Saturday, January 21, 2023

Fat free cakes, brownies

I just came across it in 2023, it turns out that Pastry Maker Kathie's recipes, especially Brownie Recipe, have been on the internet for at least seven years and are popular in American cuisine.
It is helpful for the cook to describe very well the information that is common to all cake-recipes.
For example, Kathie the Cook emphasizes that you need to add salt to the sweet cake.
It is useful to emphasize that she usually uses baking soda as a leavening agent in flour recipes.
Also, fat-free recipes are very good.
Or, it is useful to remind her to use an ingredient like banana instead of oil, and almond milk instead of milk. It is useful to give alternative flours for flour.
It is helpful to give a general recipe for all cakes.
She gives Recipes for, 
-Fat-free, oil free brownies
-Low calorie or sugar low cakes. 

Tips are very important in pastry.
For example, the egg has a very different protein structure, contains many enzymes that protect the egg's vitality, and if those enzymes don't stop working, it can give the cake an odor like a bad fishy smell. 
Cakes are delicious if the structure of the proteins in a fresh egg is not went to bad smell, for example baking soda, lemon juice or vinegar, white sugar or vanilla can take the bad smell of eggs that comes from some egg enzymes. The egg is built to change for a living thing by nature, whereas we want amino acids, vitamins etc of eggs. Vinegar usage in flour containing pastry is a common tips. Sweet Vinegar or different vinegar selection will do all the job in many cooking. Vinegar dissolves lumped flour, dough easily reaches silky consistency.
The amount, dosage of vinegar changes a food classification. One tablespoon of vinegar to one glass of kefir or to milk, will melt starch in the milk changing its consistencybut three spoons of vinegar will turn milk into mozzarella cheese lump. Not all the food ingredients characters are that much associated with its amount. Vinegar changes same material into different things depending on vinegar amount. 
Over time, i am able to notice if a trade marked biscuit is cooked with vinegar or not. If you eat something and it tastes both salty and sweet, it is probably that it is cooked with salt and fruit vinegar. In general, i avoid such taste, try to cook either salty or sweet. Some crispy salty tacos and some sweet biscuits comes withbsuch a taste. Vinegar, to me, increases appetite. I am not into adding vinegar into everything. When i cook bread, i cook traditional fermented flour, do not use vinegar or any fat/oil. I like the smell of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) fermentation raised, bubbled dough from wheat flour. Vinegar is not alcohol in opposition, it contains a product that grows by finishing alcohol. 
If you like pastries such as pasta, lasagna, spaghetti pizza, if you like the taste of tomato paste in baked goods, you may like baked pastries with vinegar. Maybe it's still nice, but it's not the smell of flour bread baked with natural yeast, it's vinegar products, although I think it smells good, it smells of vinegar. Maybe it might cause increased appetite for some people, however, vinegar is very suitable for those who want to lose weight in terms of calories, compared to cooking oils / fats, vinegar calories are almost zero calories, a small amount of vinegar is needed in most vinegar ingredient including cooking. 
Also, some ingredients or cooking styles or food preparing procedures actually applies vinegar production simultaneously without adding extra additional vinegar. 
I looked for a cooking book on vinegar, carbonate and flour, i couldn't find yet. 
I hate that many current Cookies, cakes are nothing but either fat, or liquid fat, oil. 
Many cakes are nothing but sugar whipped with fat and some added chocolate. Cooking education should include unnatural-fat free recipies. Old good recipies are lost. 
Old tradition fat-free bread making is almost lost. There is no need in adding too much extra oil/fat into bread. They lack the art of fat-free cooking. Fat free cooking is hard, requires excellent cooking skills but healthier. 
They cook terrible wedding cakes to kill people. Just whipped fat and prosessed sugar, not healthy. 
It is possible to cook tasty cakes, brownies without adding any oil, or fat. 
I personally eat fat-free. I eat high protein, high complex carbohydrate, fat-free foods(I eat eggs as it is, do not add any extra fat, oil to eggs during cooking). 
Even if it is Natural Fat, I make sure that the total calories I take are the lowest in fat. 
I might consume fat from fresh fishes, from nuts such as peanuts, or from fresh eggs are Natural Fat that have not undergone any factory processing. The main thing I am against are processed fats such as margarine, cooking oil, and olive oil etc, including processed liquid oils. 
There should be better descriptions for recipies, ie, should describe that, recipe has some fat but from natural ingredients such as eggs, or should mention that recipe require some processed fat ingredients such as cooking fluid oil. 
Also there should be better utensils to cook fat-free. 
I am able to cook bread in microwave bags, but plastic bags gives a terrible smell to bread. 
I conclusion, first of all, between many factors in cooking, i respect individual appetite very much, we do not want people are starving because of untasty foods. Unhealthy foods should be known, better described by its ingredients and its processing steps. 
The fermentation process, either in bread cooking, or in vinegar fermentation, is in our kitchen, food science should better be into fermentation products impact in human nutrition. Alcohol is not good to health, but alcohol consuming, finishing organisms products (ie, vinegar ) could be tasty, be used for low calorie foods for its lovers, and could be useful in healthy diet at least for some people. 
Such a fermentation ingredient including market is already exists we need to underline and better describe what we are eating, or we'd like to eat between options. 
Although i am not raised by vinegar ingrediented foods, i am not against vinegar reality. Food field should not be afraid to say that they are using vinegar technology in their foods. Vinegared foods are real, used for centuries, we should ukd better describe them. 
My mother is still a good cook and never searched for excellence in cooking by adding neither fat/oil nor vinegar in her recipes. 
I do not use vinegar sometimes for decades, i eat processed fat/oil free, low-fat. If i have only two choices between Vinegar and Fat/Oil to cook flour smoothly without using high tech blenders, i would prefer vinegar over fat/oil, since i do not like the taste of fat/oil and the fat/oil calories towards obesity is higher than vinegar. 
I believe, Cook training should contain a separate extra time to teach food fermentation products applications in cooking. 
As of 2023, despite all the developments in technology, I think that the cook's qualifications have not improved. Because it is easy to cook with fat/oil, all vegetable recipes have excess fat in them. It is not easy to cook meals without using oil, but a cook should also be able to cook without oil/fat. A little fermentation knowledge might help with fat-free cooking.
All vegetable food recipies are in excess fat/oil.
It is not possible to find fat-free tomato paste. They are not tomato paste but oil. 
Vinegar could help to make tomato paste regardless of oil addition. 
It would not be surprising to find the fat in people's body arteries harming their health after consuming that much unnecessary fat/oil.
Self cooking is no longer difficult but Recipes are not available.
Low calorie food cooking kitchens should be interested in vinegar as a substitute for high calorie oils/fats. 
I might need to write a new blog on Google Search Engines algorithms that i am having difficult times to reach Recipies that do not have any additional fat/oil. Any oil saturated or unsaturated resulted from a process including olive oil, cooking liquid oil, vegetable oil etc. I do recipes leaving out oil/fat, but i am looking for fat/oil free recipes exampled by cooks. 
I have seen some youtube videos giving Recipies but i could not find the Recipes that did not have added processed fat/oil. 
I believe it is just not mind, the technology is there if the videos are labeled with defined terminology keywords. Fat-free might mean fat coming from egg itself, from fish itself can be mind in labeling recipe contents. 
Hot Chocolate is a beverage that I like  drinking on these cold winter days. For a microwave user, I would like to repeat a very important tip. Never use highest  power when boiling chocolate or milky drinks in the microwave oven. You can boil hot drinks at Lowest Medium Power in old model microwave ovens, sudden high microwaving causes all the drink overflow from the mug/container over the microwave plate. 
Another recipe I love is Chocolate Pudding made from sourdough (Baker's yeast fermented flour). 
Most pudding recipes use flour as it is. To cook chocolate pudding, i use flour i fermente freshly, then add milk, cocoa, and sweetener and freeze it overnight in the fridge. Only after fermenting and freeze/thawe process, I cook chocolate pudding on very low heat. Freeze/Thawing of yeast is very important step for good taste (The fermentation process of yeasts will be stopped by freeze/thawing, all the enzymes of yeasts will be stopped ). I use refrigerator, i do not add high salt/potassiumed cold-water into cooked pudding to make yeast proteins/enzymes disrupted, stopped diluted. 
The pudding fermentation process can be applied in home cooking easily. 
However, since it includes additional  fermentation process step, just giving the ingredients, such as flour, yeast, water, sweetener, milk, cacao will not describe cooking the sourdough pudding. 
I searched at least a thousand chocolate puddings recipes on internet/youtube, unfortunately none is using yeast for fermentation of the flour in the pudding. 

Cream of Broccoli Soup is one of my favorite food. It contains flour in it. 
All the Creamy Broccoli Soup Recipes i came across were too high in calories with too high fat/oil content in them. 
If the flour is fermented (as if fermented bread sourdough ) in broccoli soup, the soup tastes very good, very thick and creamy. I do not like broccoli soup if too watery. 
I use fermented flour, milk, spices and broccoli. I do not use any kind of additional fat/oil. It does not have cheese, but skimmed milk. I sometimes add egg to soups. Instead of broccoli, i sometimes use chopped Kale vegetable for a creamy soup. I took some references for creamy vegetable soups from both Boston/USA traditional cooking, and Turkish traditional Kale vegetable cooking styles. 
Fermentation of flour for soup is very important. The fermented flour is very watery at the beginning, there is not too much flour in sourdough. When fermented watery flour is cooked, it becomes thick and very creamy. 
