Sunday, November 6, 2022

flood associated with hurricane is a big problem

Date: 6 November 2022.
In a video youtube video here  a family with their small children is trapped in their second floor flat on the day of Hurricane Ian in September 2022.
When the video is watched it seems that their building was pretty far from sea, or from the Peace River, at Marion St, in Ponta Gorda, FL.
At below map i tried to figure out the exact location of this house by Peace River in FL as heard from the voice on the video.
Figure 1a. Peace River, Sanibel Island, FM beach(The red color circled area is the flooded house area described). 
Figure 2b. The approximate location of the flooded house in the above video at Marion St. by the Peace River. 

Figure 3. Colored as blue in the above image, the Peace River which is running into ocean is away from the green garden of the house. Date: 28 September 2022, 10:12 AM (Ian Hurricane ). 

Figure 4. Only in 15 minutes, the river  slowly overflows and runs over the green garden of the condo. Date: 28 September 2022, 10:28 AM (Ian Hurricane ). 
Such a sly overflow is not normal for an  ocean connected river side place while the ocean is having a hurricane. 
Appearently, there is not any heavy rain, any heavy wind/storm causing the flood
The speed and behavior of the river is too  abnormal, rather than a sudden big high  splashing sea wave, it  reminds a flooding river, or a dangerous slow tsunami waves (Although underneath the ocean no earthquake, no erupting volcano nor erupting gas bubble reported). 
The speed of Tsunami waves are slower and different from other sea waves. 
When the flood is that close to a house, even second floor of a house is not safe. Not waiting further and escaping from second floor of house was a good idea. 
I believe the flood even reached to the third floor of this house. 
Although the mother planned to move upper floors of the house, they waited too much and wasted too much time at second floor. 
I am not sure, if there was any enough space at upstairs floors for four of them to survive at least for some days( Drinking Water etc). I am hoping all survived. 
I am not sure if the peace river made ocean flooding better or worse; or, i do not enough information regarding the interaction of ocean water with river water. 
Here is another flood video from Katrina Hurricane. The water waves of Katrina Hurricane is invading over land but the waves are not really too tall, they could be called as typical Tsunami waves. As seen in video, the rain is not the cause of increased flood by Katrina Hurricane. 

Hurricane ian related wind, atmospheric problems are not damaging windows or homes, but the river water is suddenly higher than usual after ian hurricane for unknown reasons, and flood waves forwarding into land in the video.
Hurricane or atmosphere storm was definitely a problem, but in Forth Meyers the flooding problem was very big regardless of storm in the atmosphere.
Such a flood scenario associated with hurricane as happened with Hurricane Katrina is always a risky problem to remember.
I am not sure if they all survived in the building.
Ocean, Sea, or river waves probably run over lands more easily at lower-sea-level land places(Date: 6 November 2022). 
Ocean, Sea, or River water waves climb easier to low sea levelled lands. Maybe the height of any land above ocean level is important. If not always, maybe sometimes mountain ranges represent sea-level higher land. 
My father RIP loved to buy houses near to both small  rivers and a mountain. Never talked about why he bought so houses, but all houses he bought were not close to closed lakes. 
He bought both 4th and 5th floors of a shore condo. We survived a Tsunami very good in our sea side house (Our Tsunami was a small one that associated to an 7.6 Earthquake ). 

At below connection 
i found a free phone application for many weather parameters. 
As seen on below screenshots from the weather application, such as Inland-flood, Coastal-flood, Surface-Temperature, Wind-Speed, Hurricane (Radar) parameters, many scientific information is available timely. 
It should be noted that in general METEOROLOGY does not cover Flood Science. Many countries do not have flood and earthquake problems but meteorology problems, that is why Meteorology Science is much more developed compared to Flood and Earthquake Science. 
Atmosphere events, storm, temperature, rain, snow are some subjects of Meteorology but flash floods, floods are a different wider field covering meteorology field. 
To prevent rain is possible with an umbrella but to prevent earthquake, volcanic eruptions or flood is almost impossible. There are other Sciences to solve Earthquake, volcanos and Flood problems. 
Each country experiences different problems whereas meteorology is a common need for any country, that is why meteorology is a well developed science as of 2022. 
In general, storm-emergency aid scientific algorithms are better improved in all over all the world than flood knowledge. 

Figure i. Surface Temperature watch for lands and oceans 

Figure ii. Meteorology parameters available on the menu of the weather application menu (Satellite or Terrain options). 
Figure iii. The storm eye symbol(red colored) is showing on the screen. 
Most powerful coordinate for any storm speed sometimes is called as storm-eye. 
Figure iv. Wheather flood forecast application screenshot. 
This application not only informs Hurricanes but also informs Flood risks regardless of Hurricane. 
I did not go through all of the East Florida Shore flood prediction. 
That there happened too many flooding all over the world in fall 2022 is a risky factor to consider. 
We always evacuated our  shoreside summer house in a high risky weather sometimes it really stormed sometimes it did not. 
Loving seaside home is not easy. Here at URL: 
i came across with historical big floods on Earth, even millions of people lost their lives from a single flood in old times. Disasters are always with Earth. The list also covers small floods. 
