Monday, July 8, 2024

Understanding and manipulating Process States in Linux

Understanding Process States in Linux-playing with essential operating system states:

Note: Manipulating processes, especially using system commands like kill, as following code blocks, can affect the stability and performance of your system if not used carefully.

In the Linux operating system, processes can be in one of several states. While different sources might categorize these states slightly differently, here are the commonly recognized seven process states in Linux:

  1. Running (R): The process is either currently running or is ready to run.
  2. Sleeping (S): The process is waiting for a resource or event to complete. This can be further divided into:
    • Interruptible Sleep: The process can be woken up by signals.
    • Uninterruptible Sleep (D): The process cannot be woken up by signals. It is typically waiting for I/O operations to complete.
  3. Stopped (T): The process has been stopped, usually by receiving a signal. This can happen if the process is being debugged or if it has been manually stopped by a user (e.g., using kill -STOP).
  4. Zombie (Z): The process has completed execution, but its parent process has not yet read its exit status. The process is essentially dead, but it still occupies an entry in the process table.
  5. Traced or Debugged (t): The process is being traced or debugged. This state is a variant of the Stopped state and is typically used when a process is being debugged.
  6. Paging (W): Although this is less common, the process is waiting for paging (swapping) and is typically used in very specific circumstances related to memory management. Note that this state is often not displayed by the ps command.
  7. Idle (I): The process is waiting for CPU availability and is not performing any action. This state is similar to the Sleeping state but is specifically waiting for the CPU scheduler to assign it CPU time.

Viewing Process States

You can view the states of processes in your Linux system using the ps command. For example:

ps aux

This command lists all processes along with their states and other information. The STAT column will show the state of each process using the abbreviations mentioned above.

Simple Code to Change States

Here's a simple demonstration of how a process can move through different states using basic commands in a Linux environment. We will use a combination of a simple C program and shell commands.

Step 1: Create a Simple C Program

We'll create a C program that will run in a loop and periodically sleep and print messages. This program will demonstrate various states like running, sleeping, and possibly stopped.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>

void handle_signal(int signal) {
    if (signal == SIGUSR1) {
        printf("Received SIGUSR1 signal\n");

int main() {
    signal(SIGUSR1, handle_signal); // Register signal handler

    printf("Process started with PID: %d\n", getpid());

    while (1) {
        sleep(2); // Simulate a running state

    return 0;

Save this code to a file, e.g., process_states.c, and compile it:

gcc process_states.c -o process_states
Step 2: Run the Program

Run the compiled program in one terminal:


This will start the program and it will print "Running..." every 2 seconds.

Step 3: Observe and Change Process States

1. Running (R): The process is actively running as it prints "Running..." messages.

2. Sleeping (S): The process will naturally go into the sleeping state during the sleep(2) call. You can observe this with the ps command:

ps aux | grep process_states

You should see an S in the STAT column indicating that the process is in a sleeping state.

3. Stopped (T): You can stop the process using the kill command:

kill -STOP <pid>

Replace <pid> with the actual PID of the process. After stopping, you can resume it with:

kill -CONT <pid>

4. Zombie (Z): You can create a zombie process by modifying the program to exit without the parent process reading its status. This happens when the parent process does not handle the SIGCHLD signal.

These steps provide a basic understanding of how processes change states in Linux and how you can observe and manipulate these states using simple commands and programming.
