
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Software Engineering: Operating Systems: CPU Scheduling

 CPU Scheduling

CPU scheduling is critical for optimizing the use of the CPU, ensuring that multiple processes and threads get fair and efficient access to the processor. Modern operating systems like Windows and Linux utilize sophisticated scheduling algorithms to manage CPU time across multiple cores and processes. For example, Linux uses the Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS), which aims to evenly distribute CPU time among all running processes. Windows uses a hybrid scheduler that supports symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and can handle hundreds of processes concurrently.

Parallel Scheduling

Parallel scheduling involves managing multiple processes or threads simultaneously across multiple CPU cores. In parallel scheduling, tasks are distributed among the available cores to maximize CPU utilization and system performance. This is essential in multi-core systems where parallel processing can significantly enhance performance.

Key Parallel Scheduling Concepts:

Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP): Each processor runs an identical copy of the operating system, and these processors share memory and I/O resources.

Multithreading: Multiple threads within a single process are executed in parallel across multiple cores.

Load Balancing: Ensuring that all CPU cores are equally utilized to avoid some cores being overburdened while others are idle.

Implementation in Programming Languages

Parallel scheduling can be implemented in various programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python. Each language offers distinct tools and libraries to manage concurrency and parallelism.


Thread Class: Java provides the Thread class, allowing developers to create and manage threads.

Executor Framework: Offers a higher-level API for managing a pool of threads and executing tasks asynchronously.

Fork/Join Framework: Introduced in Java 7, it provides a mechanism to take advantage of multiple processors by breaking tasks into smaller subtasks.

Example in Java:

public class ParallelExample implements Runnable {


    public void run() {

        System.out.println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " is running");


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

            Thread thread = new Thread(new ParallelExample());






std::thread: The C++ Standard Library includes the std::thread class for creating and managing threads.

OpenMP: A widely-used API for parallel programming in C++ that supports multi-platform shared memory multiprocessing.

Example in C++:


Copy code

#include <iostream>

#include <thread>

void parallelTask() {

    std::cout << "Thread " << std::this_thread::get_id() << " is running\n";


int main() {

    std::thread threads[3];

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

        threads[i] = std::thread(parallelTask);


    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {



    return 0;



threading Module: Python's threading module provides a way to create and manage threads.

multiprocessing Module: Offers a more powerful tool for parallel execution by using separate memory space, which avoids some of the limitations of the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in the threading module.

Example in Python:

import threading

def parallel_task():

    print(f"Thread {threading.get_ident()} is running")

threads = []

for i in range(3):

    thread = threading.Thread(target=parallel_task)



for thread in threads:



Java: Strong support for multithreading with its rich set of concurrency utilities. The Executor framework and Fork/Join framework provide robust options for parallel task execution.

C++: Offers low-level control and high performance with std::thread and OpenMP. Suitable for applications requiring fine-grained control over hardware resources.

Python: Simplifies thread creation with the threading module, and the multiprocessing module bypasses the GIL for CPU-bound tasks. Python's higher-level abstractions make it easier to write concurrent programs, though it may not match the raw performance of C++.

Each language has its strengths, and the choice depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as the need for low-level hardware control, ease of development, or performance considerations.


Glossary term in the context of operating systems:


Address Space: An operating system allocates an address space to each process, defining the range of memory addresses it can use. This isolation ensures that processes do not interfere with each other's memory. Effective address space management is crucial for system stability and security.

API (Application Programming Interface): Operating systems provide APIs to facilitate communication between software components. These interfaces standardize interactions, enabling applications to use system resources and services efficiently. APIs are vital for application development, allowing software to perform complex tasks without needing to understand the underlying hardware.


Batch Operating System: In a batch operating system, jobs are collected and processed in groups without user interaction. This method is efficient for large-scale data processing tasks where immediate feedback isn't required. Batch systems improve resource utilization by automating job execution and reducing idle time between tasks.

Bootloader: The bootloader is a critical component that initializes the system's hardware and loads the operating system into memory during startup. It ensures that the OS is ready to manage system resources and execute user applications. A well-designed bootloader improves system reliability and boot speed.


Context Switch: A context switch occurs when the operating system saves the state of a currently running process and loads the state of another. This allows multiple processes to share the CPU effectively, improving system responsiveness and multitasking capabilities. Efficient context switching minimizes overhead and maximizes CPU utilization.

CPU Scheduling: CPU scheduling is the process by which the operating system determines which processes run on the CPU and in what order. Effective scheduling algorithms balance resource use, system responsiveness, and process priorities, ensuring fair and efficient CPU time allocation among all active processes.


Deadlock: A deadlock occurs when processes in a system are unable to proceed because each is waiting for resources held by the others. Effective deadlock management techniques, such as avoidance, detection, and recovery, are essential for maintaining system reliability and ensuring smooth process execution.

Distributed Operating System: A distributed operating system manages a network of independent computers, presenting them as a unified system. This approach enhances resource sharing, fault tolerance, and scalability. Distributed OSs coordinate processes and data across multiple machines, improving overall system performance and reliability.


Event: In operating systems, an event is an action or occurrence detected by software that requires a response. Events can include hardware interrupts, system calls, or user actions. The OS must handle events promptly to ensure smooth operation and maintain system responsiveness.


File System: A file system organizes and manages data on storage devices. It provides a hierarchical structure for files and directories, enabling efficient data storage, retrieval, and management. Robust file systems ensure data integrity, security, and performance, crucial for both user applications and system functions.


I/O (Input/Output): I/O operations are essential for communication between a computer system and external devices. The operating system manages I/O requests, ensuring data is correctly transferred to and from hardware components. Efficient I/O management is crucial for system performance and responsiveness.


Kernel: The kernel is the core component of an operating system, managing system resources and facilitating communication between hardware and software. It handles tasks such as memory management, process scheduling, and I/O operations. A robust kernel ensures system stability, security, and efficiency.


Lock: Locks are synchronization mechanisms used to control access to shared resources in concurrent systems. They prevent race conditions by ensuring that only one process or thread can access a resource at a time. Effective lock management is crucial for maintaining data consistency and system stability.


Memory Management: Memory management involves allocating and deallocating memory resources to processes. The operating system ensures efficient memory use, prevents memory leaks, and manages virtual memory. Proper memory management is vital for optimal system performance and process execution.

Microkernel: A microkernel architecture minimizes the core functions of the OS, running most services in user space. This design enhances system reliability and security by isolating services from the kernel. Microkernels are easier to maintain and extend, allowing for modular and flexible system design.


Paging: Paging is a memory management technique that divides memory into fixed-sized blocks, allowing non-contiguous memory allocation. This approach improves memory utilization and enables efficient process execution. Paging systems use page tables to map virtual addresses to physical memory locations.

Process: A process is a program in execution, encompassing the program code, data, and state. The operating system manages processes, ensuring they receive necessary resources and execute correctly. Effective process management is essential for multitasking and overall system performance.


Race Condition: A race condition occurs when the behavior of software depends on the sequence or timing of uncontrollable events, such as thread execution order. Proper synchronization mechanisms, like locks or semaphores, are crucial to prevent race conditions and ensure predictable, correct program behavior.

Real-Time Operating System (RTOS): An RTOS is designed for applications requiring immediate processing of input data. It guarantees strict timing constraints, making it suitable for embedded systems and mission-critical applications. RTOSs ensure timely and deterministic responses to real-time events.


Semaphore: Semaphores are synchronization tools used to manage access to shared resources in concurrent systems. They signal whether a resource is available, preventing conflicts and ensuring orderly access. Semaphores are vital for maintaining data integrity and preventing race conditions.

Swapping: Swapping is a memory management technique where processes are moved between main memory and disk storage. This approach allows the operating system to manage memory more efficiently, enabling multiple processes to run simultaneously even if they exceed physical memory limits.


Thread: A thread is the smallest unit of processing that the operating system can schedule. Threads within the same process share memory and resources, enabling efficient execution of concurrent tasks. Multithreading improves application performance and responsiveness by parallelizing operations.

Thrashing: Thrashing occurs when excessive paging operations overwhelm the system, leading to degraded performance. It happens when there is insufficient memory to support active processes, causing constant swapping. Effective memory management and adequate physical memory are essential to prevent thrashing.


User Mode: User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for running application software. It limits access to critical system resources, providing a layer of protection between user applications and the operating system. This isolation enhances system stability and security.


Virtual Memory: Virtual memory extends the apparent memory available to processes by using disk space. It allows for larger address spaces and more efficient memory use. The operating system manages virtual memory through paging and swapping, ensuring smooth execution of applications.


Wait State: A wait state occurs when a process is waiting for an event or resource before it can proceed. The operating system manages wait states, ensuring efficient resource allocation and minimizing idle time. Effective management of wait states improves overall system performance.