/fat is most sold food on market, because they are cooked easily, they are not perished easily compared to many healthy foods. They do not smell bad, they can be eated anywhere, they are not healthy but in general they are easy to cook to kill any bacteria.
    I know many freshly good cooked meat/vegetable food places shut down their places, because people did not buy their healthy but comparatively expensive food. Such food places can not race with flour/oil rich food selling stores. Average income person can not afford to go healthy food places.
    Another fact is that a fat free meat/vegetable meal is hard to cook, one(including me) can not trust any food place to eat them, whereas foods with flour/oil such as pizza are easily cooked and can be trusted, bought safely all over the world.
    If you ask me to ban flour, fat/oil I would say 'No'. Because, there are some unfortunate events such as Earthquakes that we need food with long shelf-life, many unhealthy foods may save life under such circumstances. But, we should recognize the some processed food as unhealthy for our normal life.

    *there are some traditions using daily starvation over a month each year to increase appetite or to increase turnover rate of some phospholipids/fat or protein structures in body.
    **Extreme starvation not only breaks the depot fat; but also, important organ tissues, such as proteins of important cells. Extreme carbohydrate starvation also causes break down of useful protein structures of the body. Some proteins are protected from catabolism only by their carbohydrate moiety. Many unhealthy weight loosing diets which cause extreme weight loss over a short time; or, omit required carbohydrates(such as vegetables) from diet causes breakdown of functional/required proteins from vital organs in body and increase appetite further. Carbohydrate moieties are essential to protect human body structural lipids(i.e. cell membrane phospholipids). Extreme carbohydrate deprivation, or loosing extreme weight over a short time, rather than burning adipose tissue fat, burns the structural important lipids of body.

    ***Companies that explains food content on packets can not be collaquial legally. They are required to label vegetables as Carbohydrate. They are not permitted to write Carbs etc. We should consider everything to choose best words/language to group foods.

    P.S: Treatment of obesity ideally include a combination of calorie-calculated diet and exercise. However, many people for varying reasons are not able to do exercise. Exercise is a healthy solution for weight reduction/maintanence in obesity or type 2 Diabetes. It is better if exercise accompanies to any calorie calculated diet. Exercise of body muscles should be encouraged for any disease.
    if  someone is not able to increase exercise time, calorie calculation, DIET ARRANGEMENT will help to reduce and maintain weight regardless of an increase in energy expenditure.
    However, many injured sportsmen gain too much weight during their injury time. Thus, they need to learn to calculate the calories in their food.
