Monday, August 29, 2011

I have read a google-blogger-article which compares private sector against Academic world.

G.MXXX STATES that there are a lot of really smart people out in the private sector, if SOMEONE look in the right places. Scary smart people, the kind that academics will tell you don't work in the private sector. Many of the dysfunctional relationships in the academic world were not actually due to  personality flaws, but were largely due to the peculiar culture that tolerates (and in some cases rewards) dysfunctional interpersonal relationships in academia. It's refreshing to work with people who are smart, engaged, enthusiastic, and who genuinely want to work together to create something worthwhile and powerful. To some extent, the archetypal academic interaction is the pissing contest, where people jockey for status, because status is the only currency in the academic world. All other forms of interaction are subordinate to the pissing contest. It's refreshing to step away from that world.
In academia no required hindsight was available to him for the experiments he was doing, he was not informed that if he had found something with his work something really that fascinating, then he would have been eager to get up and get in there to do more. And there just wasn't that drive, and it was making him miserable.

I liked that G.MXXX wrote his  thoughts on his googleblog, whether I aggree or not agree with him.
Academic status is important really, but we should not forget that ones these people were at very low level in academic hierarchie. It took them a hard studying/working time to reach top status. The academics that forward science further are the ones who always reward real scientist.
A sparking brain will be always noticed by a real academician, because a real academician knows that science can not improve only with a single outstanding brain, but with many of them. Science is many times sacrifying yourself, your daily life for science; not for sacrifying yourself for the academics who have higher status from you, but sacrifying yourself for science. For example, if you only found 'technician work position' to earn many from academic world, you need to go home and instead of spending your free time on some leisure activity you need to read articles(without paid for YOUR reading time as compared to a PhD's reading time) on the experiment you are doing. Many technician(this word should be understood in its limited academics meaning, should not be confused with 'technician' in its general context, in academia a Ph.D. level is considered always higher than the technician, but PhDs with no technician skills for me always are crippled to be beated by any type of technician ) never wonder really what they are doing, they do not damage eyes on reading books, journal articles on their free times but refresh themselves for their next day robotic work in their free times.
For me, the absolute PhD degree is always preferable over the technician(the technician is again used in its limited usage as DESCRİBED in above paragraph). But, sometimes (fortunately I always worked with valuble smart academic PhDs) PhD degrees are awarded to those who do nothing, memorize things as if a parrot and has a thesis on nothing but on a hard work of an academic technician. Or many times though have PhD degrees, many PhDs are in reality only technician(the technician is again used in its limited usage as DESCRİBED in above paragraph),  who lacks the smart brain needed for Scientific thoughts, wondering activities of a scientist. It is not really they want to have degrees, but some high Academics instead of giving PhD degrees to correct people, gives them to those who wants money rather than degree for their work.
In academia a technician(the technician is again used in its limited usage as DESCRİBED in above paragraph), many times deserves to earn money more than a recently graduated PhD. Science would not exist without sparking brains, but those academic technicians who work under the order of sparking brains also do great job to improve Science. Loosing the balance between sparking brains and other groups of science workers will harm Science.

Private sector by its default nature can not improve Science on itself; PRİVATE SECTOR is good and a support to academic science, however, private sector is out of control, unpredictable, more luck driven, most importantly it is the side which inherits richness of academic accomplisments; Academic Science is the driving site of Science. Private sector today sells Science product, tomarrow may abondon Science for selling most profitable products such as Grocery. thus, if there are problems in Academic world, we should correct them.
Lets say there occurred a disaster and the private Science Center is destroyed, since by default its knowledge is not public, valuable sources will be destroyed; yes disaster harm Academic centers also; but, the first duty of academics is to publish, make new knowledge known all over the world. By default publication is not private sector activity. Humanity benefits from Academic work more against any unfortunate disaster via publication. That is why Academics are the leading and more worthy part in Science. Peer reviewed top journal articles  are not easy to accomplish by private sector. Academics buy all chemicals, instruments  from private sector and it works good most of the times, but organizing Science world is an Academic person work, academics know better what instrument should be developed. I always thought I sacrified my entire life for the sake of Science; but the academicians I worked with also worked hard for an average salary. A  Science department director has to think about not only Scientific problems but many others. Being an academic Principal Investigator on a science project is not easy.  there are many scientific problems to answer. But, economic and science politics problems, people hierarchie problems are needed to consider also. Academicians are the ones to know the value of an educated person, private sector fabricated exams many times are nothing but a measure of parrot like memorizing activity.
Scientific budget problems goes beyond Science.
What percent a government budget for science is good. Many scientific medical therapy projects will be finished only after centuries, should an individual of current year work and give 5% of his/her salary for the tomarrows humans better life, for our next generations life.
Which project is better? The one that solves Obesity problem immediately by diet, by selling better cooked food, such as fat-free food (with %80 success) or
The one that solves Obesity problem after centuries for our next generations ( with 99 % succsess).
Who knows maybe in very far future we humanity even start to think that as a human all we need is a brain and we would give birth to bodyless babies with only a large brain/head, remain parts such as legs  would be as if daily clothes to wear, such brains would  live with some absorbed light without food. Or for an imaginary humanity, we humanity would have heads but bodies without muscles/fat/legs. Because extraordinary engineered robots would do all work for human beings. Not all, but some human would love that just sit against a computer without a body, read and read on Internet. or play games on 
A government does not deserve any respect if fails in Scientific world. For me a country can not be top if fails in science.

Government Education, curriculum starting from Kindergarden to 9, 10 further grades should be arranged perfectly. If I am the top 10 Scientist of this world, it is not because only I am very smart by birth, but also I studied mathematics, geometry, chemistry, physics, basic biology when I was in secondary school, high school. When at high school, not only my schoolbooks, I studied books from two or more other different schools. I am not saying that any one in my high school class excelled in math, geometry, phsics, chemistry as I did, but they had the enviroment to rich basic Science tools not less than I did. If you miss the basic physics, chemistry, geometry knowledge at its very simple level you will be damned when you face knowledge that are based on some geometry, mathematics, physics of high school(9, 10, 11 GRADES).
Let's say you started to study math geometry physics related field at a university; by default universities never repeat the high school level math, geometry, physics, chemistry, they assume that you already know them at exellence, most of them rightfully have 'university entrance exams' to make sure on student curriculum background. If one's high school(9, 10, 11 grade) itself had a screwed curriculum, even if the university takes any student, the student of such a bad school will be screwed when faced high leveled math, geometry, physics, chemistry. I omitted biology because even if you are basicless in biology when faced advanced biology you will not be screwed as occur in math, geometry, physics(For me without Physics, geometry there occur no Science. Physics, Geometry, Chemistry is the creator of science). Many social sciences are similar to Biology and a student can do well without a strong basis of high school(..9, 10, 11 grades). I am not saying that such social sciences do not require some special talents; but, as today, to find brains in science with perfect physics/geometry etc understanding is harder than to find in other fields...Even in high school, it was harder to find find Science students between all fields. I was very succesfull in all fields including many social fields, foreign language or art fields; but, scarce was my Science(Geometry, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry) superiority above any student of my high school. later on I benefited from my talents from other fields but my priority field being Science or Science based fields. My family was supportive of Science related fields rather than art or social sciences for me; but, my selected Science related final field or career was not the one that would bring money as they imagined. Even if I die one day from not affording the most confortable houses to live in, I never regret that I studied, worked on what is best for my Science field, I like the way I feeded my brain.
Fortunately, humanity so far understood the value of sparking scientist more or less....

Even in high school I took former grade curriculum seriously; when
confronted with something unfamiliar to me in my high school book; I
went back to my former grade books to see the best fitting basic
knowledge for newly launched subject. In my mind all math formulas are
backlinked to my secondary school(7, 8 grades) knowledge
understanding. I never needed my primary, Kindergarden school books when in high
school, but in case I forget something very basic, I had always kept them in my
library. Since my basic understanding of Mathematics Language is perfect, I am
never lost in complicated Mathematics/Geometry knowledge. A real Scientist is the one who succesfully applies required mathematical scales, Physics units(scales) or Geometry knowledge to Chemistry or Biology, and I am never lost in doing that.
Although an absolute Mathematics-like approach could transmit entire universe; in our real world the Mathematics is only a language of numbers and signs fabricated over years as any Language. I am perfect to make use of this language if Chemistry or Physics needs them. Altough my strenghth is Math, I do not approve students who memorize formulas, and lacks the ability to communicate using Math language. Mathematics is called by me a Language, because there is no use in Math if it is not applied in other fields. Fortunately, when shopping the labels do not write expensive, more expensive, cheap, cheapest, but gives eact numbers using currency as a unit, using Mathematics knowledge, language of numbers.

Unfortunately, some 9, 10, 11 grade curriculum programs are prepared by stupid educaters who themselves are lost in math, physics, geometry knowledge; if one studies 9, 10, 11 grades at a bad school, this person hardly learn complex knowledge in their later educational life.
A little baby learns at first very simple words, very simple sentences, then improve his/her language to better levels. Yes a baby can memorize a complex song, but this does not mean her/his understanding is improved. Unfortunately, many students at univerties are not different from those babies who memorizes song text, but actually knows nothing what he/she is singing. Such students should be recognized by academics and should be kept out of Science. Such students will graduate schools, pass years by memorizing important knowledges as if  songs are memorized by little babies, parrots. Such students unfortunately fills the positions of real sparking brains, wonderers.
I am thankfull to GMXXX for pointing over some problems of Academic world.
Academic world should be protected from harmfull people.
There is a name thief who has nothing on world but a similar name to mine. This name thief deceited many people for nothing but steal the status of valuable people by deceiting stupids.
G.M. is unlucky, because G .... M... name is new, so he can not steal other people name TO DECEİT STUPİD LİVİNGS BETWEEN ACADEMİCS.
Thanks to G.MXXX blogs for having the courage and selfview to tell the problems on blogs.
I came across another academic student life on, who knows how hardly she was lost in catching basics in advanced math/geometry/physics knowledge sources, how hardly she worked and sacrified, damaged her body health to fall easily damaging her knee.

G.MXXX writes that he wants to know what is the aim, hypothesis of the project he is involved in. What contribution he did by his work on this project. Such approach is compatible only with MA, PhD, Associate Prof or higher positions. Whereas many biotechnical jobs do not require to know  the aim, hypothesis of the project in detail. I am a person who always liked and worked in projects that has clear aims, hypothesis. An academician should like to know what is the aim, hypothesis of project. I am also an outstanding scientist who succeed in developing new techniques; once I develop techniques I pass/teach them to paid technicians. There is a big difference between someone who creates a technique, and someone who only learns and applies a created technique of someone.
Yes, learning a technique is needed, but creating a technique is important or milestones in Science.
Creator of techniques are PhDs in my view.
But, many people by only repeating a technique try to abuse Science world as if they are creator of the technique. A technician who repeats perfectly an already established technique deserves to be paid, but his/her name is not put on a paper as an author. Whereas, the creator of a new technique should be an author on an appropriate journal. 
Who should be an author on a paper, This is an ongoing problem in Academic world. aNOTHER incorrect approach is to misinterpret the field of sciences, developing a microscope for some biological eperiments requires a composit background of  many different fields. Without a microscope a biologist can not investigate many biological events. Should we write the creator of an excellent microscope as an author for biological experiment? It is not easy to give credits to correct people in academic world. Think that you want to hire an microscope engineer to your biology department, you can not do that easily. Such a project is not easy to do. Either the engineer afraids about his/her future in a foreign field, finds it diffucult to embrace some knowledge from a dşfferent field by extra basicless courses or he/she will not be welcomed by department workers. But, Science need people from many different fields. No professor like this, wait other professors from other universities do such projects, it is very risky to work with someone who is perfect but in a field of different.

My motto İS do everything if Science benefits from it. My motto rather than short term benefits preferred collegues who contributed science most. But, no doubt to work in science anyone needs money to maintain a life, we human need a house to dweel, food to eat or a salary to cover our expenses. 

I noticed that a stupid person who did nothing but repeated an already established technique included as an author on a science paper. This person got married to take a valuable scientist name and deceited world by abusing others educational  background. I am reporting this name thief person everywhere to protect Science. This name thief will not stop there, then will steal working positions deserved by others. Helping to this thief sooner or later will be damned by real scientists. (Sure thieves will try to save such name thieves).

PS: Meanwhile, I must clarify something. I am very lucky to work with  many valuable academic technicians, Nich.., Jo.., Mag.. who were technicians which have tremendious contributions to Academic work. They needed money for their family life, high paid technician positions were preferred by themselves not because they were less smart to understand what they are reading, but for the best for their budget.
