Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the greater the land mass the greater the vulnaribility to .. changes

Atmosphere is not same at all the places, slight differences occur. Slight differences are not important but if the humidity and sudden temperature changes occur by absorption of light some air movements occur. Sunlight changes may not move large masses but may affect sky-earth relationship.
I do not have have time for all questions to follow, earthquake mechanisms is my priority and the physics principles to explain quakes will help to explain other events.


STORM and TRENCH relationship:

Is there a scientific relationship between Earthquake prone areas which has subduction zone Earthquakes and some events that occur in sky rather than Earth solid surface?

Yes, scientific data suggest that if a place has too strong storm events, such places are probably subduction zone Earthquake type places.
Such subduction zones, regarding storms, almost are not noticable on lands if they are interrupted by big lakes or seas. For example 'Van' which had a subduction zone earthquake in 23/10/2008 never known with too big storms as compared to other places/continents on the Earth; in small lands which land is interrupted with sea or lakes, the gas-sky pressure is weakened by humidity.
in big lands, there are not humidity to weaken sky-gas pressure, such relationship between Sky-gas  and Earth solid/liquid surface may explain big storms.
Such areas of Earth recently has been named as 'Trench' areas. Thats why rather trench, 'oceanic trench' is used in literature.
Not all Earthquake are subduction zone Earthquakes. Between Earthquake types,
subduction zone Earthquakes correlates most with big storms.
If the event force is too big rather then storm, quake occur.
