Friday, September 27, 2024

The law jury is out of mind

Carly Gregg was sentenced to life in prison in 2024 for her deadly shooting. Gregg, who was not an adult at the time of the offense, was also sentenced to serve 10 years in prison for tampering with evidence.
I believe 60% that 
the murderer is the step-father. 
The time of shooting is not the video showing on the court or ın youtube. The shooting took place not in the kitchen. 
The stepfather took his gun and attempted to shoot Carly s mother, she fought and did self-defense and the first shoot wounded the stepfather body, but despite his wound, he is an adult he shooted her further. 
-or he shooted Carly s mother, thought she is dead but she jumped to over stepfathers hand then he shooted himself, then went on shooting her further or put something in her mouth. Then took care of his wound himself to stop bleeding at least. 

I just saw a picture of her mother, such a lovely woman. Carly’s mother had such a European look, a beautiful young woman. It's so sad that she is no longer alive. 
I believe Carly resembles her father; she has narrow eyes. However, Carly is busy with school, and if you look at her fingers,  they are delicate—not the kind of hands that could easily manipulate a gun and shoot quickly. Her fingers are not even with strong bones, soft cartilage. Also her wrist are not strong. I’m saying she doesn’t even have the strength to shoot randomly more than once in seconds.

Recent video footage shows their house is not secure at all. The windows on the first floor aren't secured against intruders. Someone could easily jump into her mother's room and then jump out.
There’s a big time gap between when we see Carly’s mother and afterwards when Carly enters the kitchen with the dogs. I see Carly’s mother’s bag, a brown one, but Carly doesn’t seem interested in it. They clearly trusted each other. Why did her mother leave her bag there? Was it a trash bag, perhaps?
If Carly did 2 3 shooting, her soft wrist, and fingers would be travmatized by the pulse of shooting and would need rest, not easy to click on phone as she did. 
Actually i did not believe in this video, it is only proofing carly is not the shooter. 
The story that the mother was in her room that made Carly angry, get a gun from other room go back to her own room to shoot her. The video time and no arguing voice between two people doesn't provide such a story. I mean the jury need to be educated on how a video indeed proves a person shooting 3 times a person. I suggest the jury lacks education on even about a human arm strenght or the forcevtobuse a gun for such a soft hand, fingers. The jury lacks the education lacks the knowledge to evaluate what a video should dhow. It is their fabricated dreams attributes an unproven murder to a teenager. 
But if the video would prove that a person is shooting a female in the room, i see the female is against the shoıter, then sure death sentence is appropriate. BUT NO SUCH A VIDEO AT ALL, only the dreams fabrication of jury. 

I believe the mother felt something was wrong when she left her bag there, knowing someone else, not Carly, had taken money from it, and so she kept it under video surveillance. I mean, I have the right to speculate on a thing seen in video.

The neighbors didn’t hear any shots, and the houses are far apart in a low-population area. Carly is innocent. How can she be blamed without any video evidence? I believe either there’s an unknown killer who’s much more skilled with guns than Carly, or the killer is the stepfather. Carly was alert and managed not to be killed by her stepfather or an unknown killer or was not the best algorithmic time to kill Carly. 

Or, the killer whoever could have easily killed her mother during her sleep hours earlier, before the video recording.
That Carly was a prominent school girl is a bad thing, the shooter traced their family easily. 
Carly says something was in her mother's mouth, this tells me that the shooter wanted to delay someone understanding of dead person. Probably shooting was many many hours before and the opem mouth  seemed bad, then put something. Again doing this is meaningless for Carly. 

I just calculated that Carly would have had to run to another room where the gun was ready, pick it up, and shoot several times. It would take twice the time they’re claiming. The timeline is unrealistic. Isn’t there any scientific-minded person to explain this and help this innocent young girl? 
Carly’s arms and hands aren’t even strong enough to carry out multiple shootings in such a short time. Moreover each bullet shoots is not easy for such bone and muscle lacking hand. Everyone is blind to this. 
I believe the shooter was experienced in shooting and a strong male, older than any teenager. 
The stepfather is a soldier, meaning there are shooters around him who are far more capable.

Saying it was Carly’s voice from her mother phone, calling her stepfather is a big lie. This claim that she lured her stepfather to kill him stepfather is false. Girls are interested in technology even for crime, not guns; people don’t seem to know that.

The video shows two calm dogs, meaning the murder didn’t happen at that time. Also, dogs would get nervous if Carly suddenly lost her mind. 
Her mother was already dead before the video footage with shooting sounds was recorded. Dogs sense nervousness, not just gunshots. The wound was inflicted long before the gunshots heard in the video. Carly isn’t the murderer; she’s the one who was nearly killed. Carly might have dog leash something in her hand. It is not gun whatever. 
I also do not believe the video is realmtime of that day. 
From now on, any suspect should be send to hospital for urıne test, afterwards blaming is stupid. The police should know it. I believe she did not seem to drugged, normal behavior. 
Meanwhile any drug never make anyone to shoot better, to plan better. It is brainless people dream that drugs make people better hided murderer. There is no drug to make carly pass school lessons better. 

The murderer actually killed Carly’s mother at night. She was already dead unnoticed. 

If I sound prejudiced, I’ll say the killer is the stepfather, who is robbing Carly’s father’s money in such a bad way. Or her former real biological father friends. 

I’m glad Carly wasn’t killed because she was protected in court.

I believe the unknown killer or the stepfather definitely planned to kill Carly to get their bank money or something.

Those who claim the video is evidence are brainless because the time span from when the dogs leave and when they return to the kitchen is too short. I love the dogs; they were so calm, and it made me believe her mother had been dead for hours, not within the timeframe of the video the court reviewed.

Stepfathers are always my primary suspects.

I believe the court prevented a second murder, which was planned against Carly.

The house on the first floor is so insecure that a teenage girl couldn’t protect herself. 
Carly should continue her education online; there are many online schools, such as for computer engineering.

Note: Dog owners know that dogs are interested in food remnants, so hiding food in one’s hand is common behavior. It’s a frequent, normal action to keep food from dogs.
It is not a gun in Carly s hand. 

If the dead person had been a stepmother, I might have believed Carly was guilty and had gone insane, but this was her biological mother. Biological connections are sensed even by animals.

Animals also bark when they notice wrongdoings between blood relatives. Either bad or good. But nothing like that happened here. The mother was already gone. The video is only proof of Carly’s innocence.
In video there are recently opened boxes around in kitchen 
, did her mother ordered them, did her mother opened door to a foreign murderer eith such boxes. 
The white dogs patrol around, the dog suspects someone on the opposite of the Carly, or the dead mother. The big dog goes with Carly to the right side of the kitchen door. The killer may leave smell on the left of the kitchen door. Maybe already gone escaped but smell there. 
I want the dogs are calm with stepfather after Carly s mother s crop smell. 
I mean it is unsecure first floor. 
-And not night time. Only a foreign perdon likes daytime to shoot someone. But Carly has plenty of time if she would want such terrible murder. Carly is further innocent in my view because it is daytime. 
- I want to check DNA match between mother and Carly. It also good point for Carly. Even animals has bounds or stepmother hates. 
If Carly not real daughter then i stop this post. It becomes then complicated more. Then be more murderer suspects. Real mother sides. But she resembles her mother, white skin, except her eyes are her father eyes. 
They needed to investigate her lab urine if Carly was on drugs on murder day. 
Half of the court can be found on drugs, they need to prove it. Drug users fail in schools, in education. 
That body language, now i say do not fo it, hand behind move, that asks help. This girl doing it, but taken as a bad proof for her, weird. 
Those people who study school, courses, they are unlikely to do planned murders, because their mind maybe manage murder, crime, they occupy their brain by school coursrs, a good proof to prove their intend to use their approved knowledge, otherwise they epuld try to kerp their brain free to compute not school lessons but crime, murder. It they times, wastes time be good in education. 
Was she Carly really into her school, if so another good point for her. 
I hate those whonare jelaous of people who beats them in valuable exams and blame innocent such people eho beat tbem in such valuable exams. For a intelligent murderer, most school knowkedge is waste of time, waste of thrir murder compute time. 
World is enemy of real brained educated, real exam successors. 
If drug usage is the first reason to blame, why the police did nıt learn to send her to hospital and take her urine. I did not see any wrong doing or talk from this girl in any video. It is a big lie Carly was on drugs. She is normal but her hand maybe behind because carly wanted help. 
I just saw a video a man hitting other by a chair. I saw any detail, holding it hitting. No such proof on Carly. 
That her step father did not tell windows are insecure weird. 
I never buy such houses, my father never bought such houses that people enters easily from windows. 
My relative has such house, i will tell him to insert bars on windows. Criminals love such unprotected houses. And the security advisor of that house was stupid. Because the windows were not recorded. 
I am sorry about that little girl, she even believes in those people fabrication that she is brain sick forgotten the moments she did shooting. I mean they even fuck brain science. I also wonder what i saw is not a later play, or is it real time record from house. 
That shooting sound is nothing. Actually i used to use a dog-barking-voice when unknown people approach outside of my door even 25 years ago in America. It is very cheap to have such setting when carly approach too much it sounds shooting and stops forever. In the camera footage such sound or real sound can not be proven. I mean i have engineering skills but even any person can set such meter sensing sound. Even chatgpt tells these. 
Carly is either 100% innocent to free
Or 100% shooter, death sentence 
I believe Carly is innocent and not shooter. 
The jury shouldvadmit, they are punishing someone based on a voice only. It is not a video proof. The jury must be very low brained in technology. In very old days, if a real person would see event and hear sound then meaningful. Based on a sound which is likely from a sensor activated technology product, jury can not say they have evidence. 
-I also believe the videos on youtube are only playing of the girl by the authority created video, it is not real record at all. - 
Fuck you all if your intention is to present a good school girl to hide your brainless brain in school education. 
-Another possibility is that step_father actually couldn't shoot Carly 's mother immediately, the step-father and his wife or Carly s mother did fight and at fight step-father was wounded, wife was dead. Carly s mother i believe tried to stop him so he couldn't hit aimed person. 
-is the jury sold out. There are not any evidence of shooter. 
Or i saw this case on YouTube, all things about Carly is fabricated, there i see a theater the court is lie. I saw many ai movies on YouTube, maybe this carly case is ai movie. It is impossible that many stupid people is in jury.

User: is it possible to sense room entry and gıve few gun shooting sound. 

ChatGPT: Yes, you can easily set up a system to trigger a sound (like gunshots) only once when someone enters the room. Here are a couple of options:

  1. Programmable Motion Sensor: Use a motion sensor that can be programmed to trigger a shooting sound only once. Some smart home devices allow you to set specific actions based on motion detection.

  2. DIY Solution: You could create a simple circuit with a motion sensor and a sound module (like a buzzer or speaker). Use a microcontroller (like an Arduino) to program it to play the sound three times and then disable itself.

  3. Smart Home Devices: Some smart home devices can be set to play a shooting sound only once or have customizable settings for sound playback.
